Conservation Commission / IWWA Minutes 11/19/2013 ADOPTED

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

NOVEMBER 19, 2013






Chairman Rich Miller called the Regular Meeting of the Conservation Commission to order at 7:45 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room at the Town Offices.  Other members and alternates in attendance were:  Alan Needham, Patrick Kottas, Margaret Sexton, and Donald Rieger.  Also present were:  Howard Beach, Conservation Officer, Janis Prifti, Commission Clerk, and other interested parties.





Chairman Miller appointed Commissioner Rieger to serve for Darren Cunningham and Commissioner Kottas to serve for Margery Winters.





a. Application #13-35 of Kevin Clemens of the Town of Simsbury Highway Department, Agent for Town of Simsbury, Owner, to place fill on a slope/shoulder to avoid undermining of the road on Hop Brook Road.

This Application was received in October for an emergency repair and quick fix to keep a repaved area on Hop Brook Road from being undermined by water flow during the winter due to a 4-8 inch vertical drop off at pavement edge by packing the road base with gravel/asphalt material in a 2-foot wide area 750-feet long.  The wetlands are about 8-feet below the road and begin at the toe of the slope with the stream significantly removed from the slope and finally crossing under the road at Hop Hollow.  Soil would not be used for fill as it would likely wash away during the winter; the gravel/asphalt material used would be packed down flush with the top of the road to protect the road edge.  The repair would likely take place in the 1st week of December with stone put in the area and seeding likely in the spring. 

Commissioner Sexton made a motion that this is a regulated activity because it occurs within the upland review area of the wetland.  Commissioner Kottas seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Commissioner Sexton a motion that this is not a significant activity because it will not involve any activity in the wetlands and we don't expect any negative impact on the wetlands from this activity.  Commissioner Kottas seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Commissioner Sexton made a motion to approve the activity as described in the permit, nix the seeding, under the Conservation Officer's supervision to assure no major equipment is used on the wetland side of the road and the equipment stays within the roadway and minimal activity on the slope.   Commissioner Kottas seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

b. Proposed Meeting Schedule for 2014

Commissioner Kottas made a motion to accept the Meeting Schedule as presented.  Commissioner Sexton seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.





a. Capitol Region Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update 2013 - 2018, Executive Summary

Other Town Boards have provided motions of support for this Mitigation Plan, which discusses preparedness following recent storms, including infiltration of storm water. The Commissioners encouraged the Town to look into the availability of applicable grants as other communities have done.  While the Town has good storm water management and emergency generators and shelters are kept running, there are grants providing for more seamless transitions without using dirty generators.   While there are less checkmarks for the Town in this Plan, Simsbury is well ahead of the curve but is not the lead agency in certain areas.  The Town is looking into FEMA’s civil preparedness certification ranking, which reflects reduced repetitive loss and flood exposure efforts that would reduce flood insurance rates across the entire Town.   Following recent storms, insurance actuarial tables are causing flood insurance rates in the Town to increase at an alarming rate.  Property owners who had substantial damage of 3 feet of water from hurricane damage cannot rebuild unless they build above the flood elevation.  On Riverside Road, two homes that have repeatedly flooded basements have removed all utilities from their basements, but do not represent much of a loss.  The Town Engineer's computer model from 25 years ago established for higher watersheds building retention to hold water back and for lower watersheds flushing the water to the river immediately resulting in the river not rising as high but when it goes up stays up for a week.  Current testing to reduce backwatering includes:  1) a collapsing culvert that was replaced in the Riverside area with a trial gate outside awaiting a big storm test; and 2) a 45-degree bend pipe installed at East Weatogue/Terry Plains intersection. The Commissioners suggested to the Town Planner that the Plan Summary table more accurately reflect projects the Town has in place, rather than only proposed projects.

It was also noted a grant has been submitted for Town ownership of the last section of the Ethel Walker property from the top of the hill to the back of the property on the west side of Bushy Hill.  Under the now-retired Town Engineer, the Town preserved every piece of property as originally planned in 1980 and every project was brought in under budget, which is a great success. 

An Enforcement Officer has now been hired by the Town, including for Wetlands.

Commissioner Rieger made a motion to commend the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan and recommend its approval.  Commissioner Kottas seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.





a. Extension of Application #08-14 of DNA Stoner & Company, Agent for Edward Caputo, Owner, for the clearing of existing vegetation, grading and filling for a driveway and utilities for construction of a new home within the regulated area to a wetland on property located at 24 Cobtail Way (Map H16, Block 110, Lot 010). Zone R-80.

The permit for this property was approved in 2008 and is good for 6 years under the State extended timeline until March 2014 and the Applicant is entitled to an extension.  Their original plan has changed only to decrease the amount of fill being moved and they are pulling back 50 feet from the wetland.

b. Application #13-40 of Anne Erickson, Owner, to install an underground cable for a generator using a "ditch-witch" 6-inch wide trench on the property located at 85 West Mountain Road (Map B12, Block 404, Lot 005A1). Zone R-40.

The "ditch-witch" being used spins in reverse digging the trench, side casting the material, laying the pipe in the trench, and compacting the dirt back in providing for a very efficient operation.  The propane-powered generator requires a trench to get the electrical cable from the generator to the main panel at the other end of the house.  The Town has been averaging 4-5 generator installation applications a day with a significant backlog for contractors. 



An Application for a generator at Newbury Court was received today.  An 8'x10' shed behind the house in the upland review area near the wetland would be built.

An Application for 4 Apple Lane to remove their dock has also been received.

Regarding Riverside, the tanks behind the Nursery have been removed; the wetland maps will be reviewed regarding the amount of fill put in.



VIII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of October 15, 2013


A quorum was not present and the October 15, 2013 Minutes were moved to the next Agenda.

The Commissioners discussed potential new members, the desirability of an environmental background, and the party nominating process involved in securing their appointment.


Commissioner Rieger made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m.  Commissioner Kottas seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

