01/03/2022 Design Review Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 3, 2022




MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 2022 at 5:30 P.M.

Via Zoom


PRESENT:                 Steve Antonio, Polly Rice, Katherine Beal, Anca Dragulski


ABSENT:                    Elaine Lang

ALSO PRESENT:     Laura Barkowski, Code Compliance Officer

 Bill Gavigan, Agent

 Marc Cohen, Agent

 Jack Brandt, Agent

 Michael Knisely, Agent

 Kenneth LaForge, Agent

 Tom LaSalle, Agent

 Heather Goetz, Commission Liaison




Chairman Antonio called the meeting to order at 5:30pm

    1. None



  1. Referrals from the Zoning Commission
    1. Application# 21-27 – of SL Simsbury LLC, Applicant; T.J. Donohue, Jr., Killian & Donohue, LLC, Agent; Type 3 application pursuant to the Hartford Form Based Code related to changing the commercial zone to residential and constructing a 15-unit residential building on the property located at 250 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map F17, Block 154, Lot 009-3-2) Zone HS-FBC.

Chairman Antonio read the application to the Commission. Ms. Barkowski stated that the applicant did not have the revisions completed due to the holidays and would present at the next meeting on February 7, 2022. Chairman Antonio tabled the application until the next meeting.

  1.  Application# 21-28 – of Mack V Development LLC, Applicant; Marc R. Cohen, Agent; Sign Permit Application pursuant to Section  9 of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations related to the construction of an externally lit sign on the property located at 1603 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map H02, Block 403, Lot 002B) Zone B-2.

Chairman Antonio read the application to the Commission. Mr. Cohen described the changes to the sign design in color and shape that were made to align it with the overall aesthetic. Chairman Antonio and Ms. Rice stated that the sign elevation on the building should match the main building sign. Ms. Rice inquired about the color chosen. Mr. Cohen explained the sign would be black and white only. Chairman Antonio noted that the garden center sign and the main building signs were in two different fonts. Mr. Cohen described the Tractor Supply Company font is a registered trademark. Ms. Dragulski stated that she agreed with follow commission members in that the sign height should be lowered to match the main sign, but other than that she approved of the changes. Ms. Beal agreed with Ms. Dragulski. Chairman Antonio made a motion to approve the application with the condition that the sign be hung at the same level as the main building sign. Ms. Beal seconded.


MOTION:  All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (4-0-0)


  1. Application# 21-30 – of Dorset Crossing LLC, Applicant; David S. Ziaks P.E., Agent; Sign Plan Approval for the construction of two multi-unit residential housing buildings on the property located at 115&130 Casterbridge Crossing (Assessor’s Map H04, Block 403, Lot 13A-G) Zone PAD.  

Chairman Antonio read the application to the Commission. Mr. LaForge introduced the team behind the application and presented to the Commission. Mr. LaForge described the proposed construction of apartments on lots D&G within the Dorset Crossing property. Lot D would consist of 30-unit, 3 story building with underground parking. Lot G would be a 48-unit building with underground parking. Mr. LaForge discussed the traffic flow for the project with the inclusion of a temporary cul-de-sac. Mr. LaForge continued to describe the landscaping plan for the site including the use of a parkway in-between the two buildings and greenery to break up the scale of the buildings. In addition, the plan included environmental plantings along the wetlands area to the right of the parking lots. Mr. Knisely reviewed the exterior finishes with the Commission and the use of brick and stucco finishes. Ms. Beal stated the pillar and canopy over the upper courtyards should be a lighter color. Ms. Dragulski commented the flat roofs and stucco finish stand out as not aligning with the town. Chairman Antonio advised on the use of gable roofs over the balconies to break up the aesthetic and blend better with the architecture in Simsbury. Ms. Rice rejected the arched windows flanking the entrance to the building and suggested the use of rectangular windows with an additional set over the doors. Ms. Dragulski advised the applicant team that they should include solar panels in the next rendering. Chairman Antonio requested the pitch on the solar panels as well. The application was tabled until a special meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 18, 2022

III.       APPROVAL OF MINUTES from December 20, 2021 regular meeting

Ms. Rice made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Chairman Antonio seconded.

MOTION:  All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (4-0-0)




Chairman Antonio made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Chairman Antonio adjourned the meeting at 6:29pm.