12/20/2021 Design Review Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, December 20, 2021




MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2021 at 5:30 P.M.

Via Zoom


PRESENT:                Steve Antonio, Polly Rice, Katherine Beal, Anca Dragulski, Elaine Lang -joined after the meeting commenced



ALSO PRESENT:    Laura Barkowski, Code Compliance Officer

 Michael Glidden, Director of Planning and Community Development

 Brent Rehl, Agent

 Rao Khan, Agent

 TJ Donohue, Agent

 Jim Constantakis, Agent

 Jeff Rowling, Agent

 Holden Sabato, Agent

 Bill Gavigan, Agent

 Marc Cohen, Agent

 Tom Tyburski, Agent




Chairman Antonio called the meeting to order at 5:30pm

    1. None



  1. Referrals from Zoning Compliance
    1. Application for Zoning Compliance Review -  of Rao Khan Applicant; Agent; application for a zoning compliance review for the construction of a 7’x 3’ front display sign and a 4’ x 3’ rear display sign to be displayed at the smoke shop located at 1530 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map I03, Block 427, Lot 003) Zone B-2.


Chairman Antonio introduced the application. Mr. Khan presented the application to the Commission including the request to externally illuminate the proposed signage. Ms. Rice inquired about the bordering around both signs with the recommendation of the use of a 1 inch black border to help finish the aesthetic. Chairman Antonio stated black gooseneck lighting could be used to illuminate the signage. Chairman Antonio made a motion to approve the application with conditions of the use of the gooseneck-style lighting as well as the addition of an approximately 1 inch border around each sign as discussed previously. Ms. Rice seconded.


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (4-0-0)


  1. Application for Zoning Compliance Review - of Dunkin Applicant; Bill Gavigan Agent; application for a zoning compliance review for the construction of a 48”x100”x44” awning at the Dunkin restaurant located at 142 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map F18, Block 154, Lot 007A+008A) Zone  B-1.


Chairman Antonio read the application to the Commission. Mr. Gavigan presented to the Commission. Chairman Antonio inquired about the footprint and color of the awning comparing the proposed to the existing one. Mr. Gavigan described the specifications to the Commission. Ms. Rice asked about the clearance designation on the awning to prevent future damage and the internal structure of the awning. Mr. Gavigan explained that the real world clearance would be added to the sign during installation and the structure of the awning would be aluminum tubing. Chairman Antonio inquired about the lighting visibility and the shade of orange proposed. Chairman Antonio made a motion to approve the application as presented stating that the dimensions of the awning could be as proposed or less. Ms. Beal seconded.


MOTION:  With the addition of Ms. Beal - all in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (5-0-0)


  1. Application for Zoning Compliance Review - of Dorothy Ostrowski Applicant; Agent; application for a zoning compliance review for the upgrade to parking lot lighting on the Bank of America property located at 736 Hopmeadow Street (Map G10 Block 227 Lot 003) Zone SCZ.


Chairman Antonio read the application to the Commission. No representative was present for the application so Ms. Barkowski reviewed the application with the Commission. The Commission discussed the proposed construction of new light poles on the property. Ms. Barkowski stated there has been extensive work done in the past with Bank of America and that the proposed application meets all standards set forth by the Simsbury Center Code. Chairman Antonio made a motion to approve the application.  Ms. Dragulski seconded.


MOTION:  All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (5-0-0)


  1. Referrals from the Zoning Commission
    1. Application# 21-27 – of SL Simsbury LLC, Applicant; T.J. Donohue, Jr., Killian & Donohue, LLC, Agent; Type 3 application pursuant to the Hartford Form Based Code related to changing the commercial zone to residential and constructing a 15-unit residential building on the property located at 250 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map F17, Block 154, Lot 009-3-2) Zone HS-FBC.


Chairman Antonio read the application to the Commission. Mr. Donohue introduced his team and referred to Mr. Rowling for further explanation. Mr. Rowling discussed the stylistic elements featured in the proposal including the use of stone, clapboard siding, and board batten siding for the barn style housing unit. Mr. Rowling explained how the 15-unit structure would be utilizing the approved footprint. Ms. Rice asked if the height of the proposed plan matched the previously approved design. Mr. Rowling stated the height approximately matched the previous plan with the mindset of preserving the mountainous view. Chairman Antonio inquired about the color scheme proposed. Mr. Glidden explained to the Commission the previous plan that they referenced was for the multi-family housing unit that was in the previous plan and not the commercial building that the proposed housing unit would be built on. Ms. Dragulski stated that the proposed plan was a drastic departure from the previously approved mixed-use commercial building and advised the applicants to consider preserving that element as opposed to the larger silhouette of the strictly residential building proposed. Ms. Beal agreed with Ms. Dragulski in that the original approval was for a mixed-use commercial building. Ms. Lang stated she shares the views expressed in regards to the change to solely residential and the inhibition of the view of the mountainous backdrop. Ms. Rice asked the representatives for the application if any commercial units exist in the development. Mr. Constantakis stated the development would maintain the 3,000sqft parcel as retail space and described the efforts undertaken in locating potential businesses for the space albeit unsuccessfully. Ms. Rice discussed the possibility of amending the style of the structure to something less invasive to the area. Chairman Antonio recommended the applicants revert back to the style that was previously approved. Ms. Dragulski reaffirmed the applicants should preserve the mixed-use elements of the previously approved plans and urged the applicants to consider the lasting impacts the structure has on the community. Mr. Glidden stated the Commissions goal is to ensure the design elements described in the proposal help blend and preserve the aesthetic and feel of the Town and that the zoned use decision is ultimately up to the zoning department. Mr. Glidden continued to propose to the applicant and the Commission that the applicant return in the next regularly scheduled meeting with a modification to the proposed structure breaking up the mass of the building to help address the concerns of the Commission. Ms. Beal recommended the possible use of more glass elements in the design to improve the marketability of the units to a modern demographic. Ms. Lang agreed with the proposed modification to reduce the impact on the sightline to the mountain. Chairman Antonio recommended the applicant revert back to the color scheme of the original plans to further break up the visual of the building. Chairman Antonio tabled application 21-27 until the next meeting on Jan. 3, 2022.


  1.  Application# 21-28 – of Mack V Development LLC, Applicant; Marc R. Cohen, Agent; Sign Permit Application pursuant to Section  9 of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations related to the construction of an externally lit sign on the property located at 1603 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map H02, Block 403, Lot 002B) Zone B-2.


Chairman Antonio read the application to the Commission. Mr. Cohen presented the application to the Commission noting the removal of the internally illuminated element of the proposal as the sign will be externally lit. Mr. Antonio inquired about the elevation of the sign. Ms. Rice commented that the sign in the original proposal for the main building and the newly proposed garden center sign were inconsistent in size, shape, and coloring with the vegetables displayed being unidentifiable. Chairman Antonio and Ms. Lang echoed Ms. Rice’s comments. Chairman Antonio recommended moving the sign down above the doors of the garden center and aligning the shape with the main Tractor Supply sign. Chairman Antonio tabled application 21-28 until the next regular meeting.


  1. Schultz Park Gazebo Roof Replacement

Mr. Glidden described the need for the Commission approval for the Schultz Park Gazebo roof replacement. Mr. Tyburski stated the Town approved the budget for the project. Chairman Antonio made a motion to approve the application as proposed.


MOTION:  All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (5-0-0)


III.       APPROVAL OF MINUTES from November 15, 2021 regular meeting

Ms. Rice left the meeting. Chairman Antonio made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Ms. Lang seconded.

MOTION:  All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (4-0-0)



Chairman Antonio made a motion to approve the meeting schedule as submitted. Ms. Beal seconded.

MOTION:  All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (4-0-0)



Chairman Antonio adjourned the meeting at 6:40pm.