12/21/2020 Design Review Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, December 21, 2020

Simsbury Design Review Board
Town of Simsbury
Regular Meeting Minutes - Subject to Approval
Monday, December 21, 2020 at 5:30 P.M.
The public meeting was web-based on Zoom at:
Meeting ID: 257 429 7243

PRESENT: Steven Antonio, Anca Dragulski, Polly Rice, Katherine Beal

ABSENT: Elaine Lang

ALSO PRESENT: Thomas Hazel, Code Compliance Officer
Jackie Battos, Board of Selectman
Bob Crowther, Economic Development Commission
Lori Wagner, Economic Development Commission
Laura Barkowski, Land Use Specialist

I. CALL TO ORDER- Chair Antonio called the meeting to order at 5:38 P.M.

1. Appointment of Alternates- None

1. Discussion & Possible Action
a. Application for a Sign Permit and Zoning Compliance Review - Stephanie Civitillo, Owner/Applicant for a restaurant and signage at the property located at 10 Wilcox Street

The matter was tabled pending a Site Plan application and more information.

b. Application #20-14 of Robert Bylykbashi, Applicant; Twenty Two GC 2012, LLC, Owner; for a Site Plan Modification expand outdoor patio at the property located at 836 Hopmeadow Street (H09-227-001A-1B), Zone SCZ

Mr. Bylykbashi presented the application and the intent to expand and make permanent the patio.

Prior to going forward Ms. Rice inquired if she needs to be recused for voting purposes as a family member will be working on the project. Mr. Glidden recommended that she abstain from the vote but stay seated for quorum purposes.

Mr. Antonio inquired as to the materials and colors that will be used in the project. Mr. Glidden presented a cut sheet for the proposed façade renovation to Andy’s Plaza. Mr. Glidden suggested the color scheme from the renovation be continued with the seasonal partition or temporary wall that will enclose a portion of the new expanded patio so that it blends with the building. Mr. Antonio voiced concern over not having enough information to give a favorable recommendation.

Mr. Glidden provided two options to either continue this application to obtain more information or be very detailed in the referral. Mr. Glidden discussed the black and white color palette being used in the Andy’s façade renovation and the possibility of the knee wall being white. Mr. Antonio
suggested the possibility of adding another color choice as white may weather badly and not be aesthetically pleasing. Mr. Glidden inquired if the grey on the building could be used. The back of the building is different than the front. Ms. Rice inquired if Iron Horse has another color on the sign to possibly add a pop of color. Mr. Bylykbashi confirmed they only use black and white.

Ms. Dragulski inquired if they will be using umbrellas or awnings. She asked if the fabric could provide the pop of color as it will be easier to replace if it fades and make it less plain the proposed black, white and grey scheme. Mr. Bylykbashi clarified that the fabric color is be complementary to the building and the umbrellas are located on the current patio area. Mr. Bylykbashi further described how patio will be covered entirely. Ms. Beal indicated that umbrellas could still be used in the area to give more of a patio feel. Mr. Bylykbashi voiced concern that umbrellas would interfere with the sprinkler system in the building. Mr. Bylykbashi further stated he would be willing to use whatever façade is deemed appropriate.

Ms. Dragulski voiced confusion as to what is being presented. Mr. Antonio was in agreement that they would like more details as to the design of the patio. Ms. Rice inquired as to lighting being proposed and discussed an opportunity with the light fixtures to bring color. Mr. Bylykbashi indicated no new lighting is being proposed. Mr. Antonio inquired as to the treatment of the dumpster enclosure for the façade renovation being that it will located near the proposed addition. Mr. Glidden clarified that the proposal calls for metal, shadowbox swing gates in black with charcoal grey accents.

Mr. Antonio polled the Board and it was decided to table Application 20-14 to the January 4, 2021 meeting to allow the applicant time to provide more detailed information. Mr. Antonio made Motion to table Application 20-14 pending additional details. Motion seconded by Ms. Rice. Motion passed unanimously.


V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the October 5, 2020 and December 7, 2020 regular meeting
Motion made by Mr. Antonio to approve the October 5, 2020 minutes and December 7, 2020 as submitted. Seconded by Ms. Rice. Motion passed with Ms. Beal abstaining from the December 7, 2020 meeting.

Chair Antonio made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Rice seconded; Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned 6:12 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Laura Barkowski
Acting Clerk