Design Review Board 02/12/2013 ADOPTED

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

FEBRUARY 12, 2013


Emil Dahlquist, Chairman, called the Design Review Board meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices.  The following members were present:  Anthony Drapelick, Rick Schoenhardt, Charles Stephenson, Rita Bond and John Stewart.  Also in attendance were: Hiram Peck, Director of Planning; Janis Prifti, Clerk; and other interested parties. 


Chairman Dahlquist appointed Commissioner Drapelick to serve as an alternate member for the vacancy of Mark Naccarato.


1. Application #13-04 of Darcie Roy of National Sign, Agent for Mitchell Auto Group, Inc., Owner, for a site plan amendment and sign permit on property located at 416 Hopmeadow Street (Map F14, Block 143, Lot 003). Zone B2.

Chairman Dahlquist stated in the absence of a project representative, Application #13-04 is moved to the next meeting agenda.

2. Application #13-05 of Burke LaClair, Business Manager of Simsbury Public Schools, Agent for Town of Simsbury, Owner, for a sign permit for Central School on property located at 29 Massaco Street (Map H09, Block 202, Lot 007). Zone R15.

Edie Balkin, Principal, represented Application #13-05 for Central School and stated they are celebrating the School's 100th anniversary as of September 4, 2013, with an open house scheduled for November 2013.  She said they would like 2 signs for the school and through Messrs. LaClair and Twitchell went to the Sign Factory to develop the proposed signs.  She said Town Staff confirmed the sign sizes are appropriate and discussed the new logo and sign layout with raised lettering.  She provided photos of sign locations on the side of the building: one at the main parking lot entrance facing the street over the entry; and the second over the Library Media Center. A map of the sign locations and rendering were provided to the Commissioners.  She said the simple subjects on the sign include math, science, social studies, reading, and technology; she said the letters are carved into the signs, which will be flat against the building.  She verified that currently the school is only identified by a stone with the school name.  Regarding sign illumination, she said believes current parking lot lighting will be adequate.  She clarified the lettering will be a rich dark blue color, not red.  She added having the signs up high on the building will likely prevent any potential vandalism in the area.  She stated the School's long-time logo, "Learning the ropes through the voyage of life," is represented by the ship with a wave.  The Commissioners liked the blue and gold contrast on the sign and offered the suggestion to consider whether the lettering may be too small, and the books may be too big in relation to the logo; Ms. Balkin indicated she would discuss these suggestions further with the sign designer. 

Commissioner Stephenson made a motion of referral for Application #13-05 to the Zoning Commission that the Design Review Board finds the Application substantially consistent with the intent and principles of the Guidelines for Community Design and recommends its approval as presented in the package of material dated 2/5/2013 of printed information and drawings and with the understanding the background color will be a dark blue instead of the red, as shown on the illustration in the package.

Commissioner Bond seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Chairman Dahlquist made a design comment suggesting considering the size of the Central School and books located on either end and potential size adjustment.


1. Simsbury Town Center Design Guidelines

Chairman Dahlquist stated Mr. Peck's request from the previous meeting that the Commission approve the Guidelines for Community Design.

Commissioner Schoenhardt made a motion to approve the Guidelines for Community Design as modified by Winter and Company dated 10/15/2012, which Guidelines for Community Design are for Simsbury Center projects.

Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.


1. Little League signage

Tom Benneche, President of Simsbury Little League, said they would like to have a "Locator Tower" directing game attendees to the appropriate field.  He said at  the 1st left-hand entrance to the parking area serving Fields 3 and 4, they would like to make it an exit only with a "Do Not Enter" sign and to locate signage where it branches off to the upper field with color coordinated and numbered signs for every field.  The Commissioners liked the simplified graphics and colors.  Mr. Benneche said the one-sided sign is 4 feet wide, 10 feet high, and about 2 feet off the ground, with its size limited by the size of the curbed island.  Regarding illuminating the sign, he asked for some suggestions, as they plan to incorporate lighting when they return for the formal hearing.   The Commissioners suggested that with 2 vertical support posts the wiring could be brought up inside the posts with 2 small goosenecks on top to easily allow changing and protecting the lights; small LED lights would last a long time.  Mr. Benneche said due to cost the sign material will probably be steel or aluminum.  He said the varsity baseball coach would like to hang a sign off the bottom saying, "Game today 6 o'clock".  The Commissioners suggested using a sandwich board at the intersection for maximum visibility; Chairman Dahlquist noted the Code maximum is 32 sq. ft. and a drop-down would likely not be compliant with Zoning requirements.   The Commissioners stated they look forward to Mr. Benneche's formal presentation.



VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of December 11, 2012

Commissioner Schoenhardt made a motion to approve the January 22, 2012, Meeting Minutes as written. 

Commissioner Stephenson seconded the motion, and it was passed with Commissioners Bond and Stewart abstaining.

Chairman Dahlquist stated he is continuing to pursue a meeting with the Zoning Commission.  He will attend a meeting on Wednesday 2/20/13 where Mr. Peck will be interviewing 3 respondents to an RFQ regarding village district regulations.


Commissioner Drapelick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:02 p.m.  Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.


Emil Dahlquist, Chairman