Design Review Board 02/26/2013 ADOPTED

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

FEBRUARY 26, 2013


Emil Dahlquist, Chairman, called the Design Review Board meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices.  The following members were present:  John Carroll, Anthony Drapelick, Rick Schoenhardt, Willliam Gardner, Kevin E. Gray, Charles Stephenson, John Stewart and Rita Bond.  Also in attendance were: Hiram Peck, Director of Planning; Janis Prifti, Clerk; and other interested parties. 


Chairman Dahlquist appointed Commissioner Bond to serve as an alternate member for the vacancy of Mark Naccarato.


1. Application #13-04 of Darcie Roy of National Sign, Agent for Mitchell Auto Group, Inc., Owner, for a site plan amendment and sign permit on property located at 416 Hopmeadow Street (Map F14, Block 143, Lot 003).  Zone B2.

Ms. Roy of National Sign represented Mitchell Auto Group for a permit to replace an existing monument-style sign approximately 3 feet 3 inches x 8 feet 2 inches, or 26.5 sq. ft., and 3 1/2 feet tall with a replacement sign 6 feet 4 1/8 inches x 5 feet 4 1/8 inches, or 34 sq. ft., and 10 feet tall.  She said the replacement sign reduces the amount of sign illumination; the sign background would be all brushed aluminum and only lettering and logos shine through and "Chrysler" would be 2.34 sq. ft., "Dodge" 1.29 sq. ft., and "Ram" 3.14 sq. ft., reducing illumination almost 20 sq. ft.  She said the existing sign foundation is not viable and a new foundation for the new sign will be dug next to the current sign in front of the Mitchell building.  Regarding the size increase, Mr. Peck clarified it is acceptable under current regulations.  Ms. Roy said the sign is filled in to the ground and a 4th panel is blank.  She said the total amount of illuminated area from the side is 6.77 sq. ft., which is significantly less than the current sign.  She added only lettering shines through each aluminum rectangle with background reflection coming through the cut-out letters and internally lit.  The Commissioners discussed size recommendations on Page 107, Item #4, in the Design Guidelines Appendix for a free-standing sign at 24 sq. ft. if located between 21 and 30 feet from the street line and maximum 7-foot sign height.   Chairman Dahlquist stated the Commission would make a recommendation to Zoning based on the Design Guidelines and agreed they should have the flexibility of leaving the blank panel for a future vendor.  The Commissioners recommended the sign have the street number and agreed the new sign is attractive and an improvement over the current sign.  Mr. Peck stated the height goes to the top of the monument and technically this is a new sign offering less illumination.

Commissioner Gray made a motion of referral for Application #13-04 to the Zoning Commission that the Design Review Board finds this Application substantially consistent with the intent and principles of the Guidelines for Community Design and recommends approval and encourages the Applicant to incorporate their street number into the design.

Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

As a design consideration, Chairman Dahlquist added the Design Review Board took into account that this has been an internally lit sign; however, DRB felt strongly given the history of the previous sign, type of business, location, etc., that it would be appropriate to have this internally lit sign in this case, but it is not to be considered a precedent.

Commissioner Drapelick recused himself at 5:55 p.m.

2. Application #13-08 of LADA, P.C. Land Planners, Agent for Saint Catherine of Sienna Church, Owner, for a site plan amendment for the expansion of the existing wetland crossing and parking modification on property located at 265 Stratton Brook Road (Map C11, Block 406, Lot 021) Zone R40.

Terri-Ann Hahn of LADA represented the Saint Catherine's and described the site layout.  She said over the last couple of years the parking lot has been over full with parking occurring on the street and they are looking at locations for additional parking.  She said they reviewed a number of locations and propose developing a parking area in the rear across the wetlands located within the field with minimal 5% grading of essentially gravel with a small paved turnaround using the existing wetland crossing.  She said they have received Wetlands Commission approval and will eliminate some parking spaces near the church front to create a drop-off area and circulation pattern with sidewalks bringing people into the church.  Regarding lighting, she said they would like to remove the 2 floodlights at 12 feet at the front of the church and put in shoebox lights matching other lights, which would be at 18 feet around the perimeter to light the sidewalks.  She said some minor parking lot changes include expanding an entry to meet the 24-foot width.  She said the drive is a one-way system to mitigate wetland disturbance, with people entering/exiting at one time.  She said the expansion of parking spaces from 151 are intended for long-term planning and total 276, with a reduction to 143 in the existing parking area.  Regarding the potential of paving the gravel area in the future, she said because it is within the 100-foot upland review area any change would be a site plan modification and would come back to the Wetlands Commission for approval.  Regarding plantings, she said habitat plantings run along the wetland edge, meadow seed mixes along the disturbed edge, and off the gravel edge is a small bio-swale where runoff comes in with large rocks on the edge into a limestone swale for infiltration and to change the pH as a habitat and water-quality improvement.  She said the wetland enhancement area currently being mowed has wetland soil; it will have temporary construction fence with plantings expanding the wooded wetlands to the edge of the wetland soils.  Regarding visibility of the parking area from Stratton Brook, she said there is little grading change and with leaves on the trees it is not a dominant feature; the road is at 310 and the parking area is around 300 and lower than the road and flat.  Comparing church capacity to parking, she said families tend to come in 2 cars and this far exceeds the code requirement.   The Commissioners indicated when they return for paved parking to incorporate the Guidelines landscaped islands requirement for every 10 parking spaces.

Commissioner Stephenson made a motion of referral for Application #13-08 to the Zoning Commission that the Design Review Board finds this Application substantially consistent with the intent and principles of the Guidelines for Community Design and recommends its approval.

Commissioner Schoenhardt seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

As a design consideration, Chairman Dahlquist stated consistent with the Design Guidelines, if the Applicant returns for paved parking, that they review the requirements for landscaped islands within the parking area.

3. Application #13-10 of Great American Donut, Inc., Agent for Thomas S. Antonio Trustee, Owner, for a sign permit for Dunkin' Donuts on property located at 1193 Hopmeadow Street (Map 105, Block 412, Lot 001) Zone B2.

Andrew Park, Professional Engineer with kratzert, jones & associates, accompanied  by Scott Fanning of Dunkin' Donuts, represented Great American Donut for a permit to relocate the existing drive-thru sign at the Hopmeadow Street Dunkin' Donuts replacing it with a new larger menu board.  He described the layout near Antonio's Restaurant and the existing Dunkin' Donuts end cap on that building.  He described the current menu board layout on the building side and to improve operations showed where they would like to relocate the board which would be screened from Rte. 10 view by 4 Arborvitaes along the back of the board.  He said the sign would be externally illuminated; the existing board is 24 sq. ft. and the proposed board would be 34 sq. ft. which is within the allowed total signage for the property; currently total property signage is 274 sq. ft. and this reduces it to 272 sq. ft.  He showed the details of the proposed sign which they believe will improve operations.  Regarding the sign exceeding 32 sq. ft., Mr. Peck said he visited the site and the sign would improve queuing operations.  The Commissioners discussed the monthly special sideboards and suggested reducing sideboard size as much as possible in compliance with the Guideline goal to reduce advertising as much as possible.  Regarding screening from Ely Lane, he said there are some trees along Ely Lane and shrubs on the island face southbound traffic on Rte. 10.  The Commissioners suggested adding some 3 1/2 to 5 foot Evergreens to improve screening for vehicles. 

Commissioner Bond made a motion of referral for Application #13-10 to the Zoning Commission that the Design Review Board finds this Application substantially consistent with the intent and principles of the Guidelines for Community Design and recommends approval with two modifications:  1) the additional landscaping of Evergreen shrubs for screening adjacent to Ely Lane; and 2) elimination of the two small mini-extender signs.

Commissioner Gray seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

4. Application #13-11 of Mi S. Park, Agent for Robert G. Holloway, Owner, for a sign permit for Twinkle Nail & Spa on property located at 1386 Hopmeadow Street (Map 105, Block 439, Lot 004D). Zone B2.

Max Park presented the Application and said the 2 foot x 12 foot sign is exactly the same height, shape and color as the previous sign with a 0.05 mm panel and colors identical to neighboring shop signs.  He said the different-sized stars are the shop's logo and use colors in other plaza signs.  He said they are next to Harvest Cafe and lighting will remain the same. 

Commissioner Stephenson made a motion of referral for Application #13-11 to the Zoning Commission that the Design Review Board finds this Application substantially consistent with the intent and principles of the Guidelines for Community Design and recommends its approval.

Commissioner Schoenhardt seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

5. Application #13-12 of Tony Giorgio, Owner of Dorset Crossing, LLC, Owner, for a sign permit for Saint Francis Care New England Urgent Care on property located at 30 Dorset Crossing Drive (Map 104, Block 403, Lot 013). Zone PAD.

Mr. Giorgio proposed a change to the existing 32 sq. ft. sign with 3 lights above which is 2.8% of the entire building.  He said the DOT has not allowed additional signage on Rte. 10 due to their requirement service providers need to be employees of a hospital.  He said the service providers are requesting a larger 64 sq. ft. sign for 5.6% of the entire building and requests Commission approval of this modification.  He said they have eliminated some logos and emphasizing "urgent care" is important and will eliminate free standing signs along the road.   The Commissioners liked the larger size sign and suggested putting “urgent care" in italics to draw attention to the sign and noted the importance of bringing public attention to their service.  Mr. Giorgio said they are limited by State law in what they can do at this time, but anticipates more future signage. 

Commissioner Gray made a motion of referral for Application #13-12 to the Zoning Commission that the Design Review Board finds this Application substantially consistent with the intent and principles of the Guidelines for Community Design and recommends approval.

Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Mr. Peck suggested the Commission consider commenting on the record regarding signs DOT might allow near the road.  Mr. Giorgio said the State has a whole page of acceptable blue and white signs, sizes, etc. and it would be helpful to have signage for north and south Rte. 10 drivers.   The Commissioners agreed if Mr. Giorgio can get "New England" removed from the sign he does not need to come back for approval.


1. Draft Policy for Stormwater Management and Drainage Design Guidelines

Mr. Peck stated this draft policy is a result of LID Regulations for Town Center and he is trying to incorporate them into the Town review process.  He requested the Commissioners review and consider endorsing the draft Guidelines as a policy in reviewing site plans.  He is trying to get developers to use these Guidelines as much as possible, e.g. LADA who presented this evening, looked at them.  He requested the Commissioners provide him with any questions about the Guidelines; there are 6-7 pages that accompany this sheet.  He would like to see these Guidelines adopted by the Commission as a more formal part of the review process at the next meeting.   Chairman Dahlquist stated the Commissioners will review the draft and take action at the next meeting.  The Commissioners discussed the future of LEEDS.

Chairman Dahlquist amended the agenda to include discussion of signage.  Commissioner Stephenson stated at this meeting 5 sign applications came before the Commission and in the past, a lot of time has been spent by the Commission dealing with signs.  He said following HomeGoods deliberations, the Applicant proceeded with what they originally proposed and the Zoning Board approved.  He said the process might be smoother with an approach to recommendations in accordance with Guidelines using 1 of 3 recommendations he provided in a draft signage motion, including the provision if it does not conform, rather than asking for revisions, to simply state the variance with the Guideline section specifically referenced with a referral recommendation and let Zoning/Planning decide.  He added in a case where there are special circumstances that have a bearing, the DRB should recognize the extenuating circumstances.  The Commissioners noted such a plan would provide flexibility, simplification, and improve relations with the whole community and Zoning while making them aware of problems.  The Commissioners agreed the proposed draft solves sign deliberation frustrations, and while it would not have changed anything for HomeGoods, it would have helped in dealing with the decision.  Mr. Peck clarified that in further discussions with HomeGoods, management did not want to make any compromises on the signage.  The Commissioners agreed this proposed methodology specifically connects everything in the Guidelines without making a judgment.  The Commissioners agreed to further review the draft for discussion at the next meeting. 

Mr. Peck said while he is continuing to work on 33 different projects, but it is important to continue working on sign regulations, including way finding signs for which he will provide material at the next meeting.  He said there are 3 different levels of way finding signs:  vehicles, bikes and pedestrians and dealing with DOT in the Town Center will be important; there is more flexibility outside Town Center.





VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of February 12, 2013

Commissioner Bond made a motion to approve the February 12, 2013, Meeting Minutes as written. 

Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion, and it was passed with Commissioners Gray, Gardner, and Carroll abstaining.


Commissioner Gray made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.


Emil Dahlquist, Chairman