Design Review Board 10/23/2012 ADOPTED

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

OCTOBER 9, 2012


Emil Dahlquist, Chairman, called the Design Review Board (DRB) meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices.  The following members were present:   John Carroll, Anthony Drapelick, William Gardner, Kevin E. Gray, Rick Schoenhardt, and Charlie Stephenson.  Also in attendance were Hiram Peck, Director of Planning, Janis Prifti, Clerk, and other interested parties. 


Chairman Dahlquist appointed Commissioner Carroll to serve as an alternate for John Stewart and Commissioner Drapelick to serve as an alternate for Mark Naccarato.


1. Application #12-38 of Hartford Sign & Design LLC, Agent for Jeffrey Dixon, Owner, for a 2-sided post and panel sign on property located at 927 Hopmeadow Street (Map G09, Block 202, Lot 008). Zone SCZB.

Darin Senna from Hartford Sign & Design represented the Applicant and provided a revised layout to the Commissioners of the post and panel sign which complements other area signage and replaces the existing sign.  The Commissioners clarified it is the property closest to Town Hall, is a narrow piece of land, and shares the driveway with Town Hall.  He said the owners would like to have the sign the same distance from the property line which is 10 feet from the sidewalk and he would also like to place the sign a little more toward the center of the property so that people exiting Simsbury Town Shops would be able to see the sign as his building is far back from the road.  It would also encourage people to use the other entrance as opposed to the shared Town Hall driveway.  Mr. Peck requested the Commission's input prior to analyzing whether the sign meets Town Center requirements and plans to do that on Wednesday.  He said for site line issues, it appears to be better if it is moved toward the lot center, and the Commissioners agreed that would be a good change.  Mr. Senna said the same lights and electricity will be used.  Chairman Dahlquist stated his understanding the Town Center Code allows a free standing sign.  Regarding design, height and width of the sign which is about 5 feet wide and 2 feet tall, Chairman Dahlquist said it appears similar in size to the Herlihy sign.  The Commissioners found the two-color graphics acceptable and noted the Code requirement that the street number must be on the sign; it was agreed the number will appear centered as part of the sign at the bottom.   Mr. Senna confirmed that the person pictured in the original layout will not be part of the final sign.

Commissioner Gray made a motion that the Design Review Board finds this Application substantially consistent with the intent and principles of the Guidelines for Community Design and recommends approval with the understanding the sign will be moved further south than the previous sign and the 972 address number will be added to the bottom of the sign as shown on the 10/9/2012 document.

Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion. 

Chairman Dahlquist stated to be consistent with the Town Center Code, the requirement for a numeral identifying the Hopmeadow Street location is important and the Applicant is willing to revise the sign as submitted dated 10/9/2012 to include that numeral on the bottom portion of the new sign, not as a dropdown, but as an extension of the sign plaque.  In addition, he said the Design Review Board would like to see a cut of the ground lighting fixture that will be used to illuminate both sides of the sign showing sign information, including size, wattage and color of the lamp, and type of lighting source to be used as typically included on the electrician's cut.  Once Mr. Peck receives that information, the Chairman said he will do a final review, but the project submitted has been approved with these minor modifications.  Mr. Senna confirmed that the total sign height is 5 feet 9 inches.

Regarding plantings, Chairman Dahlquist said the current Code requires the Applicant to provide a planting scheme to screen the lighting on a public right of way and that information goes to Zoning.

The motion was passed unanimously.


Commissioner Gray made a motion to revise the agenda to have the Informal Discussion as the next item.

Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

1. Application #12-39 of Gerard Toner, Agent for the Town of Simsbury, Owner, for a Site Plan Amendment for the addition of restroom facilities at Memorial Park Little League fields on property located at 60 Plank Hill Road (Map G09, Block202, Lot 22). Zone R15.

Tom Beneke, President of Simsbury Little League, represented Mr. Toner.  He said the Little League Fields have no public restrooms and historically there have been complaints from parents in the community.  He said the single bathroom in the snack shack cinderblock building is not open to the public and they have been working to raise money the last 10 years to extend the building in back by 13 feet by 24 feet.  He said they would add 2 bathrooms, one for women with 3 stalls and handicapped compliant, and a men's room with 1 stall, 2 urinals and a sink.  He said another part of the project is to extend the roofline off the building front to create a covered canopy from the sunshine, heat and rain and add more picnic tables; the Kane's employees grill in this area.  He said the building is not architecturally significant and given the building age, they will likely re-roof the whole building.  He said they will ask for bids from 3-4 firms within the next 2 weeks with spring construction planned.  He said there is a valve and water pit in back, so the building stops at 13 feet; in front they envision a 40-60 foot extension, depending on how the design looks.  He said an existing sewer comes over from Plank Hill. 

Chairman Dahlquist said since this is an informal review, the Commission would like to see the final design, drawings, photos, colors, etc.  Mr. Beneke said the front of the Snack Shack has stone dust with pavers and that will likely be extended out the length of the canopy.  Chairman Dahlquist stated the Commission is supportive of this concept, but would like to see samples of the shingle color, lighting information, any materials to be introduced as part of the project, photographs, and dimension drawings; currently, the building is painted green.  He advised them to submit this information to Mr. Peck as a formal Application by Wednesday or Thursday at the latest prior to the next DRB Tuesday meeting.  Chairman Dahlquist said this is a great effort for Little League.


1. Proposed Zoning Regulation revision

Mr. Peck said the regulations, except for the Center Zone, have evolved over time and a number of section numbers required re-numbering.  He said the only substantive change relates to a new State law having to do with marijuana for palliative purposes.  He did a draft regulation similar to the Town of Canton, which are based on the State statute.  He said Connecticut is one of 17 states that have legalized the use of marijuana with a special prescription.  He said the proposed regulation has 2 concerns:  1) who will dispense it, and he has recommended authorized pharmacists; and 2) a second important definition regards the 10-12 producers in the State, but regulations have not yet been drafted, and the Zoning draft recommends it be done indoors.   He said production in Town may not be allowed, but dispensing it will be allowed to help those with serious diseases.  He said the Police are being asked about their concerns as well; the towns of Torrington and Middletown have regulations and Bristol is trying to prohibit it. 

Mr. Peck said they are working to revise sign regulations for the rest of Town on a zone basis and the Zoning Commission, which feels strongly about it, will put it on every agenda until it is done.  He would like to have DRB's input on content for the sign regulations and to begin establishing pictures of effective signage in Town.  Regarding sign distance from the street, Mr. Peck agreed that is important and also way-finding signs designed for pedestrians to minimize signage and slow traffic to improve street safety.  He said the sign regulations will not be ready before December. 

Regarding the Design Guidelines, he said Noré Winters’s office is almost done with the final draft and he expects to receive it by next week.  He will provide the Commissioners with access to the link and will also have some hard copies available.  He said Mr. Winters will be in Simsbury on 10/30/2012 and will hold a meeting with DRB to discuss how to review a project using the Guidelines and will provide examples for a training session.  He said they also want to have a public discussion of the Guidelines for those affected by it.  The Commissioners agreed on the timing of these meetings to be held in the Library with the Board meeting from 5-6:30 p.m., a break, and then the public session beginning at 7 p.m.


Chairman Dahlquist stated he received an email from Mark Naccarato submitting his resignation.  He said Mark was thoughtful and perceptive and his participation will be missed.  He expressed to the Board for Mr. Naccarato his thanks for a great working relationship.

Regarding the Charter Revision, Commissioner Carroll noted that currently DRB appointments are in effect until December 2013, and, if changed, an effective date may be established by the Board of Selectmen.

VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of September 25, 2012

On Lines 77, 79, 98, 102, 106 and 112, the spelling of "Melinda Olowski" is corrected to "Melinda Otlowski".

Commissioner Gray made a motion to approve the September 25, 2012, Meeting Minutes as amended. 

Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion, and it was passed with Commissioner Stephenson abstaining.

Mr. Peck said regarding the (BurgerFi) Application, the Zoning Commission approved it and accepted DRB's internally lit sign recommendation; now the Applicant has to go to ZBA for approval, including whether it is internally lit.


Commissioner Gardner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 p.m.  Commissioner Drapelick seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Kevin E. Gray, Secretary