Design Review Board Minutes 07/06/2015

Meeting date: 
Monday, July 6, 2015


JULY 6, 2015




I.          CALL TO ORDER


Acting Chairman Anthony Drapelick called the Design Review Board Special Meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices.   



II.        ROLL CALL


The following Board Members were present:  Ron Perry, Anca Dragulski, Anthony Drapelick, Paul Lanza, and Jonathan Laschever.  Also in attendance were Hiram Peck, Director of Planning; Janis Prifti, Clerk; and other interested parties.





.Acting Chairman Drapelick seated Commissioner Laschever to serve as the alternate for Secretary John Carroll.





1.         Application #15-21 of Bislim Gjonbalaj, Owner, for a Site Plan Amendment for renovations to the existing restaurant and liquor store on the property located at 560-564 HopmeadowStreet (Assessor's Map G12, Block 132, Lot 036). Zone B-1.


Application #15-21 was read into the record.


The Applicant's representative provided the Board Members with plans noting:  1) a macaroon sand-colored brick stucco would be used on the left front, on the Green Tea side, and on the front sign facade peak where the same sign will be used with "Arti's" added to the film; 2) in the building back, a 1-bedroom studio apartment would be added with vinyl siding in the same macaroon sand color; 3) windows would be completely replaced in identical black aluminum with brown tint; 4) and a restaurant would be added in the middle area.  The representative indicated the entire back parking lot would be repaved sloping toward the back property; a curbless area would instead have additional stone filter strips; the Green Tea side will be re-landscaped where trees were removed; there would continue to be 37 parking spaces with rear restaurant entry for the owners only and no back public entry; and traffic moves counter clockwise with directional arrows.  The representative added that roofing would be redone in charcoal-colored asphalt shingles to coordinate with both the maroon sand color and the window colors. 


Board Member Perry made a motion to approve Application #15-21 of Bislim Gjonbalaj, Owner, for a Site Plan Amendment for renovations to the existing restaurant and liquor store on the property located at 560-564 HopmeadowStreet (Assessor's Map G12, Block 132, Lot 036). Zone B-1.


Board Member Laschever seconded the motion.


Town Staff noted that currently analysis is incomplete regarding the adequacy of parking spaces required to be in compliance for the apartment and restaurant and those calculations are planned to be completed prior to Application #15-21 going to the Zoning Commission; there are also 8 parking spaces in front, but there are safety requirements regarding their use. 





The Board Members noted Berkshire Bank is moving forward with the same site curb cuts as previously and their drive thru on the McDonald's side; they will return soon with a landscaping plan.


The Cumberland Farms project is underway, and the Board Members discussed the goal of preserving the pool barn building vs. its large size; historically, it was once a tobacco wrapper building and also the owner once stored cars in the basement, including Teddy Roosevelt's Packard from his inauguration.


Regarding the Ensign House, Town Staff indicated the First Selectmen's office is considering their request for tax abatement; the project members are currently reorganizing internally following the death of a member.


Regarding Big Y beginning construction in Spring 2016, Town Staff noted a time limit on the Zoning approved permit. 


Town Staff indicated the southern 6 acres of the Wagner property were purchased by a restaurant entity with some sketched commercial operations, preserving the old house, and upgrading the Sunrise facility.


Regarding the Powder Forest PAD, Town Staff indicated nothing new has come in for the commercial portion on the right side; the 2nd portion for an assisted living facility will probably be submitted in the fall with a specific plan, including skilled nursing, assisted living, Alzheimer's unit, and probably added below-grade parking - the developer's marketing studies indicate a larger facility is needed to meet greater demand for a range of services.



VI.       APPROVAL OF MINUTES from May 18, 2015


Board Member Laschever made a motion to approve the May 18, 2015 minutes, as written.


Board Member Lanza seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.






Board Member Laschever made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:50 p.m.


Board Member Perry seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.





John Carroll, Secretary