Design Review Board Minutes 10/07/2019

Meeting date: 
Monday, October 7, 2019

Simsbury Design Review Board
Town of Simsbury
Regular Meeting Minutes - Subject to Approval
Monday, October 7, 2019 at 5:30 P.M.
Simsbury Town Hall, Main Meeting Room
933 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, Connecticut

PRESENT: Steve Antonio, Anneliese Frank, Anca Dragulski, Elaine Lang, Polly Rice,
Katherine Beal

ALSO PRESENT: Michael Glidden, CFM CZEO, Director of Planning and Community

Chairman Antonio called the meeting to order at 5:35 P.M.


1. Discussion and Possible Action:
a. Application #19-43 of Hardman Signs, Agent; CA Senior Simsbury,
CT Property Owner LLC, Owne; for a sign permit for Anthology on the
Property located at 142 Cooper Avenue (Assessor’s Map F16, Block 154,
Lot 009-3-1). Zone PAD

Raymond Santa, 123 Pine Knob Drive, South Windsor, CT presented Application
#19-43 for a sign permit. He detailed where the sign would be located, what materials
colors, and lighting would be used.
Mr. Glidden note that the sign meets code.

At 5:39 P.M., Ms. Frank made a motion to give a favorable recommendation to the Zoning Commission, on application #19-43. Motion was seconded by Ms. Lang and the motion passed unanimously.

b. Application #19-45 of Steven Mitchell, Agent; Mitchell Auto Group,
Inc., Owner; for a sign permit for a new sign on the property located at
384 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map F14, Block 145, Lot 001+2).
Zone B-2.

Steven Mitchell, of Mitchell Auto Group presented application #19-45 for a sign permit.
Mr. Mitchell spoke about the size and colors of the old sign on property. Mr. Mitchell
noted that last year, a Connecticut Emission Program testing center opened up at this
location and there is a need for the addition of such information to the sign. Mr. Mitchell
Then discussed size, color and style of the proposed new sign.

Mr. Glidden noted that there is a small area increase of the sign and that it being a free standing sign triggers a special permit hearing on October 21st with Zoning Commission.

Chairman Antonio noted that the colors remain the same with a different layout.
Ms. Rice asked if there are any siteline issues with the increased signage; Mr. Glidden reported there is not.

At 5:48 P.M., Ms Lang made a motion to give a favorable recommendation to the Zoning Commission, for application #19-45. Motion was seconded by Ms. Rice and the motion passed unanimously.

1. Proposed 2020 Design Review Board Meeting Calendar
Mr. Glidden discussed the proposed meeting calendar, noting the addition of the August meeting. Mr. Antonio noted that if there is not business/applications at that time, the meeting can be cancelled; Mr. Glidden concurred.

At 5:50 P.M., Ms. Lang made a motion to approve the 2020 Design Review Board Meeting Calendar as proposed. Motion was seconded by Ms. Beal and the motion passed unanimously.

2. Resignation
Chairman Antonio announced to the Board the submission of a letter of resignation from Ms. Frank. Chairman Antonio accepted the letter. The Board discussed asking Mr. Pennington if he would become a regular Board member instead of an alternate. Ms. Lang will follow up.

At 5:52 P.M., Ms. Lang made a motion to approve the September 16, 2019 meeting minutes with the following changes:

Line 98 - correct date to read 09/05/19
Lines 100 & 101 - correct the spelling of McLean (spelled incorrectly as McClean in the meeting minutes).
Line 129 - correct the spelling of Ms. Lang’s last name.

Motion was seconded by Ms. Rice and the motion passed unanimously.

1. Zoning Permit Referral - Sycamore Garden Apartments Property Sign
Mr. Glidden presented the Board with a Zoning Compliance Review for Sycamore Garden Apartments, located at 949-953 Hopmeadow Street. The management Associates are proposing a sign change. The Board reviewed the changes in sign and design.

At 5:57 P.M., Ms. Frank made a motion to give a favorable recommendation to Zoning Commission for the Zoning Permit Referral with the following suggestions/conditions:

1. Remove the overgrowth around the sign
2. Add miniature dwarf type plantings
3. Request the removal of the management name at the bottom and replace with “Leasing information” along with phone number in bold text.
4. Addition of perennial bed under the sign
5. Fill the void with manageable vegetation to look aesthetically pleasing

Ms. Lang seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

At 5:58 P.M., Ms. Frank made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Ms. Lang and the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Rathbun