Design Review Board Minutes 10/19/2015

Meeting date: 
Monday, October 19, 2015


SEPTEMBER 21, 2015





Jennifer Murnane, Chairperson, opened the Regular Meeting of the Design Review Board at 5:35 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room at the Town Offices.  Other members and alternates in attendance were Jonathan Laschever, Anca Dragulski, John Carroll, Anthony Drapelick, Paul Lanza, and Ron Perry.  Also present were Michael Glidden, Assistant Town Planner; Janis Prifti, Commission Clerk; and other interested parties.





A quorum was present and no alternates were appointed.




1.         Application #15-23 of Megan McCue, Green Wood Sign & Graphics, Applicant; Tom Ryan, Simsbury Town Shops, LLC, Owner; for a sign permit for Ideal Weight Loss of Simsbury on the property located at 930 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map H09, Block 227, Lot 003). Zone SC-1. (received 09/21/2015; decision must be rendered by 11/25/2015)


Application #15-23 was read into the record.


The Applicant presented a proposed sign for 930 Hopmeadow Street which would be on the street side for a small business space on the side of the building; also in the building are Starbucks and Angus Energy.  The Applicant indicated the proposed sign would be the same style as the other signs on the building; however, Town Staff indicated there were issues with placing a sign on this historic building above the window, which is the Applicant’s preferred location.  The Board discussed the building layout and other building signs with the Applicant.  The Applicant proposed one sign 8-inches x 5-feet 4-inches and it would not be lit. 


The Applicant noted a second proposed sign location above the doorway, but there is no indication of a previous sign.  The Board suggested a post sign on the front roadway side would be preferred, but the Applicant did not know the amount of room available for a post sign.  The Board also noted the post sign would be more visible to drivers going by, as opposed to on the building side.  Town Staff clarified a free standing sign needs to be on private property and there are no setbacks for signage; an example was given of building mounted signs at 760 Hopmeadow Street altering the character of that historic building.  The Applicant planned to contact Town Staff for further discussion regarding sign placement.


Board Member Laschever made a motion that Application #15-23 of Megan McCue, Green Wood Sign & Graphics, Applicant, recommending denial of the Application for placement of any signs on the building.


Board Member Drapelick seconded the motion, and it was passed with 4 votes in favor and 1 vote opposed.


2.         Application #15-37 of Steven Walker, GPF-Drake Hill LLC, Owner, for a Site Plan Amendment on the property located at 710 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map G10, Block 227, Lot 001+2). Zone SC-1. (received 09/21/2015; decision must be rendered by 11/25/2015)


Application #15-37 was read into the record.


The Applicant reviewed that several months ago they received approval of signage for Bill Selig’s studio on the building side and they are now requesting Board approval for an LED light inside the middle awning which would spill out somewhat onto the letters that say “The Studio”.  The Applicant clarified that the fixture would not be visible to anyone standing in front.


Board Member Perry made a motion to approve the light fixture as submitted in Exhibit 7 under Application #15-37.


Board Member Laschever seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.


The Applicant showed the Board the current Drake Hill Mall sign which they proposed modernizing and matching to the Caldwell Banker sign; the new sign would use the same square footage.  The Applicant showed 2 updated entrance signs – 1 on Drake Hill and 1 on Jim Gallagher Blvd.  The Applicant added that they would use the same brick on the sign base that matches the shopping center brick and the names of 3 other tenants would be added to the main sign; the letters above for “Drake Hill” and the addresses would be pin mounted brushed aluminum letters. 


Regarding light fixtures, the Applicant indicated those would be LED fixtures at the base shining upward; there would be shrubbery and room for seasonal plants/flowers and some evergreens throughout the year.  The Board suggested it may be difficult to see the numbers in the shrubbery and it might be better to swap the position of the lights/numbers.


The Board noted for the record the need to develop LED guidelines.


Board Member Drapelick made a motion to approve all three signs presented under Application #15-37 with the addition of placing the lights so the letters are all lit.


Board Member Carroll seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.


3.         Application #15-39 of LADA, P.C. Land Planners, Consultant; EAY Properties, LLC, Owner; for a Site Plan Amendment for an addition to the existing building on the property located at 532 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map G12, Block 132, Lot 027) Zone B2. (received 10/19/2015; decision must be rendered by 12/23/2015)


Application #15-39 was read into the record.


The property manager indicated Meadow Asian Cuisine has a need for more kitchen space and the only location available for the small 11’x16’ addition is on the building front for a refrigerator and walk-in freezer.  The Board was provided the proposed layout and various issues regarding utility and building access were reviewed. 


The property manager indicated siding would match the existing style/color and expressed preference for vinyl siding because the existing aluminum siding is 30 years old; the existing roof is about 5 years old and would match with no special roof ventilation required, as there will be no cooking in this area; the refrigerator/freezer addition, with no outside lighting, would come out to the curb and not reduce parking; and the gable window would match the others and would be decorative.


Board Member Lanza made a motion to accept Application #15-39 of LADA, P.C. Land Planners, Consultant; EAY Properties, LLC, Owner; for a Site Plan Amendment for an addition to the existing building on the property located at 532 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map G12, Block 132, Lot 027) Zone B2.


Board Member Drapelick seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.


            4.         2016 Meeting Calendar


Board Member Carroll made a motion to approve the 2016 Meeting Calendar.


Board Member Drapelick seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.





No discussion.



VI.       APPROVAL OF MINUTES from October 5, 2015


Board Member Drapelick made a motion to approve the October 5, 2015 minutes, as written.


Board Member Laschever seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.





Board Member Carroll made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 p.m.


Board Member Lanza seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.