Design Review Board Minutes 11/04/2019

Meeting date: 
Monday, November 4, 2019

Simsbury Design Review Board
Town of Simsbury
Special Meeting Minutes - Subject to Approval
Monday, November 4, 2019 at 5:30 P.M.
Simsbury Town Hall, Board of Education Conference Room
933 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, Connecticut

PRESENT: Steve Antonio, Anca Dragulski, Polly Rice, Katherine Beal

ALSO PRESENT: Michael Glidden, CFM CZEO, Director of Planning and Community

Chairman Antonio called the meeting to order at 5:42 P.M.


1. Discussion and Possible Action:
a. Application #19-46 of T.J. Donohue, Jr., Applicant; McLean Affiliates,
Inc., Owner; for a Site Plan Amendment to construct a 54-unit residential building and
appurtenant amenities at the McLean campus on the property located at 85 & 95
Firetown Road, and 75 Great Pond Road (Assessor’s Map E08, Block 147, 148, Lot
001). Zone R-40.

Mr. Donohue presented application #19-46, giving a brief review of the proposed Site
Plan Amendment. Mr. Donohue then introduced Tom Daly, Civil Engineer at Milone &
MacBroom, and David McGill, Project Architect at SFCS.

Mr. Daly showed the Board renderings of cross sections of the rear access and
retaining wall, landscaping, 3 tier planting plans (perennial, mid height plantings, and
taller plants and trees). He also showed pictures of the variety and layering of colors to
be used around the property. Mr. Daly also discussed the addition of a mid-stair landing
As suggested previously by the Board in earlier feedback.

Mr. McGill presented the materials to be used for siding (gray and tan buff color), stone
(color and shape), two kinds of roofing and pattern to be used and sub-pieces such as
glass and rails. The siding color choices were chosen to attempt to match up to the
current Burkholder building on site. Shutter color choices were shown, two different
colors, with a mortar look.

Discussion was had about the amount of detail on the outside of the large community
room, the Board suggested thicker batten strips. Also discussed was the stucco under
the windows. Mr. McGill responded that a knock down finish blend will be used to mimic
the stone look by adding more texture, and making the control joints more visible on the
outside of the multi-purpose room.

Chairman Antonio asked about the color of the door leading out to the ground level in
rear. The Board suggested that the door be a bold color in contrast to the building,
possibly red, like the metal roof.

At 6:18 P.M., Chairman Antonio made a motion to give a positive referral to application #19-46 of T.J. Donohue, Jr., Applicant; McLean Affiliates, Inc., Owner; for a Site Plan Amendment to construct a 54-unit residential building and appurtenant amenities at the McLean campus on the property located at 85 & 95 Firetown Road, and 75 Great Pond Road (Assessor’s Map E08, Block 147, 148, Lot 001). Zone R-40 with the following recommendations:

1. 5/4 Battens for accent on exterior of multi-purpose room
2. Adding knock down stucco texture (50%) on exterior of multi-purpose room
3. Exit door to be bold colored to contrast stucco
4. Mechanical doors painted to be blended to match stucco color

Ms. Rice seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

At 6:11 P.M., Ms. Rice made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Ms. Beal and the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Rathbun