Historic District Commission Minutes 03/06/2014 ADOPTED

Meeting date: 
Thursday, March 6, 2014


MARCH 6, 2014



I.          ROLL CALL

Commission members present were Acting Chairman Dianne Mead, Marguerite Rodney, Betty order at 7:35 p.m.  Also in attendance were Howard Beach, Conservation Officer; Janis Prifti, Commission Clerk; and other interested parties.



Chairman Mead seated Commissioner Laschever for Denise Alfeld.



The Commissioners discussed the appointment of officers and pertinent factors.

Commissioner Laschever made a motion to nominate Dianne Mead for Chairperson.  Commissioner Rodney seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Commissioner Laschever made a motion to nominate Marguerite Rodney for Vice Chairperson.  Commissioner Mead seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Commissioner Laschever made a motion to nominate Betty Woollacott for Secretary.  Commissioner Mead seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

The Applicant's architect for Application #13-09 had not yet arrived; therefore, the Commissioners continued with Item V. on the Agenda.



a.         CLG Annual Report

Town Staff is putting together a draft which will be circulated to the Commissioners for the fiscal year beginning in September for constructive comment; it must be completed in the next week.

Regarding the budget's status, Town Staff will check and report on it at the next meeting.

b.         Status of grant received

The grant product was finalized and submitted.  A $2800 grant received two years ago had $1300 left; those funds are being used to put the West Simsbury information on line for the assessor using the same format; Town Staff will meet with the consultant on the 19th to verify  completion and report on it at the April meeting.  While the Assessor's system is not live yet, when it does become live this information will be embedded.  Some corrections need to be made to the Zoning map which will act to correct the Assessor's database; that technology only became available recently and hopefully online soon.  Culture, Parks and Rec would like to be part of that, but budget is an issue this year.

Town Staff advised that the Terry's Plain sign is in good shape and will be put back up using a more secure method when snow clears.  The Commissioners will advise the preferred side of the sign to hang.

c.         Preserving Our Heritage:  A Property Owner's Guide to the East Weatogue Historic District

Town Staff requested the Commissioners provide any updates.  The Commissioners noted a reference to Lynn Charest needed to be changed.  The Commissioners discussed whether solar panels should be referenced in the guide because federal regulations mandate energy standards.  The State Preservation Historic Office which also reviews solar panels will be contacted to clarify whether that is correct.  Also, a reference to the Historic District Guidelines Handbook is needed in this document.  Currently, there are about 5-10 printed handbooks available, but they need to have a statutory reference changed and reprinted; an online PDF version is also available and a website link will be added in this document.  The concept for this document was to provide it to new homeowners in the District with the handbook.  Until the Assessor's system is live, Commissioners living in the District are relied upon to try and be aware of new residents so they can be provided these documents.  The Commissioners discussed that it is not clear if a title search reveals a property is in the historic district; Town Staff felt it should be in the Deed.  The Commissioners believed it was added some years ago as a checkmark Building Departments check card to be triggered for any renovation or alteration to a home in the Historic District.  Town Staff confirmed the building permit process can be tied into the Assessors system when it is live automatically highlighting any home in the Historic District so they are aware of it.  The Commissioners reiterated the need for buyers in the Historic District to be aware of Historic District restrictions when they purchase the home and will work to self-regulate.  Town Staff will check the Deeds for some of the properties to see what the language is.  It was noted that the sign that ends the Historic District on one side of the street does not match its end on the other side of the street.  The Commissioners discussed that when a For Sale sign goes up in the District, the realtor needs to be contacted to assure they understand it is in the Historic District.  Town Staff indicated with the sign restrictions the realtors are cognizant of that they are in the Historic District.



a.         Application #13-09 of Nancy C. Onken, Owner, for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the construction of a new home and associated accessory structures on the property located at 126 East Weatogue Street (Map H12, Block 106, Lot 036-4).  (continued from 02/06/2014).

The Applicant returned to discuss fundamental changes around the barn and the Commission's request to break up the structure's roofline, as well as slightly moving the tennis court to reduce visibility.  An outline showed the setback and separation between the garage and barn.  More detail was provided regarding the windows and entry.  The architect's provided detail sheets for the house trim, shutters, sections of the porch, and pilasters on the side.  A major item was breaking up the mass of the barn utilizing a center gable and putting doors back on the front with barn sash windows.  The tennis court was moved.  Examples of the proposed materials were provided:  the barn would have pine vertical siding; the house would have regular 4 1/2 inch pre-prime Lifespan clapboard and trim (Lifespan is pressure-treated non-finger jointed new growth pine from New Zealand); simulated divided light windows which have been accepted in Farmington Historic District - window is wood with the exterior clad in aluminum; they are continuing to look at architectural shingles in a charcoal color; and a photo of a proposed cedar fencepost and lighting for six 20-foot tall posts with a 10-foot fence would have one light at center on each side and one light near the end line on each side and for 8 posts the center two are slightly off center; these would be forward throwing lights to six feet limiting seepage; the court would be located on the south side of the property minimizing impact and sunken into the hill with the back a retaining wall;   The Commissioners were also interested in the types of lights on the building and they would return with those lights when selected.  Their engineer believed the drainage could be done.

The Commissioners felt the mass of the barn connected to the house continued to be a concern, especially with placement so close to the road appearing overwhelming.  The Guidebook calls for barns to be behind buildings rather than next to them, and the potential of moving the barn and tennis court was discussed.  The architect indicated the 60x20-foot tennis court needs to run north to south because of sun in player’s eyes, or its usability would be impacted.  The distance from the street to the front of the barn was about 93 feet.  In looking at other houses in the District, the Commissions charge is to maintain the character and scale of the District, and this would not be appropriate.  The Applicant read into the record a letter to Town Staff of positive support from the closest residents in the District, Jackie and John McCormack at 116 East Weatogue, asking that these plans be approved.  Town Staff confirmed that following public comment, the Public Hearing would be closed and information could no longer be accepted from the Applicant.

Sue Bednaryck at 119 East Weatogue Street expressed concern about drainage problems as a result of trees formerly having been clear cut on this property.  Town Staff confirmed that the Historic District does not regulate landscaping.  She continued that there is ongoing impact from drainage issues and the structure going in will exacerbate this problem.  She believed the tennis court would be 25 feet over the setback line and should go back to Planning.  Also, the location of the driveway going in will add to the drainage problem.  The lights from the tennis court could prevent her from sleeping.  She felt this plan is too much for the site and there are many issues that preceded this owner on this site.  She added this is nothing personal and the Applicant is a very nice lady.

Ann Weld of Heather Lane across the street expressed her concern about the drainage and location of the curb cut.  Standing at Heather Lane looking up toward the proposed driveway, serious cutting into a huge embankment with historic trees and a significant grade change from road level would be dangerous.  Her feeling is that the larger properties in the Historic District are on bigger, flatter lots reducing the appearance of their size.  The scope of looking up at this property increases its scale.  She noted there are speed traps at this location regularly where people drive fast and there are bikers and joggers.

The Applicant spoke with several companies building tennis courts who confirmed with the right materials - probably clay or grass - selected it would be neutral regarding pervious issues so that it does not contribute to drainage issues.  She believed her responsibility to be the additional runoff associated with this plan moving forward through the building permit process.  The architect indicated they verified that the tennis court is allowed to be 25 feet from the rear line and they would be seeking no variances as it meets every coverage height and setback requirement.

The Commissioners continued to be concerned about the mass of the facade and additionally, the tennis court lights.  They discussed with the Applicant alternatives and complemented the Applicant on their efforts.  However, as such a large place, the plan did not seem to fit with the neighboring properties and the Commission's charge to maintain the character of the District.  The larger homes in the District are on larger pieces of flat land and are spread out and set back from the road.  The Applicant indicated the house structure would be the only thing that could get smaller and conferred with the architect.

The architect suggested making the house shorter and taller going front to back and possibly putting the garage in the basement, but that is really not desirable.  They could shorten the house and make it deeper to achieve 25 to 30 feet between the house and garage with a covered walkway, but the barn would remain the same size and the tennis court in the same location.  The side yard setback is 40 feet.  The barn would contain a half basketball court.  Town Staff confirmed a decision on this Application is required to be made within 65 days and that time is expired tonight and the Commission needs to make a decision.  If modifications could be agreed on tonight, the Application could be approved with conditions.

Commissioner Rodney made a motion to close the Public Hearing.  Commissioner Mead seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

The Commissioners complemented the Applicants efforts and the enormous improvement and attractiveness of the design, but it needs to harmonize with the Historic District in size and details and they did not believe this plan meets those requirements.

Commissioner Laschever made a motion that we deny the Application #13-09 on the basis that the scale of the barn is inappropriate in its location on this lot within the Historic District and does not meet the Guidelines as stipulated in the Handbook.

Commissioner Rodney seconded the motion.

The Commissioners discussed the potential of further modifications the Applicant might make to the design, but the size and scale of the barn next to a smaller house would look even bigger and remain an issue.

 The motion to deny was passed unanimously.





VII.     APPROVAL OF MINUTES of January 9, 2014, and February 20, 2014

Commissioner Laschever made a motion to accept the January 9, 2014, and the February 20, 2014, minutes as written.

Commissioner Mead seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Town Staff was asked to confirm whether the door replaced by Ted Brown with six-panel fiberglass door was approved or just the trim.  Also, the Commissioners asked when the plastic fence was put up at the corner of Riverside and East Weatogue, which was done without approval; the large stainless steel heating system in the back is very visible and was supposed to be surrounded with appropriate fence material.  Town Staff confirmed that enforcement falls under Building Systems and will check the files for what was approved.




Commissioner Laschever made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:15p.m.  Commissioner Mead seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.



Betty Woollacott, Secretary