Historic District Commission Minutes 04/03/2014 ADOPTED

Meeting date: 
Thursday, April 3, 2014


APRIL 3, 2014



I.          ROLL CALL

Chairperson Diane Mead called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.  Commission members present were Mark Nyquist, Betty Woollacott, and Marguerite  Rodney.  Also in attendance was Howard Beach, Conservation Officer, and other interested parties.



Chairman Mead appointed Mark Nyquist as a regular member.

Marc Lubetkin joined the meeting at 7:35 p.m.



As the election previously took place, this item should be removed from the Agenda.



a.         Application #14-01 of Charles and Heather Goetz, Owners, for a Certificate of Appropriateness for replacement of the front porch, replacing some windows with French doors, an addition to the dwelling, and repairs to the greenhouse on the property located at 72 East Weatogue Street (Map H13, Block 109, Lot 026).

The Application was read into the record.

The Applicant advised that renovations begun a year ago have been completed as planned, except that the back porch steps need to be put in once landscaping is  done for the path, which will provide a base for the stairs.  The Commissioners complimented the quality of the work to date.

Regarding replacement of the front porch, the Applicant planned to use real wood; however, the Commissioners recommended for applicable areas that they investigate a composite material that looks like real wood but is more durable.  Where a door would be replaced on the south side, there would be no steps and the roof would be extended in a scaled down version mimicking the front porch; they would use the same french doors as on the back porch.  The Applicant explained for the greenhouse that the glass was broken and would either be replaced or screens would be put in instead; the same pattern in metal would be used and it would continue to not have a roof.  Rotted wood eaves on the second floor roof would be replaced above the front porch with the same wood material; the Commissioners suggested repairing drainage to prevent future rot problems.   The greenhouse is only slightly visible from the road at this time of year.  The driveway would be redone in asphalt using the same profile; Town Staff advised a curb cut permit is required from the Engineering Department and the contractor posts a bond.  It was noted that any construction, alteration or enlargement to driveways or parking areas, walkways, walls and patios requires a permit.

Commissioner Lubetkin made a motion to approve the Application as presented.  Commissioner Woollacott seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.



Mary Dunn, Historic District Coordinator, will currently conduct a workshop from 7-9 p.m. on April 28th.  This would be a meeting that members of the public can attend if they wish.  There would be a half hour PowerPoint presentation followed by discussion of questions.

Regarding repaving the remainder of East Weatogue Street where flooding has occurred, Town Staff advised that drainage repair would begin this summer with repaving next year.  It is also planned to repave and raise Riverside Drive on the north section to prevent flooding; a flood control gate was added and closes when the river rises preventing river water from backwatering in; it will work even better when a second culvert goes in with a flood control gate and 18 inches of raised pavement; catch basins will also be raised near the bridge.

Regarding the status of the fence on the corner of East Weatogue and Riverside and the structure in back of the house, Town Staff will check the permit.

Regarding Ted Brown's door surround approval, the Commissioners did not believe the door was approved; Town Staff will check the permit.

The Commissioners discussed having a checklist of outstanding items for follow-up; Town Staff invited emails for any items that come up.

The Commissioners discussed the need for a Republican replacement on the Commission, as well as an additional alternate.


VI.       APPROVAL OF MINUTES of March 6, 2014

Commissioner Lubetkin made a motion to approve the March 6, 2014 Minutes, as written.  Commissioner Rodney seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.



Commissioner Mead made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 p.m.  Commissioner Rodney seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.




Betty Woollacott, Secretary