Historic District Commission Minutes 04/04/2013 ADOPTED

Meeting date: 
Thursday, April 4, 2013

APRIL 4, 2013



Commission members present were: HRH Chairman Ken Feder, Betty Woollacott, Diane Mead, and Marc Lubetkin.  Chairman Feder called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room.  Also in attendance were: Lynn Charest, Zoning Enforcement Officer; Janis Prifti, Commission Clerk; and other interested parties. 


Chairman Feder appointed Commissioner Lubetkin to serve as an alternate for Denise Alfeld; this appointment was cancelled when Commissioner Alfeld joined the meeting at 7:40 p.m.


a. Application #13-01 of Charles and Heather Goetz, Owners, for a Certificate of Appropriateness for additions to the dwelling on the property located at 72 East Weatogue Street (Map H13, Block 109, Lot 026).

Commissioner Woollacott read the application into the record.

Commissioner Lubetkin made a motion to consider the Application and Commissioner Mead seconded the motion.

Charles and Heather Goetz were present and Mr. Goetz stated they would like to expand the kitchen and mudroom area in the back of the house.  He said the extension of the kitchen would not change the house profile, but they would use the existing porch and add another 10 feet of volume with no change in height.  He said the materials will be consistent with the house - poured concrete, standard wood frame and clapboard.  He said they will put an unscreened porch on the back of the house, which is not visible from the road.  He said the existing kitchen is on an odd slant and will be squared off; windows along the dining room and butler pantry remain.  Commissioner Woollacott recalled that in the flood of ‘55 this location housed a lot of people.  Commissioner Lubetkin reviewed there are 3 different pieces including the porch addition, addition on the back, and replacement of the porch being taken down using the same historic materials; he complimented the owners on the house's condition.  Chairman Feder stated his impression that once the addition is complete it will look like it was always there and be more appropriate to the house.  Regarding windows, Mr. Goetz showed their locations to the Commissioners on the map with 2 windows on each side of the back door and said the work will begin within a month.  He said they will likely return in the future with an application to make the house's right side more consistent.

Commissioner Lubetkin made a motion to approve the motion as presented.  Commissioner Alfeld seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously. 

b. Application #13-02A of Justin Avery, Aja Shanti McCarty, and Nancy E. Sjostedt, Owners, for a Certificate of Appropriateness for an existing fence on the property located at 91 East Weatogue Street (Map H12, Block 107, Lot 018).

Commissioner Woollacott read the application into the record.

Commissioner Lubetkin made a motion to consider the Application and Commissioner Mead seconded the motion.

Justin Avery stated they put up the wire fence about 3 years ago and purchased the house in 2008.  He said they originally didn't want a fence, but after several dog attacks and one fatal attack, the fence was a necessity.  He said it is a functional wire fence and they cannot afford to put up a better fence now.  Commissioner Lubetkin complimented Mr. Avery's building of the chicken coop and skateboard ramp, but said the fence is not part of the spec accepted in the Historic District.  Commissioner Mead said the Commission doesn't impose 200-year old fence styles on a 1950's house.  Chairman Feder noted the Applicant hadn't gone through proper procedures for approval to put up a fence.  The Commissioners discussed the fence option to upgrade the front yard line so the wire fence is not visible.  Mary Beth Selby at #93 said the gate comes from their previous fence and offered those original wood pieces to put back up in front; she did not care about having a wood fence between their 2 properties and said the Avery property is well kept.  Ellis Larson at #92 said he hadn't noticed the fence until he received the notice.  The Commissioners agreed that putting the wood pieces of fence in front would be a tremendous improvement; the neighbors present agreed with this solution.  Tom Fahey at 6 Riverside asked why the chicken coop is there; Ms. Charest said that would be covered in the next application.

Commissioner Woollacott made a motion to approve the Application with the stipulation to put a wooden fence in front where it is visible.  Commissioner Lubetkin seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

c. Application #13-02B of Justin W. Avery, Aja Shanti McCarty, and Nancy E. Sjostedt, Owners, for a Certificate of Appropriateness for an existing chicken coop on the property located at 91 East Weatogue Street (Map H12, Block 107, Lot 018).

Commissioner Woollacott read the application into the record.

Commissioner Lubetkin made a motion to consider the Application and Commissioner Alfeld seconded the motion.

Mr. Avery said the chicken coop, built 3 years ago, is carefully maintained and washed every year; it houses 7 heritage breed chickens providing organic eggs and they sleep in the top portion with the roof opening up.  Commissioner Lubetkin said only the historic piece is considered by the Commission and nothing that relates to zoning.  The nearest neighbors indicated they were fine with the chicken coop.  Chairman Feder stated from the perspective of the board it is historically appropriate.  Mr. Fahey questioned whether there could be 70 chickens; he has seen chickens on the road and is not fond of them going across his property; he asked whether a chicken farm is okay as opposed to a chicken house.  Chairman Feder said HDC can only look at whether a structure is historically appropriate for the house.  Ms. Charest said the limit is 12 chickens or ducks per property in Simsbury residential zones before it becomes a zoning violation; the space must be kept clean, and the chickens must stay on the owner’s property; the HDC doesn't handle nuisance violations.  Mr. Fahey asked if a larger chicken house is built for more chickens would they have to return to the Commission.  The Commissioners said they would have to return, but it would go to Ms. Charest as the Zoning Officer before reaching the HDC and would still be limited to 12 chickens.

Commissioner Lubetkin made a motion to approve the chicken coop.  Commissioner Alfeld seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously. 

d. Application #13-02C of W. Avery, Aja Shanti McCarty, and Nancy E. Sjostedt, Owners, for a Certificate of Appropriateness for an existing skateboard ramp on the property located at 91 East Weatogue Street (Map H12, Block 107, Lot 018).

Commissioner Woollacott read the application into the record.

Commissioner Lubetkin made a motion to consider the Application and Commissioner Alfeld seconded the motion.

Mr. Avery said he and his son built a skateboard ramp about 4 years ago toward the back of the property and it is kept clean; it is a 1950's house and he believes the skateboard ramp is historically accurate.  Commissioner Lubetkin felt it might not be historically appropriate but it has become a community landmark.  Ms. Selby said she can see it from her kitchen window and is glad it is there as her children use it all the time for recreation.  Ms. Charest said it is not a permanent structure and does not require a building permit with no need to comply with zoning setbacks.  Regarding whether there is a limit on the number of items in yards, Ms. Charest said for percent of coverage, there is no limit in residential zones.  Ms. Alfeld said on the record that the pod at 26 East Weatogue will be removed this weekend.  Ms. Charest said that temporary structures have to be removed within 6 months, e.g. a garage the Commissioners asked Ms. Charest to take a look at on the street.   Commissioner Woollacott asked the Applicant to let the Commission know ahead of time if they decide to do something else.  Ms. Selby indicated when they purchased their house they were not aware of Historic District requirements and the Commissioners agreed residents need to be made aware.

Commissioner Lubetkin made a motion to approve the skateboard.  Commissioner Mead seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously. 


a. Rachel Carley, SCLG Consultant

Ms. Carley discussed her progress with the Commissioners and is working on refining the draft.  She said it was a very interesting process with fascinating tobacco farming history revealed although most of the barns are about to go.  She talked about 6 barns on Firetown Road and encouraged their preservation with the Town owning one. 

She said another fascinating property was the Town Poor Farm; in addition to recommending a National Register Historic District in West Simsbury and because of the CLG, she highly recommends listing the Poor Farm property on Wolcott for national status and said there are many opportunities for funding.  She said the Poor Farm was established in 1883; there was an alms house in Tariffville beforehand, which kept going; this represents the classic idea of working for your keep for the indigent or those needing care.  She said the last Poor Farm resident left in 1981 and was relocated to another place; Simsbury had one of three of these institutions in the State (also Greenwich and Glastonbury).  She said the Wolcotts, who originally owned the property, were a prominent family with Oliver Wolcott an early Governor of Connecticut and signer of the Declaration of Independence. 

She went through the out-buildings at the Hall Farm; the tobacco barn was moved from Windsor; the little buildings have people living in them and one was formerly used by a special shoemaker for Ensign Bickford, who made special shoes with no metal in them.  She is checking on a few other properties and has some phone calls to make to get the owners’ permission.  The Commissioners confirmed the Town has a Delayed Demolition Form for 90 days. 

She will have the final version in a couple of weeks; the map is not done yet, but there are pictures associated with the files, although a couple are missing.  Ms. Charest will provide Commissioner Woollacott with a hard copy.  Chairman Feder read through the CD and felt it was wonderful and provided Ms. Carley with digital notes for the front part; he noted Bloomfield and Canton were switched. 

Ms. Carley talked about Orkil Farms apples at 60A Old Farms Road and the apple barn that remains.  Regarding 26 Pilfershire, she did not get into that because there are no existing buildings there.  Regarding the apple farm, she said Aron Kilborne, who bought the farm and house in 1928, also had dairy cows, a stable, and had hunts.  She said the Union District School House at the corner of Hoskins and Firetown operated until 1934. 

The Commissioners said the report looks great and is very detailed.  Regarding working on the next section, she said between her study and Ensign Bickford's, there is a gerrymandered area left and she has not so far found a study done about 25 years ago as a resources inventory and believes it should be at UCONN Storrs and might be worth updating.  She said creative thinking is needed to do the next report and things could be pulled in from other existing reports and could be a big editorial job.  Because the Town is a CLG, she asked the Commissioners to take a look at her recommendations.  The Commissioners stated they are looking forward to seeing the final product.

Commissioner Lubetkin asked when the GIS will go online.  Ms. Charest indicated she did not know and Mr. Sawitzke is handling it.

b. Next Newsletter

Commissioner Lubetkin confirmed the Town Library has Publisher.  Ms. Charest indicated the Newsletter could be printed at Town Hall; Mr. Lubetkin will bring the heavyweight paper.  Ms. Woollacott was reminded to write a piece about the 1955 flood for the Newsletter. 

c. Election of Officers

Ms. Charest stated this was left over from January. 

Chairman Feder made a motion that the slate of officers be continued and the officers be notified, including what their duties are:  Ken Feder, Chairman; Diane Mead, Vice Chairman; and Denise Alfeld, Clerk.

Commissioner Mead seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.


Ms. Charest will take a ride on East Weatogue Street to look for non-compliant issues in order to make people aware of regulations, even after-the-fact.

Regarding the budget and signs that need painting, replacement, updates, etc., Ms. Charest said the budget went in a while ago and the Town still has to vote on it.  Commissioner Woollacott said the "Scenic Road" signs are still missing on the 315 end of Terrys Plain and at the scenic bridge. 

VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of February 7, 2013

On Line 53, "discussed by Commissioner Lubetkin" is deleted.

On Line 79, the spelling of “Caldera's" is now changed to "Caldeira's"

Commissioner Lubetkin made a motion to approve the February 7, 2013, Meeting Minutes as changed. 

Commissioner Mead seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.


Commissioner Lubetkin made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m.  Commissioner Mead seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.
