Historic District Commission Minutes 07/10/2014 ADOPTED

Meeting date: 
Thursday, July 10, 2014


JULY 10, 2014



I.          ROLL CALL

Chairperson Diane Mead called the meeting to order at 7:28 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices.  Commission members present were Julie Carmelich, Betty Woollacott, and Marguerite Rodney.  Also in attendance were Michael Glidden, Code Compliance Officer; Janis Prifti, Commission Clerk; and other interested parties. 



Chairperson Mead appointed Commissioner Carmelich as a voting member.



a.         Application #14-05 of Corey Graves and Rachel Black, Owners, for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of cedar split rail fence on the property located at 85 East Weatogue Street (Map H14, Block 109, Lot 020). Zone R-15.

Application #14-05 was read into the record.

The Applicant confirmed that when they purchased the property they were aware it was in the Historic District and the white vinyl fencing was already in place.  The Commissioners noted that this property has one of the finest historic homes in the District.  The Applicant replaced the fence on the East Weatogue property line using the exact holes in place for the former vinyl fencing and also added fencing to the Riverside property line circling back to the garage corner.  The fencing used was 3-rail split cedar with black locust posts in all natural untreated material.  The Applicant has two dogs on a busy street and views the fence installation as promoting safety.  The Applicant provided the Commissioners with photos of the fencing and a Google street view map.

The Commissioners reviewed that the Historic District Handbook is available on line and the installation of white vinyl fencing is not desirable.  The Commission typically reviews hardscape features, e.g. fencing, stone walls, etc.  but not paint color or landscaping.  The Applicant noted the stone wall along Riverside has been affected by the ground settling and the top is moving forward; in the future he hopes to dig out behind it and set it back in place.  The Commissioners explained if the wall is being maintained exactly as it is, then the Applicant does not need to come in for a permit; however, if there is any doubt, the Commission invited questions any time.

Commissioner Mead made a motion to approve Application #14-05.

Commissioner Rodney seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Town Staff and the Commissioners complimented the positive intent, great cooperation, and ultimate improvement to the property of tonight's Applicant. 



The Commissioners asked about the status of the Terry's Plain sign to be hung at #70 and Town Staff confirmed it was put in place last Friday.  The Commissioners asked about whether the accompanying scenic road signs were ever made; Town Staff will look into that and check with Public Works. 

Regarding the Historic District Handbook, the Commissioners discussed applying for grants and the possibility of having someone write updates; as a CLG, a non-matching grant could be up to $5000.  The Commissioners noted some of the items to be added to the Handbook include solar panels, and planned to review the Handbook before re-publishing.  

Development of an informative flyer regarding the benefits and protections of the Historic District which could be supplied to realtors in order to prevent problems for future District residents was discussed and Commissioner Carmelich planned to obtain further information. 


V.        APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF June 5, 2014

Commissioner Rodney made a motion to approve the June 5, 2014, minutes as written.

Commissioner Mead seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.



Commissioner Mead made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.  Commissioner Rodney seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.



Betty Woollacott, Secretary