Historic District Commission Minutes 08/06/2015

Meeting date: 
Thursday, August 6, 2015


AUGUST 6, 2015






I.          ROLL CALL


Acting Chairperson Marguerite Rodney called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices.  Commission members present were Betty Woollacott, Jonathan Laschever, and Julie Carmelich.  Also in attendance were Michael Glidden, Code Compliance Officer; Janis Prifti, Commission Clerk; and other interested parties. 





Chairperson Rodney appointed Julie Carmelich to serve as alternate for the vacancy.


Commissioner Patricia Hyppa joined the meeting at 7:31 p.m.





1.         Application #15-03 of Kenneth and Deborah Bibbins, Owners, for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of the roof shingles and chimney on the property located at 115 East Weatogue Street (Assessor's Map H12, Block 107, Lot 034B). Zone R-40. (received 07/15/2015; decision must be rendered by 09/18/2015)


Application #15-03 was read into the record.


The Applicant indicated after 21 years of residence in the house, the roof needs repair and proposed using the same weathered wood-looking 3-tab shingles as previously approved for the back "L".  The Applicant also proposed repairing the chimneys, which are in significant disrepair; the Commissioners were provided with photos of the different chimney sides.  The Applicants noted their boiler runs off the "L" chimney, along with other fireplaces, and the main chimney operates multiple fireplaces.  The Applicants contractor recommended taking the chimney down to the roofline and rebuilding it using the same type, color, and size bricks as the Alfeld's used, but not the same look.  The Applicants expressed their concern for safety while maintaining the look of the historic house.  Regarding documentation of the chimney ages, the Applicants responded that the main house was built circa 1760 and the "L" was built circa 1850. 


The Commissioners asked about lining the chimney below the roofline, but the Applicant had not discussed that.  The Commissioners indicated from looking at the photos, that the chimneys could potentially be disassembled if they were double wall, repointed reusing the existing bricks; the Applicant indicated the contractor felt that would be labor-intensive, the interior condition of the bricks is unknown, and there are durability concerns; the Applicant noted you can see through the mortar joints into the interior and other joints are loose, preventing repointing.  The Commissioners asked whether the chimney brick was single or double wall; the Applicant said it appeared to be single and there are partitions inside - a main partition parallel to the ridgeline with the front half divided in two and the back is 1/2 of the chimney open for the main fireplace.  The Commissioners asked whether they would put back the small openings on top with a blue stone cap; the Applicants indicated they would like it to look exactly the same with new brick.  Regarding whether they could currently use the main chimney, the Applicants felt it was useable with interior portions staying warm; the Commissioners noted that oil soot is very acidic with more corrosion on the inside probable.  Regarding whether the weight of the new heavier brick would impact structural integrity, the Applicant's indicated the contractor is very experienced with this type of work.  The Commissioners asked to see a sample of the brick demonstrating the color and texture; the Applicant's directed the Commissioners to the StilesHart website and noted the brick color would be the same as on the Alfeld's house.  However, the Commissioners noted that the Alfeld's house has been completely redone so new brick doesn't stand out as it would on a house with more original components. 


The Commissioners expressed appreciation for the Applicant's efforts to maintain the home's character as they considered the various aspects of the historic home.   Regarding whether their contractor compared brick dimensions, the Applicants responded one chimney used 2-inch brick and the other just under 2 inches and a 2 1/8-inch brick was proposed, which they believed was comparable; the Commissioners noted that today's standard brick is not the same size; however, the Commissioners viewed the water struck brick on the StilesHart website and found a 2-inch brick was available.  The Commissioners discussed the brick color options as the Applicant's wanted the color to be as close as possible; the Commissioners explained an 18th century house's patina reflects age and a chimney with no color variation would stand out as a new chimney and could look artificial, so bricks with color variation would be a closer match; and the Commissioner's recommended they ask their contractor to obtain a sample board of brick colors from the distributor.  The Applicant's and the Commissioners agreed they should match the historic mortar color and texture as much as possible.


Commissioner Laschever made a motion to approve Application #15-03 of Kenneth and Deborah Bibbins, Owners, for a Certificate of Appropriateness for replacement of the roof shingles and chimney on the property located at 115 East Weatogue Street with the following conditions:  that the brick be 2-inch thick and that it still be the Barrington Red water struck; that the mortar color and texture be altered from what was shown on the Alfeld's example to more approximate the color and texture of the existing mortar on the existing house; that the roof shingles be the same as on the "L" in color and character; and that the blue stone caps be replaced in the same proportions and dimensions as they are, so that if they are only 1-inch thick they don't put 3-inch blue stone caps on it and up to a 1 ¾-inch overhang on the blue stone cap is acceptable with a saw curve; and the shapes and configurations of the openings in the chimneys will be as existing.


Commissioner Carmelich seconded the motion.


The Commissioners discussed architectural shingles on historic homes which are typically 3 tabs; the Applicant's indicated there are architectural shingles on the main house, but not on the north side of the 1850 addition, and they are re-roofing the main house and the "L" to consistently match the rest of the house.


The motion passed unanimously.


2.         Application #15-04 of Sally S. Rieger, Applicant; Simsbury Land Trust, Owner; for two gates, bridge repair and enhancement, and a trailhead kiosk on the properties located on East Weatogue Street (Assessor's Map H11, Block 106, Lot 037 and Assessor's Map H11, Block 106, Lot 038). Zones R-40 and R-80. (received 07/21/2015; decision must be rendered by 09/24/2015)


Application #15-04 was read into the record.




Chairperson Rodney made a motion to approve Application #15-04 for two gates, bridge repair and enhancement, and a trailhead kiosk on the properties on East Weatogue Street, as described in the Application.


Commissioner Carmelich seconded the motion, and it was passed with 4 in favor and 1 opposed.





            1.         Possible updates to Historic District Handbook



V.        APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF May 7, 2015


Commissioner Laschever made a motion to approve the May 7, 2015 Minutes, as written.


Chairperson Rodney seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.





Commissioner Laschever made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. 


Commissioner Carmelich seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.