Historic District Commission Minutes 09/08/2020

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Historic District Commission
Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 5:00 P.M.
Zoom Meeting/Simsbury Community Television Live Stream


The Special Meeting of the Historic District Commission was called to order at 5:06P.M. via Zoom Meeting/Simsbury Community Television Live Stream. Also in attendance was Laura Barkowski, Land Use Specialist; Michael Glidden, Director of Planning & Community Development; Karen Haberlin, Commission Clerk; and other interested parties.


Commission members present were Peter Adamowicz, Julie Carmelich, Marguerite Carnell, Heather Goetz and Dianne Mead.

1. Appointment of Alternates
Ms. Carnell appointed Mr. Adamowicz as an alternate for the meeting.

1. Public Hearing
a. Application #20-04 Greg & Tia Battiston, Owner/Applicant; for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of a fence, mailbox, shed, exterior lighting, and change of driveway material for the property located at 130 East Weatogue Street (Assessor’s Map H12, Block 106 Lot 036-2). Zone R-40.

2. Discussion and Possible Action
a. Application #20-04 Greg & Tia Battiston, Owner/Applicant; for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of a fence, mailbox, shed, exterior lighting, and change of driveway material for the property located at 130 East Weatogue Street (Assessor’s Map H12, Block 106 Lot 036-2). Zone R-40.

Ms. Carnell read the application aloud and invited the applicants to speak.

Ms. Battiston noted the materials were submitted in June.

Ms. Carnell referenced the fence on the site plan and asked where the gates on the fence would be located and what the style of the fence would be.

Mr. Battiston responded that one gate would face the street (west side) and the other would be located behind the house (north side). Both gates will be the same wood and design as submitted. The west side gate may need a cross piece for support and it will be a single gate.

Mr. Glidden screen shared the plans.

Ms. Carnell noted the shed is 12’ by 16’ and asked if there are any windows on the west side, facing the street.

Mr. Battiston said there are none.

Ms. Carnell asked if they had considered moving the shed further back on the lot or behind the house so it is less visible.

Mr. Battiston noted its proposed location is as far back as it can be because there is a hill and a swale behind it.

Ms. Carnell asked if it they had considered moving it to the north side.

Mr. Battiston noted that would not be a spot for it.

Ms. Carnell asked if the submitted photo of the tar and chip driveway represents how that will look.

Mr. Battiston responded that it does. He added that asphalt was approved, however they decided that tar and chip was more fitting.

Mr. Adamowicz asked if water seeps through the driveway.

Mr. Battiston responded that it does not, adding there is some loose stone on top.

Ms. Mead asked about the mailbox and lighting. It was noted they were included in the elevation drawing in the packet.

Ms. Carnell closed the public hearing.

MOTION: Ms. Carnell made a motion to approve the application for the installation of a fence, mailbox, shed, exterior lighting, and change of driveway material as proposed, with the stipulation that the fence gate match the overall design of the fence itself, for the property located at 130 East Weatogue Street. Ms. Carmelich seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.

3. Public Hearing
a. Application #20-05 Andrew & Heidi Golden, Owner/Applicant; for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of a ductless mini-split heat pump system for the property located at 57 East Weatogue Street (Assessor’s Map H13, Block 108 Lot 010). Zone R-40.

4. Discussion and Possible Action
a. Application #20-05 Andrew & Heidi Golden, Owner/Applicant; for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of a ductless mini-split heat pump system for the property located at 57 East Weatogue Street (Assessor’s Map H13, Block 108 Lot 010). Zone R-40.

Ms. Carnell read the application and invited Andrew Golden to speak.

Mr. Golden introduced himself and spoke about the proposed system, a 45,000 BTU mini-split ductless heat pump system, which will far more efficiently heat and cool the house. The system will include four indoor ductless evaporator units and a single Fujitsu mini-split condenser outside the home on the north side of the home towards the northwest corner. He indicated the system will obviate the need for any window AC units and he noted these units are very hard to hear as compared to traditional AC units. He noted the dimensions of the outside unit are 38 1/4” in length, 39 1/2” in height and 14 1/2” in depth. It will be blocked from view from the street by a small shrub on the northeast corner of the house, the many large trees and the stone wall. He noted there will be two sets of coolant and drain lines that will run vertically along the north side of the house. He referenced two renderings included in the application. He added the vertical lines will be fully encased in slim duct, which closely matches the exterior of the house.

Ms. Carnell asked about the color of the condensing unit.

Mr. Golden noted it is off-white.

Ms. Carnell noted the Commission does not regulate vegetation or landscaping and cannot consider shrubbery a screen as a result. She asked for comments from commissioners.

Ms. Carmelich noted she is seeing more and more of these systems put into historic homes as an alternative to large HVAC systems and she fully supports the use of the proposed system and felt the location of the condenser unit is fairly discreet, as well as the piping for it.

Ms. Mead, Mr. Adamowicz and Ms. Goetz agreed.

Ms. Carnell closed the public hearing.

MOTION: Ms. Carnell made a motion to approve the installation of the ductless mini-split system as described in the application and accompanying information. Ms. Mead seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.

5. Public Hearing
a. Application #20-06 William T. Case, Esq., Applicant, Conor J. Foley, Owner: for a Certificate of Appropriateness for modifications to a proposed residence including changes to garage and front door color, windows, porch decking, front and side gables, installation of seam metal roof over front porch and foundation height at the property located at 10 East Weatogue Street.) Assessor’s Map H14, Block 109 Lot 014A). Zone R-40.

6. Discussion and Possible Action
a. Application #20-06 William T. Case, Esq., Applicant, Conor J. Foley, Owner: for a Certificate of Appropriateness for modifications to a proposed residence including changes to garage and front door color, windows, porch decking, front and side gables, installation of seam metal roof over front porch and foundation height at the property located at 10 East Weatogue Street.) Assessor’s Map H14, Block 109 Lot 014A). Zone R-40.

Ms. Carnell read the application and invited the applicant to speak.

William Case, Esq., spoke on behalf of and introduced the owners, Tara and Conor Foley; the builder, Mike O’Neil; the excavator, Jeremy Vearil; and Ted Brown, who is providing a lot of the materials. He noted the application has been seen before and has some changes, including colors and a change in window style from six-over to two-over.

Ms. Carnell noted the six changes being considered, including the garage door color and front double door color being mahogany, and a change in the design of the front door to no longer include a transom over the top, (simply an eight-foot door). The windows will be manufactured by Ply-Gem, style Mira, two-over-two aluminum clad, wood color black with exterior screens. She asked to confirm what the two-over-one grill profile would be.

Mr. Brown noted it is the same window manufacturer as the first application. It is simulated divided light (SDL) and just the grill pattern has changed. It is a single vertical grill on the top sash and a single vertical grill on the bottom sash, giving two lights on top and two lights on the bottom, the bar having a 7/8” width.

Ms. Carnell noted she had no questions about the porch decking. Regarding changing the appearance of the front and side gables from wood shingles to board and batten, she asked why that change was made.

Mr. Case noted this change was a style determination.

Ms. Carnell noted that style is typically seen on vernacular outbuildings.

Mr. Case noted it is a small detail within the overall structure. He noted the house has some barn elements in keeping with a carpenter’s house, appropriate for the area. It is an area less than 200 square feet.

Mr. O’Neil noted it is 160-200 square feet on the entire house.

Mr. Case indicated it would be even less visible from the street.

Ms. Carnell referenced the standing seem metal roof to be applied over the front porch, below the front gable and on top of the garage dormer, with the balance of the roof to remain asphalt shingles. She noted this was discussed in the past.

Mr. Case noted this is a design issue and the Foleys want this particular look. He noted it is in keeping with the Historic District and this roof style is almost exactly the same as the Battiston’s house, which was approved. He further referenced the Handbook, noting the mixing of elements.

Ms. Mead noted the roof on the Battiston’s house is copper.

Mr. Case noted it is a metal roof.

Ms. Carnell clarified that the application for the Battiston’s house only had the standing seem copper roof in one place, on the porch.

Mr. Case noted they are looking for a similar look, adding that element on the window gables and the entryway.

Ms. Foley added they are looking for the majority of the metal on the front porch, as well as on the gables. There was discussion about copper patina and pollution.

Ms. Carnell commented on precedent in an historic district, noting each application is considered individually and all decisions are guided by the Secretary of Interior Standards.

Mr. Case further noted how this house will be in keeping with the District, noting the quality of the materials, the style and the builder.

Mr. O’Neil noted the house style was designed by Wendy Walton, an award-winning architect from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, referencing a similar house at Strawberry Bank.

Ms. Goetz asked if the proposed roof is matte or shiny.

Mr. Case noted it is matte.

Ms. Carmelich clarified that the Commission does not want a house that combines styles. Discussion followed. She further noted that not every decision creates precedent.

Ms. Carnell closed the public hearing and made observations on the application, noting no problems except significant concerns with the proposed gable material and noting that a metal roof does not meet the Secretary of Interior Standards for new construction in an historic district.

Ms. Carmelich, Mr. Adamowicz, Ms. Mead and Ms. Goetz agreed.

MOTION: Ms. Carnell made a motion to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for modification for this proposed residence, including changes to the garage and front door color, and a change in the front door design, that it will no longer have a transom, also approving the change of the window design from a six-over-six pattern to a two-over-two pattern, a change in the porch decking, also noting the foundation height is not changing and will remain approved as it previously was, the proposed change to board and batten siding located in the front and side gables is not approved and would remain the shingle-style that was previously approved, the installation of the seamed metal roof over the front porch and other two locations is also not approved and will remain asphalt shingle. Mr. Adamowicz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.

IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the July 9, 2020 Regular Meeting

MOTION: Ms. Mead madea motion to approve the Minutes from the July 9, 2020Regular Meeting as written. Ms. Goetz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Carmelich asked if new business items could be added to the agenda and Mr. Glidden noted he will add General Commission Business.

Commissioners were encouraged to look at the information on the handbook on Dropbox for feedback.

Ms. Mead inquired about the repainting of the Historic District signs and Mr. Glidden noted he would talk to DWP.


MOTION: Ms.Carnell moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:10P.M. Mr. Adamowicz seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Haberlin
Commission Clerk