Historic District Commission Minutes 10/09/2014 SPECIAL MEETING

Meeting date: 
Thursday, October 9, 2014


OCTOBER 9, 2014



I.          ROLL CALL


Chairperson Dianne Mead called the special meeting to order at 6:00 PM in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices. Commission members present included Patty Hypa, Betty Woollacott, Marguerite Rodney, Jonathan Laschever and Mark Nyquist.  Also in attendance were Michael Glidden, Code Compliance Officer, Rachel Blatt, Assistant Town Planner and other interested parties.




No alternates were appointed.




Application #14-06 of Nancy C. Onken, Owner, for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the construction of a new home and associated accessory structures on the property located at 126 East Weatogue Street (Map H12, Block 106, Lot 036-4). (filed 8/11/2014, continued from 9/4/2014, continued from 10/2/2014, decision must be rendered by 10/15/2014).


Ms. Nancy Onken, Owner, mentioned that she spoke with the Town Attorney on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 and forwarded more documentation at 3:30 pm on October 9, 2014. She then introduced Jack Kemper to discuss the changes to the design.


Mr. Jack Kemper of Kemper Associates Architects, LLC said the following modifications were made to the design:

The barn has been pushed backed to 117 ft. from the street

The house has been moved forward

The tennis court has been moved backed 4 ft.

Landscaping was added between the house and driveway

A terrace was added to make the house have a bigger prominence

The walkway connects to the driveway, not the street

A stone wall was added in front of the house



Ms. Onken responded to Commissioner Mead’s comment that the barn needs to be narrower. Ms. Onken said that she didn’t make that change due to the increase in parcel by a half acre.


Commissioner Laschever stated the he is concerned that the elevation of the house and barn are the same.  He thinks the barn should be lower and made a suggestion to change the design of the barn by having the floor recessed. Therefore, the barn will be lower without changing the overall size. This design will require incorporating stairs to the barn.

Ms. Onken said that she is happy to incorporate the design if it doesn’t change the size of the barn. She will need to speak with the design engineers.


Commissioner Mead is in agreement with Commissioner Laschever’s suggestion to the barn.


Ms. Ann Weld of Heather Lane is concerned that the construction of the driveway, septic system and drainage issues among other things will require the trees to be removed. There is currently a problem with the drainage of water from the property that will have to be addressed.


Commissioner Laschever disagrees with Ms. Weld. He responded to her comment that the driveway will be behind the trees.


Ms. Blatt and Mr. Glidden stated that any clearing of trees has to go through the Planning Commission.


Commissioner Mead commented that Ms. Onken compared her two buildings to a picture of Rosedale Farm’s showing three buildings. She added that the Rosedale Farm barns are of different proportion and back further on the property. Commissioner Mead would like to see Ms. Onken’s barn narrower.


Ms. Onken responded that she thinks the Rosedale Farm’s barns are too close and looks congested.


Mr. Kemper suggested attaching a shed to the barn so that stairs can be installed to the barn floor. Therefore, the barn floor will be lowered 4 ft. to 5 ft.


Commissioner Mead stated that she is uncomfortable with the 20ft. high light poles for the tennis court. Ms. Onken replied that she doesn’t think the poles can be seen since it is so far back on the property.  She will not leave the lights on all night but does plan to play tennis at 6:00 pm when it is dark outside.


Ms. Sue Bednarcyk of 118 East Weatogue Street said that when all the trees are bare on Ms. Onken’s property, you can see everything.  She is concerned that the lights from the tennis court will be visible. She added the size of the barn is very looming and should be reduced.  Ms. Bednarcyk questioned how the water drainage from the buildings on Ms. Onken’s property will impact others in the neighborhood.


Ms. Deb Bibbins of 133 East Weatogue Street said she moved into a historic home 20 years ago knowing that the neighborhood will remain rural in nature. She added that he lights for the tennis court do not fit in with the look of the historic neighborhood.


At this time, Ms. Blatt referenced Chapter 97 of Historic Districts and Historic Properties, Sec. 7-147f  “Considerations in determining appropriateness. Solar energy systems.” 



Commissioner Mead moved to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rodney and was unanimously approved.


Commissioner Laschever moved to approve the house and its elevation of Application #14-06 of Nancy C. Onken, Owner, as it appears on drawings A1 and A3 submitted on Oct. 9, 2014 with the modification of removing the new front wall to revert back to the original design on sheet A1 dated August 14, 2014 received on August 15, 2014. Commissioner Rodney seconded the motion. Commissioners Mead and Hypa voted in favor of the motion. Commissioner Woollacott opposes. The motion passes 3-2.  


Commissioner Rodney moved to approve the tennis court as shown in drawings A1 and A3 submitted October 9, 2014 without site lighting. Commissioner Mead seconded the motion. Commissioners Mead and Laschever voted in favor of the motion. Commissioners Hypa and Woollacott oppose. The motion passes 3-2. 


Commissioner Laschever moved to approve the barn as designed with the materials as shown on plans submitted Oct. 9, 2014, sited in the location as shown on the  layout also dated October 9, 2014 with the conditions that  the elevation of the barn floor is no higher than elevation 189, which is 4 feet  lower than as shown, and the ridge line is also lowered. The applicant is allowed to work with staff on the details and Staff will present any changes to the Commission. Commissioner Rodney seconded the motion. Commissioners Hypa and Woollacott oppose. The motion passes 3-2. 





Commissioner Mead moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 PM. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rodney and was unanimously approved.



Respectfully Submitted,




Irene Muench, Commissions Clerk