Historic District Commission Minutes 11/06/2014

Meeting date: 
Thursday, November 6, 2014


NOVEMBER 6, 2014





I.          ROLL CALL


Acting Chairperson Marguerite Rodney called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices.  Commission members present were Mark Nyquist, Julie Carmelich, Betty Woollacott, and Patricia Hyppa.  Also in attendance were Rachel Blatt, Assistant Town Planner; Janis Prifti, Commission Clerk; and other interested parties. 





Acting Chairperson Rodney appointed Commissioner Carmelich as the alternate.





Town Staff advised the Commissioners that a signed statement was received from the Applicant noting this was a pre-application review of the property subject to Section 7-15B of the Connecticut General Statutes acknowledging this is a preliminary meeting and all comments tonight are non-binding.


            a.         Informal discussion by Mark Prete regarding potential design options for a new dwelling on 130 East Weatogue Street


The Applicant informally discussed with the Commission potential design options with a goal of returning in December with a more formal application and details regarding materials.  The Commissioners were advised this former 3-lot property is now 2 lots and the Applicant has a contract with Mr. Ellsworth for Lot #2.  The Applicant provided the Commissioners with two potential custom colonial house designs for either Saltbox or Federal.  The Saltbox would require the house to be pushed further back on the property and the existing topography could require a retaining wall, while the Federal would not. 


The Applicant confirmed the Federal square footage at about 3000 sq. ft. on the first and second floors with another 570 sq. ft. on the third floor.  The Applicant preferred moving the mudroom forward and pushing the garage back another 6-8 feet, which allows the porch to be more forward.  The Commissioners commented positively on breaking up the design plane with portions set back breaking up the mass and believed the Federal style would sit nicely on the property and not go as deep.  The Commissioners discussed the steep pitch of the roof which the Applicant described as somewhat of a hip roof; Town Staff noted a maximum height of 35-feet tall is allowed.  The Applicant described the lot as climbing quickly in the back with the road at 175 and the house at 189 and the Commissioners wanted to take a look at the neighboring proposed Onken structures in relation to this house; this house would be set a little further back.  The Commissioners commented that a potential change would be to take some height off the dormer to reduce the roof height somewhat; the Applicant will provide more detail when they return.  The Applicant asked for feedback regarding garage placement and which driveway cut would be best given site lines and placement of the Onken barn, and also regarding the carriage barn use of historically consistent vertical clapboard in another color attached to the mud room which mimics the house; while breaking up massing is desirable, concern was expressed that the design fit well on the property. 


The Applicant showed the location of a split rail fence bordering the Onken property, and the Commissioners agreed with placing a similar fence on the other side of the property.  The Applicant is considering placing solar shingles on the backside of the barn, which would not be visible from the road.  The Commissioners noted solar panels are going up all over Simsbury and expressed interest in seeing a physical sample of the solar shingles which were described by the Applicant as a blue glass sitting at about the same elevation as regular shingles and would not be like raised panels.  The Applicant reiterated his plan to return to the Commission's December meeting to present a more formal plan.



IV.       APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF October 2, 2014 and October 9, 2014


Commissioner Carmelich made a motion to approve the October 2, 2014 minutes, as written, and the October 9, 2014 minutes, as written.


Commissioner Rodney seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.





The Commissioners discussed the proposed 2015 Meeting Schedule and that the August meeting would be cancelled if there were no items on the Agenda, and noted that the meeting in July would not take place on the first Thursday of July 3rd, but rather on the second Thursday, July 9th. 


Acting Chairperson Rodney made a motion to approve the Proposed 2015 Meeting Schedule.


Commissioner Carmelich; seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.


The Commissioners noted the goal to update the Handbook when more members were present.





Commissioner Carmelich made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. 


Chairperson Rodney seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.





Betty Woollacott, Secretary