Historic District Commission Minutes 12/04/2014

Meeting date: 
Thursday, December 4, 2014


DECEMBER 4, 2014





I.          ROLL CALL


Chairperson Diane Mead called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices.  Commission members present were Julie Carmelich, Betty Woollacott, and Jonathan Laschever.  Also in attendance were Rachel Blatt, Assistant Town Planner; Janis Prifti, Commission Clerk; and other interested parties. 





Chairperson Mead appointed Julie Carmelich as an alternate.





a.         Application #14-08 of Mark R. Prete, MD, Agent; Timothy E. and Elinor E. Ellsworth, Owners; for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the construction of a new home on the property located at 130 East Weatogue Street (Map H12, Block 106, Lot 036-2).  (filed 11/17/2014, decision must be rendered by 1/2/2015)


Application #14-08 was read into the record.


For orientation purposes, the Applicant provided a map with his property superimposed on the adjacent Onken property, including 90 feet from the garage side.  In response to Commission comments, the height and side elevations were shown with a lower roof pitch at a more appropriate height, which would be under 35 feet.  Regarding Commission comments on the garage/carriage house, it would not be at the same elevation as the home and would be set back a significant amount, as shown from a side view.  The Applicant included in the package a description and model photos of the proposed home, which the Commissioners agreed was lovely.


The Applicant confirmed that a previous deeper grading plan for the 3 lots with a swale next to the house would no longer be needed, or would be moved to the south property line if it were needed; the Applicant would prefer to keep it nice open space. 


Regarding 106 linear feet of PVC shown on the plan, the Applicant believed that was proposed for underground.  Town Staff confirmed that the trees are in the right of way and that drainage is also planned for the adjacent Onken property to connect to the storm drain to the south of the driveway cut.  Town Staff noted that as a scenic road there would be minimal impact to the existing tree line.  The Applicant believed one tree is dying and would have to be removed, but the remaining trees would not be impacted.  The driveway cut location was recommended by the engineer due to line of sight and no other issues were noted by the Commission.  The Applicant continues to consider putting solar panels on the south face of the carriage house on the non-dormer side.  The Commissioners noted the plan states cedar shingles which the Commission would prefer for historic purposes.  Regarding different types of wood referenced in the trim package, the Commissioners noted that the plan indicates mahogany slabs and sill.  For the window/door package, white extruded aluminum was on the plan, but the Commissioners expressed preference for wood and to maintain continuity with the rest of the plan. 


The Commissioners expressed concern about not seeing the actual grading plan and Town Staff responded that drainage would be carefully reviewed by engineering.  The Commissioners discussed the elevation of the house in relation to the Onken property and whether the Applicant should return with the plot plan; the base elevation was noted at 189 for the structure or about 5 feet higher than the land.  Town Staff confirmed the maximum elevation stipulated for the Onken barn floor was 189 with the house a little elevated from that. 


Chairman Mead invited public comment.


Sue Bednaryck of 119 East Weatogue Street commented that the house was lovely, but she was concerned about ongoing drainage issues, the scenic road, and the trees.  She acknowledged drainage was not this Commission's purview, but wanted to speak on the record that the existing drainage problem is not being dealt with. 


T.J. Donohue, Attorney, representing Timothy Ellsworth and his sisters who own the property, commented they are very pleased with the design for this fine home and with this process for a very special area of town.


The Applicant was advised by the Commission that any changes or additions to the plan, including a split rail fence, would require an additional application to this Commission.


Chairman Mead closed the Public Hearing.


Commissioner Laschever made a motion to approve the plan as submitted, accepting the drawings and materials to be used, with the stipulations that: 1) the roof will be cedar shingles, as shown on the plan; 2) that the exterior windows will be all wood and not an aluminum clad; and 3) that the first floor elevation of the building will not exceed 189.


Commissioner Carmelich seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.


The Commissioners welcomed the Applicant to the Historic District and confirmed they possess a copy of the Historic District Handbook.





            a.         New procedures for filing Minutes


Town Staff explained that new FOIA Commission procedures, include:  1) minutes will no longer be signed; and 2) the heading "Draft" will be replaced by "Subject to Vote of Approval", which vote would take place at the next meeting with the quorum present.  Town Staff are working on possibly having a FOIA Commissioner come to a meeting of various Town Commissions to further explain the changes and discuss other FOIA issues.



V.        APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF November 6, 2014


Commissioner Carmelich made a motion to approve the November 6, 2014 minutes, as written.


Commissioner Laschever seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.





Commissioner Woollacott made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. 


Chairperson Laschever seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.





Betty Woollacott, Secretary