Open Space Regular Meeting October 2, 2013 - DRAFT

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Open Space Committee Meeting
October 2, 2013
4:30 p.m.

Draft Minutes

First Selectman Mary Glassman called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. In attendance were Ed Pabich, Mike Paine and Marjorie Winters. Member Helen Peterson was absent.

There was no public audience.

Culture, Parks and Recreation Director Gerry Toner presented a draft of a Forest Management Plan presented by Ferrucci & Walicki, LLC regarding a forest management plan for the Town’s open space areas.

Mr. Toner reviewed the benefits of conducting a forest management plan for each property. The committee discussed the benefit of having revenue from any logging activities go into the Open Space Maintenance Fund to fund ongoing maintenance costs.  Mrs. Winters noted that the Town needs to conduct an educational campaign to let the public know about the benefits of managing forests.
Mr. Pabich asked about the market for timber.  Mr. Toner indicated the market for timber has improved. He also suggested the Town add the Belden Forest town-owned land to the plan.

Mrs. Winters moved to authorized Mr. Toner to prepare an RFP for a Forest Management Plan for town-owned open space areas including Belden Forest.
Mr. Pabich seconded the motion.
The vote was in favor 4-0.

The committee agreed that the Simsbury Land Trust and the Farmington Valley Land Trust groups be included in the discussion of Forest Management plans. Mr. Paine said he would contact McLean Game Refuge to discuss their experience with forest management. Mrs. Winters said she would contact Jay Kaplan from Canton Land Trust.

Attorney Bob Decrescenzo was in attendance to review the Simsbury Land Trust letter to the Town regarding the purchase of Pharos Farm/George Hall farm.

Mr. Decrescenzo stated that the letter outlines the Land Trust’s intent to purchase the Town’s Pharos Farm as a two-step process. Because of the requirements of the federal grant the Simsbury Land Trust will receive, the grant requires that Mr. Hall own the Pharos Farm property at the time the application is made for the grant. Atty. Decrescenzo stated that if the Town wishes to proceed on the sale, he would suggest that the Town add language to ensure that the property would revert back to the Town after a time certain if the grant is not received and that the Town include language to protect the Town from any interim encumbrances.

Mrs. Glassman questioned whether the federal government shutdown would have an effect on the federal grant.

Mr. Paine stated it makes sense to support a process that allows the Land Trust and the Town to move forward.

Mr. Pabich moved to recommend that the Board of Selectmen approve the sale of Pharos Farm to the Simsbury Land Trust and to authorize Town Counsel to include the necessary language to allow the sale to move forward and to protect the Town.

Mr. Paine seconded the motion.

The vote was 4-0 in favor of the motion.

Mrs. Glassman reviewed the suggestion and Mrs. Peterson’s request that proceeds from the sale of Town open space should be put into the Town Open Space Fund. Mr. Pabich stated that he thought this was a good way to maintain open space.  Mr. Paine asked if the committee could review a copy of the Ordinance. Mrs. Glassman said she would get copies to the Committee for discussion at the next meeting.

Mr. Toner then reviewed the funding request for improving the Town Forest Trail. Mr. Toner explained that he recently held a site walk with Mrs. Glassman and neighbors near the Town Forest Trail. Mr. Toner indicated that the trail was originally built as part of a subdivision approval and was never designated as a regularly maintained trail. He stated it would cost approximately $14,000 to bring the trail into excellent condition.

Mrs. Glassman stated the importance of the trail as a designated route on the Farmington River Trails Greenway and as a key trail connecting Town Forest Park and Tootin’ Hills school. She asked whether the committee supports including the funding request in next year’s budget or if open space funds should be allocated.

Mr. Pabich suggested the request be funded from funds in the Open Space fund possibly when the Pharos Farm sale is complete.Mrs. Glassman said that there appears to be a consensus and she will include the funding request as part of the Open Space Fund discussion.