Planning Commission Minutes 11/10/2015

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, November 10, 2015


NOVEMBER 10, 2015






Chairman Ferg Jansen opened the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission at 7:04 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room at the Town Offices and thanked SCTV and Ken for filming.  Other members and alternates in attendance were:  Richard Cortes, Alan Needham, William Rice, Mark Drake, Robert Kulakowski, Ron Locandro, Jr., and Gary Lungarini   Also present were Michael Glidden, Assistant Town Planner; Janis Prifti, Commission Clerk; and other interested parties.





Chairman Jansen seated Commissioner Locandro for Kevin Prell.





Chairman Jansen opened the floor to nominations.  Commissioner Needham believed it was inappropriate, unnecessary, and not fair for the current Commission to select the incoming Chairperson with 3 current members leaving and 3 new members coming in.  Chairman Jansen believed the current members have greater expertise and history in selecting the best Chairperson, as opposed to new inexperienced Commissioners.  The Commissioners respected both positions, but believed that having a depth of experience on this Commission is invaluable for the Chairperson’s role.  The Commissioners noted the Bylaws allow selection of a Chairperson and may need to be updated.  Secretary Drake noted it took years for the Commissioners to gain the necessary expertise for this board and that it would be pragmatic to choose the most experienced person to lead.  The Commissioners discussed the ramifications of whether new inexperienced members would select the best leader or potentially vote along party lines, noting that existing Bylaws provide for election now.  The Commissioners discussed what would happen if a new election was called a month from now.  The Commissioners agreed there was no political motivation regarding any election decision made at this meeting, and their effort is to create a condition of continuity in leadership choosing an experienced existing board member with expertise gathered over the years whose Chair duties would begin upon election.  Given the quality and intelligence of the new board members coming in, the Commissioners believed it unlikely those new members would elect inexperienced leadership, in any event.


Town Staff indicated a meeting is scheduled for 12/08/2015 with an application to be heard for a re-subdivision.  The Commissioners were concerned with electing the Chair, acknowledging that election of a Vice Chair and Secretary would take place after new members are seated.


Commissioner Kulakowski nominated William Rice to assume the Chairmanship of the Simsbury Planning Commission.


Commissioner Locandro seconded the nomination, and it was passed with 5 Commissioners in favor and Commissioner Needham did not vote.


Commissioner Kulakowski made a motion to maintain the current Commission Secretary until the next Regular Meeting, after swearing in.


Commissioner Jansen seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.





The Commissioners noted the June meetings scheduled for the first and third Tuesday’s of the month should be corrected to the second and fourth Tuesday’s of the month.


Commissioner Jansen made a motion to approve the amended Meeting Schedule for 2016, correcting the June meeting dates to 6/14 and 6/28.


Commissioner Drake seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.



V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES from September 8, 2015


On Line 31, following the word “representative”, the name “, Ed LaMontagne,” is added.


On Line 183, “CL&P” is deleted and replaced with “34 Hopmeadow Street, Parcel 1”.


On Line 184, the word “Force” is deleted and replaced with “Forest”.


On Line 198, “CL&P” is deleted and replaced with “34 Hopmeadow Street, Parcel 1”.


            Commissioner Kulakowski made a motion to approve the September 8, 2015 minutes, as amended.


            Commissioner Rice seconded the motion, and it was passed with Commissioner Locandro abstaining.


Chairman Rice suggested holding a workshop meeting given that 3 new members will be joining the Commission.  Town Staff will poll the new members when they are sworn in regarding their schedule availability.  Town Staff advised a new Planning Director, Jamie Rabbit, was appointed on 11/09/2015 by the BOS; Mr. Rabbit was formerly a regional planner with the Southeast Council of Governments and has 26 years of experience; he will begin as Simsbury Planning Director on 11/23/2015, and will likely be at the next Planning Commission meeting.  Town Staff will discuss potential Commission training with the Director, which may be a joint effort for Planning, Zoning, and ZBA; however, a minimum of 15 attendees is required.  Town Staff added that the next Bar Association seminar will be held a year from this coming March.  Commissioner Jansen will provide Town Staff with educational material from seminars and regarding laws that may help new members.  The Commissioners noted CLEAR training is quite good, including online videos.  Chairman Rice will provide Town Staff with an email listing fundamentally important items members should know, which could then be presented to new members during a 1 to 1 1/2 –hour workshop in order to assist them in functioning effectively, including CLEAR videos.  Town Staff indicated if there are not 15 individuals for CLEAR training, an alternative would be to have land use attorneys from the Connecticut Bar Association provide a presentation to the Planning Commission.  Chairman Rice requested the workshop be held soon and offered the expertise/participation of existing members to expedite the process.  If an additional commissioner is resigning, it was suggested another new commissioner could be included in the workshop process.


The Commissioners discussed improving understanding of 8-30g and whether it should be on a future Agenda.  Town Staff clarified that 8-30g is a Zoning regulation relating to Workforce Overlay Housing and could be on a Planning Commission Agenda in order to request that Zoning look at the regulation, which would be their decision.  Town Staff noted the POCD in effect for 10 years will begin to be updated by the Planning Commission in the next year.


Regarding the Climax Road project, Town Staff indicated the next Zoning Commission public hearing date to hear the intervenor presentation and rebuttal is scheduled for 11/16/2015 at the Library; the Applicant granted a full 65-day extension, so there may not be vote until the December meeting. 


Regarding Charter Revision due diligence, the Chairs of Zoning and Planning were asked for testimony about whether the Planning and Zoning Commissions should be combined.  The Planning and Zoning Chairs opinions were that the commissions should remain separate, and the Economic Development Task Force noted 143 of 169 towns in the state are combined. 


The Commissioners noted erroneous reports in the paper regarding who was re-elected to the Planning Commission and clarified that Commissioners Drake and Cortes were not re-elected; and Commissioner Prell may be replaced by an appointee from his party.  Regarding one person serving on 2 commissions, Town Staff clarified there is no State statute prohibiting serving on a land use commission and also on the Board of Finance; however, there is a State statute prohibition that a member of the Planning Commission or Zoning Commission cannot serve on the Zoning Board of Appeals, so they cannot simultaneously be a legislator and on the judicial branch.


Chairman Rice thanked Commissioners Drake and Cortes for their years of effective and valued service.





Commissioner Kulakowski made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m.


Commissioner Jansen seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.