01/26/2021 Planning Commission Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Subject to Approval

TUESDAY, January 26th, 2021
The public hearing was web-based on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/2574297243
Meeting ID: 257 429 7243

I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Rice called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

1. Pledge of Allegiance


1. Appointment of Alternates: N/A

Present: Michael Glidden, Holly Beum, Alan Needham, Dave Blume, Craig MacCormac, Erin Leavitt-Smith, William Rice, Julie Eaton, Richard Cortes

Absent: N/A

III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the TUESDAY January 12th, 2020 regular meetings

• Mr. Needham led the review of the 1/12/21 regular meeting minutes. On line 23 Chairman Rice noted the word lead should be spelled led. Mr. Needham mentioned that on line 47, the name Wendy Mackstutis should be added as a meeting participant after the name Mr. Glidden. Line 58, 9 30j should be reflected as 8-30j and line 63 the word continue should state continued, both pointed out by Ms. Leavitt-Smith. Line 70, Ms. Leavitt-Smith stated the words, to be, should be removed. Ms. Leavitt-Smith also stated on line 96 the word remained should be reminded. Line 132 Chairman Rice asked to remove the word, is, between the words, housing stock, and assessed.

Chairman Rice made a motion to accept the minutes of the 1/12/2 as amended. Ms. Leavitt-Smith seconded the motion.

MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions (6-0-0)


1. Affordable Housing Workshop

• At the last meeting the Commission requested there be a section added to the plan which spoke to the homes that are assessed or valued at or under $250,000 to show that there are affordable houses in town. Mr. Glidden explained there was a chart on Smart LMS, that he incorporated into the plan, that has sales data for 2020 including single family homes and town houses separated. Town houses are averaging less than $200,000. In 2020 131 homes out of 499 homes sold at or below $250,000. Ms. Barkowski shared the updated plan with the Commission via screen sharing. The figure of 131 homes includes senior housing. If senior housing is excluded it is 128 homes. There was a chart inserted on page 5 in the plan that was obtained from Smart LMS. Mr. Glidden entered a new paragraph on page 7 that explains the housing stock in Simsbury specifically where houses that by the price alone would qualify but based upon deed restrictions it does not. Ms. Beum asked if there was any specific language included which explains how they came to the sales price of $250,000 based upon household size and 60% median income. Mr. Glidden reminded Ms. Beum this was previously explained earlier in the plan however, Ms. Beum was not satisfied and requested that they close the loop and add one specific sentence on how they came up with the number $250,000. Ms. Leavitt-Smith expressed concern that this may be becoming too complicated however, she would agree to adding one sentence only. Ms. Beum asked for the one sentence to read, $250,000 represents the average target price of the affordable homes of Simsbury’s most recent 8-30g application. Mr. Glidden will add this language to the plan.

• There was an addition on page 11 on the creation of affordable housing task force to state that the Simsbury Planning Commission recommends that the Board of Selectman create an advisory committee to investigate the creation of additional affordable housing in Simsbury. Mr. Needham expressed some concern that the task force should include people who are well versed in land use. He suggested a sentence be added that reads, it is further recommended that this committee include persons who are well versed in land use and applicable state statutes. Mr. Glidden will add that sentence to this paragraph. Mr. Glidden also included the advisory committee as an action step on the last page of the plan. The final plan will be reviewed after Mr. Glidden adds the two additional changes. Mr. Needham posed that the Commission make a vote today in support of the changes to the plan.

• Mr. Needham made a motion for the following additions be made to the draft copy review on 1/26/21; on page 17, below the sidebar concerning sales price, the additional sentence will state, $250,000 represents the average target price of the affordable homes in Simsbury’s most recent 8-30g application and on page 11, the additional sentence will state it is recommended that this committee include persons who are well versed in land use and applicable state statues. Pending those two changes, Mr. Needham moved that they approve the Affordable Housing Plan and give the town staff and the Chairman the authority to review the changes and make sure they are completed. Mr. MacCormac seconded the motion.

MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions (6-0-0)

Ms. Leavitt-Smith asked if it would make sense for the Zoning Commission and Planning Commission to sit down in the future regarding the subcommittee and the further exploration of the creation of affordable housing. Mr. Needham stated he doesn’t feel that would be necessary but stated he does feel that one person from every Commission should be a part of the subcommittee. Mr. Needham and Mr. Glidden agreed that there should be a general meeting with all of the Commissions to further discuss affordable housing. Mr. Blume asked if the Zoning Commission is aware of this Commission's Affordable Housing Plan. Mr. Glidden confirmed he did share the plan with them and noted there was varying opinions.

Chairman Rice noted that the Simsbury SPIRIT council is sponsoring an affordable housing panel discussion on 2/4/21. Chairman Rice will be on the panel. This will be a live broadcasted ZOOM meeting. Chairman Rice encouraged the Commission members to join.


1. CT Bar Association Webinar: The meeting will not be in person this year but will be held via ZOOM. This conference was strongly recommended by Mr. Glidden. Mr. Glidden stated the town will pay for and register any of the Commission members if they want to attend. Ms. Leavitt-Smith asked for the specific date however, Mr. Glidden did not have it at hand. Ms. Leavitt-Smith desires to attend this year.

No further correspondence.

VI. ADJOURNMENT: Ms. Leavitt-Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Beum seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:46pm.

MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)

Respectfully Submitted,

Amanda Werboff
Commission Clerk