02/23/2021 Planning Commission Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Subject to Approval

TUESDAY, February 23rd, 2021
The public hearing was web-based on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/2574297243
Meeting ID: 257 429 7243

I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Rice called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.

1. Pledge of Allegiance


1. Appointment of Alternates: N/A

Present: Michael Glidden, Holly Beum, Alan Needham, Dave Blume, Craig MacCormac, Erin Leavitt-Smith, William Rice, Julie Eaton, Richard Cortes

Absent: N/A

III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the TUESDAY January 26, 2020 regular meetings

• Mr. Needham led the review of the 1/26/21 regular meeting minutes. Line 42, Chairman Rice asked to change ,assessed or valued at, to read, homes that were sold at or below $250,000.

Chairman Rice made a motion to accept the minutes of the 1/26/21 as amended. Ms. Leavitt-Smith seconded the motion.

MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions (6-0-0)


1. Receipt of New Application

• Application #20-01 of James & Nancy Brown, Owners/Application; for a 2-lot re-subdivision on the property located at 34 East Weatogue Street (Assessor’s Map H14, Block 109, Lot 018, Zone R-40).
• Mr. Glidden explained that under state statute this application triggers public hearing. A public hearing has been notified for this Board’s next meeting and will be on the agenda. For clarity, this application is on the east side of East Weatogue, on the right had side, kitty corner from Rosedale. Mr. Needham requested to know if they are turning one large lot into two. Mr. Glidden agreed and further explained this lot was part of a larger lot where which had a piece cut off, which is why it is a re-subdivision. There are statutory timeframes that apply to this application; 65 days to open the public hearing but extended to 90 per executive order, once the public hearing opens there are 35 days to close it then another 65 days to act once it is closed. All of these timeframes can be extended under the executive order by the Governor. The applicant will be heard at this Board’s next meeting. All neighbors will be notified. All comments were reserved for the public hearing. The Board members were recommended to review the subdivision regulations for the next meeting.


1. POCD Update Commission Workshop

• Chairman Rice asked Mr. Glidden for the list of items the Board came up with previously regarding POCD updates. Mr. Glidden shared his screen to show the list of POCD follow up. The next item for discussion was #3, Sense of Place. Mr. Glidden suggested they be aware and mindful of how people interpret sense of place and what it means to people now in the current climate. Ms. Leavitt-Smith responded explaining that it is about people's perception no matter now they, the Board, intended for it to mean. Mr. Needham suggested they make a list of things that sense of place means, list it in the POCD and provide examples such as sidewalks, gardens, etc. When the POCD was written, sense of place was meant to mean things that are in the town and not who is in the town. Ms. Leavitt-Smith asked for clarification on what specifically should be updated in the POCD. Mr. Needham suggested they update and explain sense of place. Ms. Beum felt they should eliminate any misconceptions and do a more thorough job of explaining what they mean. There was also discussion about the historic components in the town of Simsbury that they can include in sense of place. When suggested, Mr. Needham was not be in agreement with removing the word sense of place from the POCD. Mr. Glidden suggested they review section 8, page 45, 7.1 in the POCD where they mention sense of place and the character of the town. Mr. MacCormac suggest defining the word character rather than removing it however, Mr. Needham and Ms. Beum felt it would be better served if it was removed totally. Mr. Glidden clarified that there has been a proposal to remove the words character of place from the state zoning regulations. Mr. Blume felt residents were looking for Simsbury to move away from the status quo, into something different. He felt the most critical item is that the POCD gives the residents a sense that Simsbury is willing to change and do things differently to achieve affordable housing. Mr. Needham argued that sense of place can include the people that live there, specifically to include a more diverse community. Mr. Needham suggested to add diversity into sense of place. Ms. Leavitt-Smith desired to simply add to section 7.1 already in the POCD and say, identify and protect the resources that contribute to a sense of place and quality of life in Simsbury. Mr. Needham was not in agreement and felt there should be a more thorough explanation. It was identified that on page 40 of the POCD, in the sidebar, sense of place was previously defined. Mr. Glidden read the definition out loud. Mr. Needham felt the definition was good, suggesting they just add something about diversity and move it out of a sidebar. There was discussion regarding alternative wording for section 7.1, which could be incorporated to specify their support with diversity. Ms. Leavitt-Smith suggested making it a specific goal (promote places with a sense of place) and changing the title of chapter 7, Maintaining an Enhanced Community Character, while making the first paragraph about sense of place. Chairman Rice asked for all members to read over chapters 7 and 8 of the POCD and come to the next meeting prepared with comments. Any change to the POCD is subject to a public hearing. The POCD is a living document and is supposed to be revisited frequently to be kept alive and current.

There was a question raised regarding the Board of Selectman’s review of the Affordable Housing Plan. The Board of Selectman will review the Affordable Housing Plan at their next scheduled meeting. Mr. Glidden will be getting further clarification on the process of submitting the plan to the state once it is finalized.


1. Mr. Glidden reminded the Board that the CT Bar Association will be having their bi-annual meeting 3/6/21. If any members would like to attend, they should email Ms. Barkowski.

VII. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Needham made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. MacCormac seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:06pm.

MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)

Respectfully Submitted,

Amanda Werboff
Commission Clerk