04/14/2020 Planning Commission Minutes REVISED

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 14, 2020


I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman William Rice called the meeting to order at 7:33pm

1. Pledge of Allegiance


Alternate Richard Cortes was appointed to regular member status of the commission for this meeting.

Present: William Rice, Michael Glidden, Richard Cortes, Julie Eaton, Mark Orenstein, Erin Leavitt-Smith, Alan Needham, Craig MacCormac, Laura Barkowski, Holly Beum

Absent: David Blume and Sean Glenn

III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the March 10, 2020 regular meeting

MOTION: Chairman Rice made a motion to approve the March 10, 2020 regular meeting minutes with the following amendments:

• Line 20 and 28 Richard Cortes’ last name was spelled with a Z instead of a S. It should reflect Cortes with an S. Line 43 reflects affect spelled with an A and not an E; it should reflect effect with an E. Line 78 should reflect policy not policies. Line 98 should reflect Holly Beum’s last name to be spelled as Beum and not Bean.

All in favor, no opposed, one abstention; Mr. MacCormac.


1. Application #20-04 of Lewis Case, Applicant; Suzanne Mittica Trustee and the Estate of Westley Case, Owners; for a zone change from I-1 to R-15 for the premises located at 32 & 34 Hoskins Road, Zone I1

• Mr. Glidden presented application #20-04. The applicants are proposing to rezone the properties of 32 & 34 Hoskins Road from an I-1 district to an R-15 district to facilitate a move of the property line to create residential use of 34 Hoskins Road. The applicant also expressed a desire to sell the lot as a residential building lot. Mr. Glidden explained that in order to rezone 32 Hoskins Road, 34 Hoskins Road has to be rezoned as it is currently a [preexisting non conforming lot in the industrial zone. Chairman Rice referenced exhibit 4 of the application that is requesting zone change and property line movement. Chairman Rice inquired if this will be a subdivision. Mr. Glidden reported it would not be a subdivision merely a lot line adjustment. The new lot would be 1.61 acres. The commission sees no conflict between the application and the POCD, specific to what was applied for. Chairman Rice made a motion to return positive referral citing no conflict with the POCD. Mr. MacCormac seconded the motion. All in favor. No opposed. No abstention.

2. Application #20-06 of Michael Glidden CFM CZEO Director of Planning for Comprehensive re-write and re-organization of Zoning Regulations

• Chairman Rice noted the commission was not given enough time to review application #20-06. The application was received last night thus the commission did not have time allotted to review the application and attached exhibits. Mr. Glidden provided an overview of the re-write and re-organization project of the zoning regulations. Chairman Rice requested this application be put on the agenda for the next scheduled Planning Commission meeting on 4/28/20. Mr. Glidden explained this re-write will vastly approve the readability of the zoning regulations. Mr. Glidden will upload additional documents to the dropbox before the next scheduled Planning Commission meeting. Chairman Rice tabled the discussion on application #20-06.

V. Plan of Conservation and Development Update

1. Plan of Conservation and Development Update

• Chairman Rice explained that at the previous Planning Commission meeting requested that Mr. Glidden draft an affordable housing plan. Mr. Glidden presented key points of the drafted affordable housing plan. Mr. Glidden provided a clear understanding of what affordable means with a discussion on the 2000 census and the growth of the housing market in Simsbury. Mr. Glidden provided context into how the Town of Simsbury will meet the affordable housing goals. The next section of plan to be written by Mr. Glidden will include partnerships with affordable housing developments and a roadmap for the hierarchy of the goals and objectives of the plan. Mr. Glidden will have the affordable housing plan 90% completed for the second Planning Commission meeting in May of 2020. Mr. Glidden will accept comments to the plan made by the commissioners, which can be emailed to him directly.


MOTION: Ms. Leavitt-Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Cortes seconded the motion. All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. Meeting adjourned at 8:28pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Amanda Werboff
Commission Clerk