05/11/2021 Planning Commission Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Subject to Approval



TUESDAY, May 11, 2021

The public hearing was web-based on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/2574297243

Meeting ID: 257 429 7243


I.      CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Rice called the meeting to order at 7:01pm.


1.      Pledge of Allegiance




1.    Appointment of Alternates: Julie Eaton promoted to full voting member.


Present: Michael Glidden, William Rice, Richard Cortes, Julie Eaton, Holly Beum, David Blume, Erin Leavitt-Smith, Alan Needham


Absent: Craig MacCormac


III.   APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the TUESDAY April 27, 2021 regular meetings


•  Mr. Needham led the review of the April 27, 2021 regular meeting minutes. Page 1 second line, Ms. Leavitt-Smith noted it should state members and not member where it reads appointment of members. Section 3 second bullet there should only be one period after Ms. In Ms. Leavitt-Smith, noted by Chairman Rice. Page 2, second line the first word should read Plank Hill Road and not Plan Hill Road as noted by Ms. Leavitt-Smith. Halfway down on page 2, Chairman Rice mentioned that the spelling of the word lieu is incorrect, and it should read lieu instead of leu as it currently read. Also, the same sentence should read in lieu of open space instead of in lieu for open space. On page 3 Chairman Rice read the bullet above the word motion, the last line regarding CT General Statute, the term open space should be added after the words in lieu of, while also changing the spelling of the word lieu; also, the last bullet on page 3 should read Firetown instead of Freetown. Page 4, under correspondence clarify the word appeal to read 8-30g Affordable Housing Appeals Act, amended by Chairman Rice.


•   Mr. Needham made a motion to accept the meeting minutes as amended. Ms. Beum seconded the motion.


Motion: All in favor, no opposed, one abstention, Mr. Blume (5-0-1)



1. Application


•   Application #20-03 of the Town of Simsbury, Owner for the re-subdivision of a portion of a property located at the rear of 133 Holcomb Street (Assessor’s Map G09, Block 202, Lot 011)

•   Chairman Rice opened the public hearing. Mr. Glidden presented the application and screen shared a map for the Commission. The map showed 133 Holcomb Street. This property owner approached the town about purchasing open space to the east of his property. Pursuant to 824 this was sent to this Commission from the Board Of Selectman (BOS). This application previously went through a public hearing with the BOS. This application is modifying an approved subdivision, so it triggers a re-subdivision approval. The application is set to buy 8/10’s of an acre. During the public hearing the Conservation Commission was concerned about the impact on buildings in this area; due to this concern there was an agreement for a conservation easement over this area to prevent any new construction but anything currently there will remain. The homeowner got an appraisal and will be purchasing the property from the town for $6,000.00. The appraisal was not attached to the application.  Ms. Leavitt-Smith questioned the price amount of $6,000.00 and expressed that she was unsure that an acre of land was only $6,000.00. Chairman Rice opened the hearing up to members of the public for comments or questions. There were no members of the public present. Mr. Glidden did not receive any written comments from the public regarding this application.


•   Chairman Rice made a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. Needham seconded the motion.


Motion: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions (6-0-0)



1. Application


•   Application #20-03 of the Town of Simsbury, Owner for the re-subdivision of a portion of a property located at the rear of 133 Holcomb Street (Assessor’s Map G09, Block 202, Lot 011)

•   This is the action for the application discussed. There was no additional comments or questions from the Commissioners.


•   Chairman Rice made a motion to approve Application #21-03 of the Town of Simsbury, Owner for the re-subdivison of a portion of a property located at the rear of 133 Holcomb Street (Assessor’s Map G09, Block 202, Lot 011) with the following conditions that mylar is to be prepared for signature by Chairman and filed with the office of the Town Clerk and pursuant to decision of the Board of Selectmen, a deed restriction that no structures or development within the are to be combined with 133 Holcomb Street. Ms. Beum seconded the motion.


Motion: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions (6-0-0)



1. Correspondence

•   Mr. Glidden informed the Commission that the Governor’s order for remote meetings is se to expire on May 20th, 2021 and the town is looking at ways to hold in person meetings to be hybrid for the public. If meetings return to in person, the town will be utilizing a larger space to still maintain distance between people. There is a possibility that the date of May 20th may be postponed to June 20th according to Mr. Glidden. Chairman Rice and Mr. Needham asked if there is an option to stay virtual a little longer allowing people to be more comfortable and mentioned the virtual meetings via ZOOM have worked well for them thus far.  Mr. Glidden explained that there has been a difference of opinions about that and also mentioned that he will bring the Commissions to the town. Ms. Eaton also expressed concern regarding the difficulties with having to wear masks inside and stay 6 feet apart, while trying to still hear everyone clearly during the meetings.

•   Ms. Leavitt-Smith asked about the approval of the Affordable Housing Plan. Mr. Glidden and Chairman Rice will be presenting to the Board of Selectman. Mr. Glidden explained that the plan will go to OPM next but noted that once this Commission completed it, it was done. The Affordable Housing Plan won’t need to be worked on by this Commission until it is due to be updated in another 5 years. Mr. Glidden hoped that the BOS finds interest in this subject as there is much community push. There is a newly formed subcommittee on housing under the SPIRIT council to begin the work but there was not a task force put together as the Affordable Housing Plan suggested.



VII. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Needham made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Blume seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:37pm.



MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)



Respectfully Submitted,




Amanda Werboff

Commission Clerk