06/08/2021 Planning Commission Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Subject to Approval



TUESDAY, June 8, 2021

The public hearing was web-based on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/2574297243

Meeting ID: 257 429 7243


I.       CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Rice called the meeting to order at 7:01pm.


1.        Pledge of Allegiance




1.      Appointment of Alternates: Richard Cortes promoted to full voting member.


Present: Michael Glidden, William Rice, Richard Cortes, Julie Eaton, Holly Beum, Craig MacCormac, Erin Leavitt-Smith, Alan Needham


Absent: David Blume


III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the TUESDAY May 11, 2021 regular meetings


•    Mr. Needham led the review of the May 11, 2021 regular meeting minutes. Page 2 lines 87 and 88 Ms. Leavitt-Smith felt the lines were not comprehendible; the letter R should be the word area on line 87 as clarified by Chairman Rice. Line 95 the word se should read set, by Ms. Leavitt-Smith. Ms. Leavitt-Smith read line 192 and expressed confusion over the wording; the word comments should be added after the word commission’s. 


•    Chairman Rice made a motion to accept the meeting minutes as amended. Ms. Beum seconded the motion.


Motion: All in favor, no opposed, one abstention, Mr. MacCormac (5-0-1)



1.  Application


•   None



1.  Application


•   None


Motion: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions (6-0-0)



1.  Application


•   None


2.  Referrals


•    Referral from Zoning Commission concerning text amendments/changes to Section 5.3 and 5.5 of the zoning regulations regarding industrial zones.


•    Chairman Rice read the zoning application aloud to the Commission. Mr. Glidden provided further clarification regarding the application; the Zoning Commission wants to diversify the uses allowed in the industrial zones, mainly with the focus on the empty office spaces within the town. Several similar communities were looked at and compared what they have allowed compared to what Simsbury has allowed. The Zoning Commission, as expressed by Mr. Glidden, discussed concern regarding the need to clarify the existing language used to describe the uses allowed. Mr. Glidden presented some of the new uses for the industrial zones proposed by the Zoning Commission. The conversion of commercial office space into other uses is to utilize vacant space more than to convert existing space. I1 and I2 zoning districts were found to be reversed; it has been decided that I2 will have a minimum lot size of 10 acres while the I1 zoning district will not have a minimum lot size. This would also allow the conversion of empty office space into housing. This text amendment will go to a public hearing. There were questions and hesitation presented from the Commission members as to why this had to be a text amendment and not a revision. There was also concerns and questions discussed by the Commission members surrounding the specific number of 20,000 square feet listed on the application; any retail space less than 20,000 square feet is permitted through site plan while any retail space greater than 20,000 square feet is permitted through special exception. Mr. Needham mentioned that Fitzy’s is 26,000 square feet and Andy’s is 18,000 square feet. Mr. Glidden explained that the Zoning Commission spoke about having a more specific plan surrounding the square footage allowed but noticed confusion in other town’s plans and decided against it.


•    Chairman Rice made a motion to return a positive referral to zoning application #21.12 concerning text amendments/changes to Section 5.3 and 5.5 of the zoning regulations regarding industrial zones, citing it is a consistency to the Simsbury Plan of Conservation and Development. Mr. MacCormac seconded the motion.


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions (6-0-0)



1.  Correspondence


•    Mr. MacCormac asked Mr. Glidden about the pool barn, which was supposed to be apartments, near Cumberland Farms. Mr. Glidden had no updates. Ms. Leavitt-Smith asked for an updated on in person meetings. The town is preparing for hybrid meetings. According to Mr. Glidden there is a bill in the General Assembly that will allow them to have hybrid meetings. Some form of in person meetings will resume as of June 20th, 2021. The meetings will be held at the town library which will allow there to be space in the seating arrangements and allow the meetings to be hybrid. Masks still have to be worn in person. Mr. Glidden expressed the date of June 20th may be extended to July 20th, 2021. He will update the Commission prior to the next scheduled meeting, scheduled for June 22, 2021.


•    Mr. Glidden stated there is a re-subdivision application for Meadowood on the horizon. The application is to divide the parcel into 4 or 5 parcels; 24 acres going into the town with the rest going to the funding sources based upon the deed restrictions. This is anticipated for August 2021.


VIII.        ADJOURNMENT: Ms. Leavitt-Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Beum seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:47pm.



MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)



Respectfully Submitted,




Amanda Werboff

Commission Clerk