Planning Commission Minutes 01/22/2019

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 22, 2019







I.             CALL TO ORDER- Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.


1.            Pledge of Allegiance


II.            ROLL CALL


Present: Alan Needham (Acting Chairman), David Blume, Erin Leavitt-Smith, Holly Beum

Alternates seated: Elizabeth Burt, Richard Cortes


Absent: William Rice, Gary Lungarini, Craig MacCormac


Staff Present: Michael Glidden, Director of Planning and Community Development


III.           APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 13, 2018


Line 33, 37, 39, 41, 42, 44, and 49 should read Mr. Meehan instead of Mr. Neeham.

Line 48  should state that Mr. Meehan asked if personal services are in the regulations, and Mr. Glidden replied, “yes.”


Line 51 Motion should read as follows:

                Motion: Chairman Rice made a motion to return a positive referral to the Zoning Commission and the application is consistent with the 2017 POCD. Erin Leavitt-Smith seconded the motion. Mr. Needham stated his concern on the change. The motion passed unanimously.

Lines 61 and 62 should be deleted.


                David Blume made a motion to approve the amended November 13, 2018 meeting minutes.  Holly Beum seconded the motion. Richard Cortes abstained because he was   not present. The motion passed 5-1 at 7:04pm.


                APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 8, 2019   


Line 40 should read Allen J. Vohden instead of AJ.

Line 42 should read JP, contractor for Bob Cave,



                David Blume made a motion to approve the amended January 8, 2019 meeting minutes.

                Richard Cortes seconded the motion. Elizabeth Burt abstained because she was not present. The motion passed 5-1 at 7:05pm.


IV.                 OLD BUSINESS

      1. Public Hearings

a. Application #18-02 of Robert Green Associates, Agent; Robert Cave, Owner, for a 2-lot re-subdivision on the property located at 14 Roswell Road (Assessor’s Map A16, Block 307, Lot 015). Zone R-40. (public hearing must be closed by 02/12/2019)


Michael Glidden began the public hearing by showing photos (via projection) of the property    located at 14 Roswell Road. The photos showed the proposed drainage structure location, the          proposed driveway location, slopes, and various trees from the property, as well as neighboring                 properties.


Chairman Needham asked the commissioners if there were any questions regarding the              property and the proposal. The questions from the board were directed to the applicant, Robert     Cave, and his agents, who were present for the public hearing.


Erin Leavitt-Smith asked questions regarding the general sense of the driveway.  Brian Cunningham, Civil Engineer, stated that the new driveway will be moved to the north of its                current location.  The driveway and construction site entrance will be the same. Mr. Cunningham stated that the new driveway location will not collect as much water into the                 roadway.


Holly Beum discussed the dangerous curve and trees near the proposed driveway. Mr. Cunningham mentioned that the trees and slope would be cut back and the sightline from the driveway will be improved.


Rich Cortes asked about the culvert and the collection of leaves and debris that build up               over time. He was also concerned about the vegetation that will be cut away, allowing more     water to run off onto the property.  Mr. Cunningham stated that the DPW is responsible for the                culvert clean up and that all water excess will be deviated from the driveway.


The public was present to discuss Robert Cave’s proposal. Neighbor, Salvator Carbone (272         West Mountain Road) was concerned with his own property and septic tank, and if               increased drainage would impact his own well. Mr. Needham stated that the Farmington Valley       Health District had been out and inspected the property. If there were any concerns, they would    have notified the town and agents.


Mark Testerman (275 West Mountain Road) discussed his concern about traffic in the area. He mentioned that cutting back the trees further would increase sightline. Mr. Glidden and Mr.                Cunningham stated that there will be enough vegetation removed, and once the project is      complete, the sightline will actually improve.


Allen Vohden (12 Roswell Road) and George Clee (269 West Mountain Road) were also present               to discuss traffic and seeping water. Mr. Glidden stated that everything falls within the           regulations and CT State Health Code.


Mr. Cunningham stated that the engineers looked at alternative ways to go about the project, and placing the driveway to the north of its current location is the best, considering the slope and “earth-work” involved.


Robert Cave thanked the Planning Commission and all of his neighbors for their interest in his    proposal.


Motion: Richard Cortes made a motion to close the public hearing. David Blume seconded the   motion. The motion passed unanimously at 7:50pm.


      2. Applications

a. Application #18-02 of Robert Green Associates, Agent; Robert Cave, Owner, for a 2-lot re-subdivision on the property located at 14 Roswell Road (Assessor’s Map A16, Block 307, Lot 015). Zone R-40. (decision must be rendered within 65 days of closing public hearing)


Motion: Michael Glidden read the motion as prepared by the town included in Exhibit 15 in         the staff report.  Chairman Needham made a motion to accept the town staff report.           Holly      Beum seconded this motion at 8:05pm.


Chairman Needham, Richard Cortes, Holly Beum, and Erin Leavitt-Smith discussed sightline,        maintenance on the culvert, and speed limit. Holly Beum stated that if the Farmington Valley               Health Association and the town engineers approved the proposal, “then we are not in any                position to override this.”   Richard Cortes and Holly Beum also said that they are sympathetic            with any sightline concerns that the neighbors have.


Motion: Chairman Needham made a motion to approve “the motion read by Mr. Glidden”          from Exhibit 15 from the town staff report. Erin Leavitt-Smith seconded the motion. The                motion                 passed unanimously and Application #18-02 was closed at 8:12pm.


      3. Referrals

a. None


V.                   NEW BUSINESS

                       1. None



                       1. Representative appointments to Capitol Region Council of Government (CRCOG)


                The Planning Commission elected David Blume as representative, and Holly Beum as alternate representative for CRCOG.


VII.                ADJOURNMENT


                Holly Beum made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Erin Leavitt-Smith seconded the motion.     The motion passed unanimously at 8:17pm.