Planning Commission Minutes 04/25/2017

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 25, 2017


APRIL 25, 2017




I.             CALL TO ORDER


Chairman William Rice welcomed attendees and opened the April 25, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room at the Town Offices; and he thanked SCTV for recording the proceedings.  Also present were Jamie Rabbitt, Director of Planning and Community Development; Janis Prifti, Commission Clerk; and other interested parties.


1.            Pledge of Allegiance

Chairman Rice led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.



II.            ROLL CALL


Commission members in attendance were:  William Rice, Elizabeth Burt, Alan Needham, Robert Kulakowski, Holly Beum, and Erin Leavitt-Smith. 


1.            Appointment of Alternates

Chairman Rice appointed Elizabeth Burt as a regular member for this meeting providing a full slate of 6 Commissioners.



III.           APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the April 11, 2017 Special Meeting


Commissioner Kulakowski made a motion to accept the April 11, 2017 Minutes, as written.


Commissioner Needham seconded the motion, and it passed with 4 Commissioners in favor and Commissioners Leavitt-Smith and Beum abstaining.




1.            Public Hearings

a.            None.


1.            Applications

b.            None.



V.            NEW BUSINESS

1.            Receipt of New Applications

a.            None.

2.            Referrals

a.            CGS 8-3a Referral from the Board of Selectmen on a proposed ticket booth at the Performing Arts Center on the property located at 22 Iron Horse Boulevard (shown as Assessor’s Map H09, Block 226, Lot 003A and Assessor’s Map H09, Block 226, Lot 004). Zones SC-3 and SC-4.


Chairman Rice read the CGS 8-24 referral from the Board of Selectmen (BOS) into the record.


Mark Deming of Simsbury has been working with the PAC to move this Application forward and provided the Commissioners with a layout drawing for the 16’x12’ ticket booth building, which mimics the railroad theme of neighboring structures.  He showed the 4 ticket windows facing Iron Horse Boulevard and the southern and northern exposures, the foundation layout, and some of the architectural details potentially with a cupola if adequate financing is obtained; and the building will be ADA compliant in terms of height.  He believed construction would take place this summer; the rough estimate to construct the building is $45K.  He explained access to the area, including removing the old 40-foot ticket trailer, and locating the new ticket booth in the area of the garden as agreed by the Garden Club and set back somewhat from the road.  The Commissioners clarified location of the ticket booth in the blowup; Mr. Rabbitt explained where the main entrance and 8 existing parking spaces are located and that to the south of those spaces is Rotary Park; they propose using 4 of the 8 parking spaces for the ticket booth.  Mr. Deming indicated the road into the PAC is closed during concerts and people would walk from the parking area on the bike trail potentially to the ticket booth and onward to one of two entrances to the field.   They have reviewed various plans to accommodate ADA and whether the grade allows them to put in a ramp because only so much rise in grade is allowed per 12 feet; that is to be determined.  Regarding the Fire Department Playscape, Mr. Rabbitt indicated it is located on the very southern side of the playground.  Mr. Deming showed the Commissioners a potential alternate handicapped parking entry.  Commissioner Kulakowski commented that Rotary Park is for handicapped children and was concerned about taking designated spaces for Rotary Park access.  Mr. Deming showed 2-3 handicapped parking spaces next to the Rotary Park fence which will remain and explained they are adding handicapped parking; while during concerts the road is closed to cars, there would be more than adequate parking during regular daily hours of park usage.  He indicated this building during concert season would be only as a ticket booth; and the red buildings remains the office.


Commissioner Beum complimented and thanked Mr. Deming for the gift and addition of this ticket booth to the Town.  Mr. Deming believed the ticket booth will be constructed later in the year given the need to secure additional financing. 


Ferg Jansen, a member of the PAC, commented that although younger people buy tickets on line, older people like to physically buy tickets at the booth and eventually they will be able to do so during the week much easier.  Mr. Deming indicated one side of the booth will have “Will Call” along with ADA access via a 6-foot concrete slab for wheelchair turn around, another side of the building will have 3-4 foot access, and on the east side one window will look toward the parking lot.  Mr. Jansen added this will also save about $10K/year on rental fees allowing them to put that money into running the facility.  The Commissioners agreed on the acceptability of this firm design; and Chairman Rice noted the importance of POCD compliance, as well as the need for a consistent decision-making process.  Commissioner Burt recalled the Garden Club previously commented on the desirability of not obstructing the meadow view, which is consistent with the POCD goal to maintain scenic views; Commissioner Beum added it also maintains harmony with a sense of place in Town. 


Commissioner Beum made a motion finding that the proposed improvements associated with Simsbury Meadows, specifically a ticket booth, are consistent with the 2007 Plan of Conservation and Development goals and objectives.


Chairman Rice asked for discussion - the Commissioners agreed the booth enhances the area and requested it be built to this design; and thanked Messrs. Deming and Jansen for their efforts.


Commissioner Leavitt-Smith seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.




1.            POCD – Discussion of Draft (Glenn Chalder)


The Commission generally discussed the POCD noting Mr. Chalder will be available to meet at the Commission meeting in 2 weeks.  Mr. Rabbitt noted while it is the Commission’s right to discuss the POCD this evening, Mr. Chalder strongly suggested to Staff that discussion be delayed to the next meeting; Mr. Rabbitt suggested having general discussion tonight that can easily be revisited.  Chairman Rice noted the Commission previously reviewed through section 5 of the draft POCD; Mr. Rabbitt indicated the consultant’s concern it could be redundant to discuss issues this evening and then discuss the same ones again in 2 weeks. 


Commissioner Needham asked about promoting adherence to the Rte. 10 Corridor Study; Mr. Rabbitt confirmed reference in the POCD to that study as a guide.  Commissioner Needham asked about the need to assure adherence to Zoning Regulations; Mr. Rabbitt confirmed POCD references to the permitting process, and making it efficient, clear, and concise for purposes of economic development, better utilization of land, redevelopment of land in various village areas and formulating appropriate regulations, and it is Staff’s role to assure the process is followed. 


Mr. Rabbitt noted his goal to provide better education to all Commissions through in-house workshops and will revisit that subject as the POCD winds down, and he commended the Commissioners who recently attended the comprehensive Connecticut Bar Association Saturday workshop; Staff is also being provided additional education on regulations to be followed, as are landowners in Town; and regulations based on the POCD should be kept up-to-date and not static, e.g. Design Review Guidelines potentially need to be revisited; and meetings between Planning and Zoning may be beneficial on a regular basis. 


Mr. Rabbitt gave the Commissioners some examples of process references in the POCD.  The Commissioners noted the need to further discuss a “sense of place”; Mr. Rabbitt explained it may be better in some cases to enhance/improve an existing area to create a sense of place; and he suggested the Commissioners review Section 8 discussion of various areas in Town for more detailed discussion with the Consultant in 2 weeks, along with other topics at what will be a longer meeting as the draft POCD is planned for public forum in mid-June.  Commissioner Leavitt-Smith stated on the record that the consultant has done a great job synthesizing the POCD and appreciated all his work and that of fellow Commissioners; Commissioner Beum agreed.



Commissioner Leavitt-Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.

Commissioner Kulakowski seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.