Planning Commission Minutes 10/22/19

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 22, 2019


I. CALL TO ORDER-William Rice called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M.

1. Pledge of Allegiance

1. Appointment of Alternates- Chairman Rice appointed Mr. Richard Cortes to sit for David
Present: William Rice, Alan Needham, Erin Leavitt-Smith, Holly Beum, Craig MacCormac, Richard
Cortes, Elizabeth Burt
Absent: David Blume, Gary Lungarini
Staff Present: Robin Newton, Assistant Town Planner

III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the September 24, 2019 regular meeting-
Line 1 Replace Regular Meeting with Meeting Minutes
Line 12 Remove the name Burt
Line 45 Capitalize Simsbury Plan of Conservation and Development
Line 68 Replace “b.” with 2.
Line 76 Replace “c.” with 3.

MOTION: At 7:07 P.M., Craig MacCormac made a motion to approve the September 24, 2019 regular meeting minutes as amended. Erin Leavitt-Smith seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the June 11, 2019 regular meeting-
Lines 54-58 are changed as follows: “Town Engineer, Jeff Shea, addressed his letter written to Staff and the Planning Commission. He stated that the designs are appropriate for what they do and that there is no significant new information to change the minds of the engineering department. Mr. Shea explained that not enough information had been provided to fully consider the issue. He added that the effect, if any, would be minimal based on the size of the detention basin and given the fact that the groundwater elevations are low in this area providing enough depth the store infiltration. In his opinion there would be no impact with this particular design.”

MOTION: At 7:10 P.M., Craig MacCormac made a motion to approve the June 11, 2019 regular meeting minutes as amended. Erin Leavitt-Smith seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

1. Receipt of New Applications - None
2. Referrals
a. CGS 8-24 Referral from the Board of Selectman for a permanent access road easement off Ryan Circle.
Robin Newton summarized that Eversource had a temporary access easement to town land between two houses off Ryan Circle to do some clearing work and upgrades. Lines give them direct access. Eversource is seeking permanent access to do maintenance. Ms. Newton also noted that Maria Capriola, Town Manager and Jerome Shea, Town Engineer are comfortable with moving forward with granting Eversource the permanent access, with some legal stipulations. Attached language limits hours to 8 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. There will be a security gate, allowing pedestrian access. Eversource has agreed to make a contribution in the amount of $20,000 to Open Spaces.

Holly Beum spoke about the area, as she lives three houses away. She spoke with the abutters; one said they’re used to the trucks coming in and out, and the other abutter just moved in and didn’t know about it. The abutting neighbors concerns reported to Ms. Beum were what the gate would look like. Ms. Beum feels the neighbors would appreciate an aesthetically pleasing gate, instead of a simple cattle gate.

The Commission noted that the abutting neighbors are quite close to the access road, and agreed that the gate should be aesthetically pleasing.

Robin Newton spoke about the stone pylons near the access road, they are at the entrance of the open space. Miss Newton reported that these pylons were constructed as properties were designated as open spaces. The Commission suggests that Robin give feedback that it would be good if the permanent access road could be located between the two pylons, even if the pylons need to be relocated to do so, with the access gate behind them or between them.

MOTION: At 7:21 P.M., Holly Beum made a motion to return a positive referral for the Eversource permanent easement access, with the recommendation that the pylons be moved into position on either side of the access road, with the gate being flanked by the stone pylons, moving the stone pylons if need be, in keeping with a design consistent with the neighborhood. Motion was seconded by Richard Cortes and the motion passed unanimously.

1. Correspondence - none
2. Proposed 2020 Planning Commission Meeting Calendar
Chairman William Rice noted that on the calendar, the July meetings are listed as the 13th
and 27th. July meeting dates should be corrected to July 14 and July 28. Chairman Rice also
noted that there was a meeting in August where there is usually no meeting. Ms. Newton
explained why an August meeting was added, noting that each Commission and Board is
being asked to schedule an August meeting, and if there are no action items, the meeting
can be cancelled easier than scheduling a special meeting.

MOTION: At 7:23 P.M., Chairman Rice made a motion to accept the proposed 2020 Planning Commission calendar as revised. Motion was seconded by Erin Leavitt-Smith and the motion passed unanimously.


MOTION: At 7:25 P.M., Craig MacCormac made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Richard Cortes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.