Planning Commission Minutes 12/10/2019

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, December 10, 2019


I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman William Rice called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

1. Pledge of Allegiance


1. Appointment of Alternates- no appointment of alternates necessary

Present: William Rice, Holly Beum, David Blume, Erin Leavitt-Smith, Craig MacCormac, Alan Needham, Richard Cortes, Julie Eaton
Absent: Sean Fernand Glenn
Staff Present: Michael Glidden, Director of Planning and Community Development

Chairman Rice noted that this is the first meeting with the new composition of the Commission.
The Commission welcomed Ms. Eaton (Mr. Glenn was not present).

III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the November 26, 2019 regular meeting-

MOTION: At 7:04 P.M., Erin Leavitt-Smith made a motion to approve the November 26, 2019 regular meeting minutes with the following amendments:
line 17 - should read Erin Leavitt-Smith recognized Elizabeth Burt’s years or service to the Planning Commission.
line 98 - should read future meeting cancellations due to lack of applications or referrals requiring action by the Commission.
Mr. Blume seconded the motion and the motion passed (4-0-2), with Mr. MacCormac and Mr. Needham abstaining.

1. Receipt of New Applications - None
2. Referrals - None

1. Correspondence - None
2. Sustainable CT Follow -Up - Mr. Cortes updated the Commission on progress being made. He reported plans to meet with Mr. Glidden over the next few weeks to share ideas and
discuss where more points can be earned to keep the Silver Status or to exceed the initial
Mr. Cotes reminded the Commission that 415 points were earned to achieve Silver Status
and that currently that is the highest achievement possible, and that it is a three year
certification. Many areas have been identified to earn more points.

Chairman Rice noted that the spread sheet has been uploaded to drop box.
Ms. Leavitt-Smith asked about earning extra points by updating the POCD. Mr. Glidden
explained the process and time-line of doing that. Chairman Rice asked if we have the source file, Mr. Glidden will reach out to obtain the source file (in Word format) from Glenn Alder.

Ms. Beum asked about updating the affordable housing plan. Mr. Glidden will research what
other communities in the area are doing to meet statutory requirements, as well as how
they are updating their affordable housing plans.

Mr. Glidden suggested a meeting be planned early in January to hone in on a few chapters
instead of the whole document. Chairman Rice requested adding this as an Agenda item for
the first meeting in January, on the 14th. Mr. Glidden suggested advertising the meeting as a
workshop. Alternates would be able to contribute and be part of the workshop and the updating process. Mr. Glidden requested that the Commission review the POCD to be prepared for the workshop (things not addressed, things expanded or changed).
Mr. Cortes will send members of the Commission, the highlighted master action list, so they can focus on actionable items.
Mr. Glidden suggested a joint meeting with the Zoning Commission, as it may be beneficial to gain input from both Commissions. Planning Commission members agree that it would be beneficial to meet with Zoning Commission. Mr. Glidden will reach out Chairman Ryan of the Zoning Commission to plan a meeting.

MOTION: At 7:12 P.M., Ms. Beum made a motion to amend the Agenda to include discussion of communication with the Commission regarding employment decisions of persons employed by the town, who have direct contact with the Planning Commission. Motion seconded by Mr. MacCormac.

Chairman Rice stated he did not believe this was the Commission’s purview.
Ms. Beum stated that she felt that the Commission’s input would and should be considered.
Mr. Needham noted that the Commission is constituted under state statutes, and that this is not one of them.
At 7:15 P.M., Ms. Beum withdrew the motion.


MOTION: At 7:28 P.M., Mr. Blume made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. MacCormac seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.