Public Safety Sub Committee Meeting 05/16/2013

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 16, 2013


Sean Askham called the regular meeting of the Public Safety Subcommittee to order on Thursday, May 16, at 7:05 a.m., in the Main Meeting Room at the Town Offices. The following members were also present: Chief Ingvertsen, Simsbury Police Department; Kevin Kowalski; Emergency Management Director, Chief James Baldis; Simsbury Volunteer Fire Department, Mickey Lecours-Beck; Social Services; Tom Cooke, Town of Simsbury Administrative Services; Michael Delehanty, Simsbury Volunteer Ambulance Association; and Tom Roy; Public Works.  Nicholas Boulter; Simsbury Police Department, Lisa Heavner; Board of Selectmen, Ed LaMontagne, Housing Authority, CT State Senator Kevin Witkos; Jennifer Kertanis, Farmington Valley Health District; and Jeff Cochran; CL&P were also in attendance.

Everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was none.

Mr. Kowalski made a motion to approve the minutes from the Public Safety Subcommittee Regular Meeting on November 15, 2012 as presented. The motion was seconded by Ms. Lecours-Beck and was unanimously passed.

Mr. Kowalski made a motion to approve the minutes from the Public Safety Subcommittee Special Meeting on January 24, 2013 as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roy and was unanimously passed.

Mr. Kowalski made a motion to approve the minutes from the Public Safety Subcommittee Regular Meeting on March 21, 2013 as presented. The motion was seconded by Ms. Lecours-Beck and was unanimously passed.

Michael Delehanty Simsbury Volunteer Ambulance Association - Mr. Delehanty said the activity at the Urgent Care Facility, 30 Dorset Crossing, is leveling out to a reasonable amount. He then updated the subcommittee on the HEARTSafe program, saying they are moving forward nicely and will be ready to go shortly.

Kevin Kowalski, Civil Preparedness- Mr. Kowalski spoke about the recent CL&P seminar and said they will be participating in the AT&T Business Community & Disaster Recovery Forum on May 22nd in Hartford.

Chief James Baldis, Simsbury Volunteer Fire Department - Chief Baldis announced they had their Annual Meeting on Monday and spoke about the approved budget and some of the new approved purchases. He said they are gearing up for the warm weather and the response efforts related to hiking season. Mr. Kowalski and Chief Ingvertsen then thanked Senator Witkos for his work on the topic of defeating the effort for regionalizing dispatching, as it just does not make financial sense for Simsbury.

Jennifer Kertanis, Farmington Valley Health District - Ms. Kertanis introduced herself to the subcommittee members and provided an update on the matters she is currently working to improve. Mr. Cooke commended Ms. Kertanis on her work thus far.

Chief Ingvertsen, Police Department - Chief Ingvertsen provided an update on staffing.  He then spoke about the proposed requirement that an ambulance be hired and stationed at the PAC for larger events (5,000+ attendance). He noted it would provide advance medical services for those in attendance, but would not provide transport. Mr. Kowalski spoke about this topic and said over the last few years, they have found they really do need a medical presence for these larger crowds. The procedure to get this implemented was discussed. Mr. Cooke noted public safety at larger events is imperative, especially considering recent events. He added that it should be brought to the Board of Selectmen and probably added to the Public Gathering Process. How this will effect next year’s HSO contract was discussed. Mr. Kowalski suggested getting the funds approved for this year's concerts since the contract has already been signed. Chief Baldis said the visual of having the presence of added emergency services is a good statement, considering recent events. Mr. Cooke said he and Chief Ingvertsen would get this in front of the Board of Selectmen.

Mickey Lecours-Beck, Social Services - Ms. Lecours-Beck said the State Energy Assistance Program and Winter Protection has ended as of yesterday, which is creating an awful lot of calls regarding power is being shut off. She spoke about the outstanding bills and and re-instatement costs. Ms. Lecours-Beck then provided a summary of the Distracted Driving Campaign.

Tom Roy, Public Works - Mr. Roy provided an update regarding improving security at Town Buildings. This was discussed further.

Kevin Witkos, CL&P - Mr. Witkos said they are participating in the Statewide Severe Weather Exercise and then spoke briefly about the topic of choosing a commercial address as a “critical facility” within Simsbury. Mr. Kowalski said the critical facility has been decided as the south end of town (Bushy Hill Stop & Shop vicinity).

State Senator Kevin Witkos spoke about two issues. First, there is currently discussion regarding notification of non-emergency type issues through systems like Everbridge. they are working to identify what announcements are appropriate for the system. This topic was discussed further.  The second issue was the Bill related to handicap parking (striped area adjacent to handicap spaces allowing for accessibility) which, he said, is moving forward. He spoke about the origins of this Bill. Chief Ingvertsen said he is against this legislation because he finds often it is handicap people parking there and it isn't right to take away the police discretion. Chief noted that this is a public educational issue.

Ed LaMontagne, Housing Authority- Mr. LaMontagne noted that Virginia County Residence has installed a lock box for the Police Department allowing for emergency access for police. He then spoke of the new Emergency Notification system which notifies Mr. LaMontagne (and other  selected staff) so he can determine whether or not 911 needs to be called. Mr. Kowalski cautioned Mr. LaMontagne on delaying fire department’s response and said there should be an automatic call to the Fire Department. Mr. Kowalski said he appreciates Mr. LaMontagne trying to cut down on needless calls, but a lot can happen in a couple of minutes.

Ed LaMontagne, Aging & Disability - Mr. LaMontagne then announced his support for the handicap parking initiative.

a)  2013 Statewide Severe Weather Exercise Introduction
Mr. Kowalski asked people to contact him if they are not receiving the emergency management emails.  He then distributed a memo on what the Statewide Severe Weather Exercise will encompass and how Simsbury will participate. Mr. Kowalski asked anyone to submit questions/comments to him prior to the exercise.

b) CRCOG Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update
Mr. Askham said Ms. Mary Glassman, First Selectmen, wanted this subcommittee to weigh in on this issue. He asked everyone to read through the information provided in the packet and send questions/concerns/comments to Mr. Cooke and himself.

c) Firearms Training Unit
Chief Ingvertsen said for the mean time we are status quo on the issue of the Firearms Training Unit. Senator Witkos said the goal is to find a location in the center of the State, but it is difficult to find a spot that qualifies.

Mr. Askham said the emergency operations call list needs to be updated. Mr. Cooke said he would coordinate with Chief Ingvertsen's assistant, Tina, on that task.

Chief Baldis said he got a call from Dr. Arnold, a veterinarian, who has trailers that could be used in emergency situations for pet services. He said Dr. Arnold is looking for a place to store at least 1 (or up to 3) of the trailers. Chief Baldis asked if anyone knows of a possible location, please contact him. Mr. Kowalski said he would love to see at least one of those in the community because we need that support in those emergency situations. Mr. Roy said he would speak with Chief Baldis about a potential location.

Ms. Lecours-Beck made a motion to adjourn the March 21st regular meeting of the Public Safety Subcommittee at 8:15AM. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kowalski and passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________________  ______________________________
Mr. Sean Askham, Chairman    Leslie U. Faraci, Clerk