Tourism Committee Regular Meeting November 18, 2013

Meeting date: 
Monday, November 18, 2013

                                                    SIMSBURY TOURISM COMMITTEE
                                                        “Heritage, Charm, Adventure”
                                             Sew Inspired Quilts fabric room, 8 Wilcox St.
                                      Regular Meeting Monday, November 18, 2013         7:30pm

Attending were: Dominique Avery, Joyce Howard, Paulette Clark, Angela Campetti, Kathy Oakes, Diane Phillips, Barbara O’Connor, Charmaine Seavey, Steve Mitchell, Liz Banco and guest host Vivien Lazich
Meeting was called to order at 7:35pm.
Vivien Lazich, owner of Sew Inspired Quilts, welcomed the committee to her store.  She explained the growth of her business into a regional destination that brings many people into Simsbury.  Vivien described the economics of the quilting business in both general and specific terms.  The group discussed ways in which the committee might be able to support this business and the visitors it brings to the area.  Again we learned the importance of “events” in generating visitors, and the need to communicate to all businesses what is going on and how they can all benefit.
Minutes of the October 21, 2013 meeting were approved.
Old Business
A. Membership
Dominique and Joyce will work with Charmaine and Diane on making them “official.”  Members were reminded that terms are up for renewal next month.  Liz has officially resigned from the committee, but will be at the December meeting.
B. Still Revolutionary campaign
Steve will wait on any production plans until the state office announces the specifics of the 2014 campaign and contest for towns.
C. Brochure Distribution
Kathy explained where she had distributed the new Farm brochures and where others were going.  Paulette took some to deliver to Recreation Department for distribution at Simsbury Farms.
D.  Phone Schedule
December: Barbara; January: Charmaine; February: Angela    Barbara will distribute directions for retrieving messages.

E. Other Items of Interest
Town website revisions are almost complete.  Tourism will remain part of the Town’s site, but will be more easily accessible.  Angela and Barbara will continue to post items of interest on the Tourism Facebook page.  Barbara will work on an article about the committee for Inside Simsbury.
New Business
A. December Meeting/Holiday Party
Meeting/party/potluck dinner will be at Dominique’s home, Dec. 16, at 7:00pm
B. Meeting Dates for 2014
Dominique is finalizing the calendar for 2014
C. Simsbury Celebrates
Paulette distributed the program for this year’s event.   Everyone agreed it looks wonderful.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara O’Connor