WPCA Meeting Minutes 02/10/2022

Meeting date: 
Thursday, February 10, 2022



FEBRUARY 10, 2022

“Subject to Vote of Approval”

1.            CALL TO ORDER

Paul Gilmore called the regular meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority to order at 7:05 p.m. via a virtual Zoom meeting. The following members were present:   Jay Sheehan, Michael Park, Lucian Dragulski and Jacques Brignac.  Also present were Michael LeClaire, Assistant Superintendent, Thomas Roy, Director of Public Works and Alison Sturgeon, Clerk.

2.            SAFETY BRIEF – Mr. Gilmore asked that people always think about their own safety as well as the safety of others while driving.  People need to be careful, cautious and courteous as well as being aware of their surroundings.

3.             FY 2022/23 BUDGET - DISCUSSION

Mr. Gilmore stated that the budget was presented at the last meeting.

Dr. Park made a motion to approve the FY 2022-23 budget as presented.  Mr. Dragulski seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Mr. Roy stated that Murphy’s Turn is a small 5 lot subdivision off of Hildurcrest Drive, which is off of Bushy Hill Road.  The development was constructed several years ago; the roadway was accepted one year ago.  The WPCA typically looks to accept the sewers one year after the road acceptance.  He stated that there have been no issues with the sanitary sewers in this development; they have been inspected by Town staff.  Town staff recommends that Murphy’s Turn sewers be accepted.

Mr. Gilmore questioned if the bond would be released when the sewer is accepted.  Mr. Roy stated the yes, it would be released.

Mr. Sheehan made a motion to accept the sewers for Murphy’s Turn as installed and to release the bond.  Mr. Brignac seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Mr. Roy stated that the Highcroft Townhome sewers have met all of the requirements of the Developer’s Agreement.  These are private sewers. The Town will not take ownership; the WPCA would simply be acknowledging the fact that they were built to Town standards and that the system will function properly as it feeds into the Town’s system. 

Mr. Dragulski made a motion to approve the sewers for the Highcroft Townhomes as installed.  Dr. Park seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Regarding the Woodland / Hopmeadow Street sewer upgrade, Mr. LeClaire stated that the contractor is now working on Dyno Nobel property heading toward Hopmeadow Street. 

Mr. Roy stated that the Woodland / Hopmeadow Street project is existing private sewers that are being upgraded, which Dyno Nobel is paying for.  The Town will take over these sewers once the project is completed. 

Regarding the Pine Hill Homeowner’s Association, Mr. Roy stated that members of the association have approached the Town with the hopes of using some of the ARPA funding to pay for their sanitary sewer upgrade.  He will be sending a memo to the Board of Selectmen, copying the WPCA, regarding the history of Pine Hill and how the WPCA functions as a utility.


Mr. LeClaire stated that on January 6th the plant had an upset due to a failure of the main aerator VFD and a high solids loading with one clarifier being on line.  A violation of the daily Total Suspended Solids (TSS) occurred.  All corrective actions were taken to limit the time of the violation.  All required reports have been submitted to the DEEP.  All other permit requirements were met for the month of January.

Regarding plant operations, Mr. LeClaire stated that staff continues to work with AECOM for the update of the Water Pollution Control Plan, the Water Pollution Control Facilities Plan, analysis of the protective berm with the updated flood plain mapping, and an update on the phosphorous removal plan. The draft copy of the plan has been received and is being reviewed by staff.  He stated that Granite Inliner completed their work at the Town Hall.  The lining of the Tunxis Pump Station is expected to be completed in the spring.

Mr. LeClaire stated that the secondary clarifier launder covers project bid closing date was March 25th.  RH White was awarded the contract for the work at a cost of $147,000, which was approximately $55,000 less than expected. Work has been completed on one of the secondary clarifiers.  The second clarifier is currently being worked on and is scheduled to be completed in two weeks.

Regarding staffing, Mr. LeClaire stated that initial interviews have been completed for the open operator position.  Final steps will be completed this week.

8.            CORRESPONDENCE – None.


At the January meeting, Mr. Roy made one edit to the December minutes.

Mr. Sheehan made a motion to approve the December 9, 2021 meeting minutes as amended.  Dr. Park seconded the motion, which was approved.  Mr. Gilmore abstained.


Mr. Dragulski made a motion to approve the January 13, 2022 meeting minutes as written.  Dr. Park seconded the motion, which was approved.  Mr. Gilmore and Mr. Sheehan abstained.

10.          ADJOURN

Mr. Sheehan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 p.m.  Mr. Dragulski seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved. 


Paul Gilmore, Chairman