WPCA Meeting Minutes 05/13/2021

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 13, 2021



MAY 13 2021

“Subject to Vote of Approval”

1.            CALL TO ORDER

Paul Gilmore called the regular meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority to order at 7:02 p.m. via a virtual Zoom meeting. The following members were present:   Michael Park, Jacques Brignac and Ed Kelly.  Also present were Tony Piazza, Superintendent, Thomas Roy, Director of Public Works, and Alison Sturgeon, Clerk.

2.            SAFETY BRIEF - Mr. Gilmore cautioned drivers to be on the lookout for turtles and other creatures that have a hard time fending for themselves.  Turtles as well as turkeys cross the road very slowly; please be mindful while driving.


Mr. Gilmore stated that the Authority members received, for their review, the property owner’s request letter as well as memos from Tony Piazza and Tom Roy. 

Mr. Richmond, the property owner, is requesting that his sewer bill be adjusted since the entire first floor of the property has been vacant for the past 18 months with no running water.  Mr. Piazza stated that the space will be undergoing renovations, which will most likely be completed by June 1, 2021.   He is requesting a reduction in the sewer use fee until the renovations are complete.  The property owner offered to set up a time that the Authority members could visit the site if needed.

Mr. Piazza stated that this property is located in Tariffville.  This section of town does not have water meters; the water company charges a flat rate fee.  Back in 2007 when the WPCA changed their billing policy, every commercial building in Tariffville was set with an equivalent dwelling unit (EDU).  This property was set at 2.86 EDU based on its size and use.  Their sewer use bill for 2020 was $1,080.  On April 27, 2021, the property owner paid the 2018, 2019 and 2020 bills in full. 

Mr. Piazza stated that the only adjustments that have been made in the past have been for water leaks.  It is his recommendation to deny this request. 

Mr. Gilmore stated for these reasons, he feels approving this request would not be prudent.  He would not see wisdom in making an exception in this case. 

Dr. Park made a motion to deny the request for a bill adjustment for 30 Winthrop Street, Tariffville as presented.  Mr. Kelly seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Mr. Piazza stated that there are sewers that serve houses around this home, but do not serve 3 Washburn Drive as well as three other properties.  A request came in from 3 Washburn Drive to connect via an easement through a back property.  They were told that in order to do this, it would need to be approved by the WPCA.  The homeowner reached out to the other property owners on Washburn Drive; three of the four properties are interested in learning more about getting sewers on the street. 

Mr. Gilmore questioned if this would be a sewer extension project.  Mr. Piazza stated that is correct; or the Authority members could approve the homeowner getting an easement through another property.  The extension would be approximately 600FT, although there are some topography issues that would need a more thorough look.  If the WPCA wanted to move forward, a survey could be done to get an initial cost estimate on the project. 

Mr. Roy recommended adjusting the process by having staff do a high-level design and then having an informal informational session with the property owners prior to any public hearing.

After reviewing the septic inspection report for 3 Washburn Drive, Mr. Gilmore stated that it looks to him like it would be $900 to fix the current problem.  Mr. Brignac agreed that a high-level design should be done at an informational session, although he feels that the price may be too high.  The Authority members agreed. 

Mr. Piazza stated that he will reach out to the homeowners via email to set up an informal meeting.


Regarding the Woodland Street project, Mr. Piazza stated that he talked to the State today.  They agree that the Town can put the project out to bid while waiting for the State’s review.  There are some concerns regarding the cutting down of several trees.  The design is completed for this project except for possible slight changes once they start digging; laterals may need to be adjusted slightly.  He is hopeful to put this project out to bid within the next few weeks.

Mr. Piazza stated that the manhole was installed today, in accordance with the WPCA’s approval, at Hendricks Lane.


Mr. Piazza stated that all permit requirements were met for the month of April.  He stated that several VFD’s have been replaced during the month, influent pump and outfall pump, as part of the continued replacement plan.  He stated that staff is continuing to work with AECOM for the update of the Water Pollution Control Plan, the Water Pollution Control Facilities Plan, analysis of the protective berm with the updated flood plain mapping, and an update on the phosphorous removal plan.

Regarding sewer lining, Mr. Piazza stated that Granite Inliner is scheduled to start work during the first week of June.  This year, they will be able to complete the lining of the Tariffville section of town including the lining of the Tunxis Pump Station force main.

The secondary clarifier launder cover project bid closing date was March 25th. RH White will be awarded the contract for the work at a cost of $147,000.  This amount was approximately $55,000 less than expected. A pre-construction meeting was held on 5/12/21.

Regarding the miscellaneous industrial permits, Mr. Piazza stated that staff continues to receive registrations slowly. A more aggressive approach may be needed in order to get businesses to comply with the registration. 

7.            CORRESPONDENCE

There was none.


Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the April 8, 2021 minutes as written.  Mr. Brignac seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

Dr. Park made a motion that the Chairman and Vice Chairman be empowered to act on behalf of the Water Pollution Control Authority on all routine issues brought before them over the summer recess.  Mr. Brignac seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

9.      ADJOURN

Mr. Kelly made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m.  Dr. Park seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Paul Gilmore, Chairman