WPCA Minutes 01/09/2020

Meeting date: 
Thursday, January 9, 2020



JANUARY 9, 2020

“Subject to Vote of Approval”

1.            CALL TO ORDER

Paul Gilmore called the regular meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority to order at 7:04 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Water Pollution Control Facility, 36 Drake Hill Road, Simsbury. The following members were present:  Jay Sheehan, Tom Hickey, Ed Kelly, and Lucian Dragulski.  Also present were Tony Piazza, Superintendent and Alison Sturgeon, Clerk.

2.             SAFETY BRIEF – Mr. Gilmore gave a safety brief noting the exits in case of an emergency.

3.            FY 2020/21 BUDGET - UPDATE

Mr. Piazza stated that Town staff is trying to clarify how they are charging the WPC budget in terms of insurance and workers compensation based on the number of employees at the plant, etc.  He stated that these numbers in the budget are simply placeholders at this time. 

Mr. Roy stated that in the past, the WPC has paid a percentage of their overall operating budget to the Town for the administrative services they provide.  They have asked that this number be clarified as well to determine which services the WPC is using to come up with a more realistic number.

Mr. Kelly questioned why the pension fund line item is so high.  Mr. Piazza stated that the pension for the WPC employees has been underfunded and this is needed to get the pension fund back to where it needs to be. 

Mr. Piazza stated that based upon the proposed budget there is currently a 4.5% increase, although this will change slightly.  The reserve fund is just over $6.4 million. 


Mr. Roy stated that Murphy’s Turn has been completed and they are in the process of having the roadways accepted by the Town.  The sewers can be accepted no less than a year after the roads.  He stated that Hendricks Cottages are currently under construction; the sanitary sewer has been installed. 

Regarding the Woodland Street area project, Mr. Piazza stated that letters were sent out to residents in order to get their lateral locations.  Once these are received, the preliminary design for the project can begin.   


Mr. Piazza stated that all permit requirements were met for the month of December.  Staff has received all of the replacement Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). They are coordinating with the computer integrator from Tighe & Bond for installation.  Work is scheduled to begin in February.  Staff is also continuing work with AECOM for the update of the Water Pollution Control Plan, the Water Pollution Control Facilities Plan, analysis of the protective berm with the updated flood plain mapping, and an update on the phosphorous removal plan.  AECOM engineers will be visiting the site to perform an overall assessment for potential system upgrades.

Mr. Piazza stated that bid documents have been finalized and will be bid on within the coming weeks.  Lining of the clay tile pipes within the Town will extend the usable life by at least 50 years.  We will also investigate the possibility of lining the Tunxis Pump Station force main as part of this project.  This force main is made of asbestos clay pipe and several repairs have been made in the past.

Regarding the plant water system, Mr. Piazza stated that the system has been released for construction with an anticipated delivery date of February 2020.

Regarding removing the Hayes Pump Station to install a gravity line, Mr. Piazza stated that after further review, this would not be cost effective to do.

Mr. Sheehan suggested having some type of safety indicator, as part of the Treatment Facility Report, including how many days the plant has been accident free. 


The Authority members reviewed the letter/measurement sheet from Mr. Piazza to residents of the Woodland Street area regarding potential sewer replacement.


Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the December 12, 2019 minutes as written.  Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was approved.  Mr. Sheehan abstained. 

8.      ADJOURN

Mr. Sheehan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 p.m.  Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Paul Gilmore, Chairman