WPCA Minutes 02/13/2020

Meeting date: 
Thursday, February 13, 2020



FEBRUARY 13, 2020

“Subject to Vote of Approval”

1.            CALL TO ORDER

Paul Gilmore called the regular meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority to order at 7:04 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Water Pollution Control Facility, 36 Drake Hill Road, Simsbury. The following members were present:   Tom Hickey, Ed Kelly, Jacques Brignac, and Lucian Dragulski.  Also present were Tony Piazza, Superintendent and Alison Sturgeon, Clerk.

2.             SAFETY BRIEF – Mr. Gilmore gave a safety brief noting the exits in case of an emergency.

3.            FY 2020/21 BUDGET – POSSIBLE APPROVAL

Mr. Piazza stated that the increases in salaries, insurance costs and pension liabilities account for approximately $110,000 of the $179,000 increase to the FY 20/21 budget. The $70,000 increase in pension contribution is a worst case increase.  The Finance Department is working with Milliman Consultants to formalize numbers based on department employees.  He stated that refuse disposal increased $62,500.  This is the cost of having an outside vendor perform the hauling for the WPCF.  By outsourcing this function, they were able to remove the procurement of the new sludge hauling truck from the capital list. This equates to a savings of $325,000 for the truck, plus associated fuel and maintenance costs for the vehicle.  

Regarding capital projects, Mr. Piazza stated that there is $100,000 in the budget for sewer lining throughout the town, although most of it will occur in Tariffville.  The other project is the weir covers for the secondary clarifiers. 

Overall, Mr. Piazza stated that the budget increase is 6%; the reserve fund is currently at $6.4 million.  He stated that with the potential Woodland Street project upgrade, they may need to transfer funds from the sewer use fund to the sewer assessment fund in order to cover the costs.  Mr. Gilmore questioned if there were limitations in the ability to access the sewer use fund.  Mr. Piazza stated that it can be used for the operation and maintenance of sewers.  Mr. Gilmore asked that Mr. Piazza look into why these are two separate funds. 

Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the 2020/2021budget as presented.  Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Mr. Piazza stated that letters and measurement sheets have been sent out to all homeowners.  David Prickett Consulting will be creating a project estimate; an internal estimate will be done as well.  The survey is scheduled to begin next week; the preliminary design will start soon after the survey is complete. 

Mr. Gilmore suggested that a link be added to the letter that is sent to homeowners that will inform them with respect to what the Authority does and how typical projects are done.

Mr. Hickey made a motion to set the public hearing for the Woodland / Hopmeadow Street area sewer upgrade for the March 12, 2020 regular meeting.  Mr. Kelly seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Mr. Piazza stated that the Ridge at Talcott Mountain has made a change to their development.  They will be putting in another 32 unit apartment building in place of the 13 townhomes.  They will need to reroute some of the sewers in order to do this. 


Mr. Piazza stated that all permit requirements were met for the month of January.  He stated that staff is preparing for the replacement Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). Staff is coordinating with the computer integrator from Tighe & Bond for installation; work is scheduled to begin on February 18th.  Staff is continuing to work with AECOM for the update of the Water Pollution Control Plan, the Water Pollution Control Facilities Plan, Analysis of the protective berm with the updated flood plain mapping, and an update on the phosphorous removal plan. AECOM engineers will be visiting the site to perform an overall assessment for potential system upgrades.

Mr. Piazza stated that bids have been received for the sanitary sewer lining.  Staff is reviewing the submitted pricing to determine the most responsible contractor.  Staff is prioritizing the lining of the clay tile pipes within the Town.  They will also investigate the possibility of lining the Tunxis Pump Station force main as part of this project.  This force main is made of asbestos clay pipe and several repairs have been made in the past.  The system has been released for construction with an anticipated delivery date of February 24, 2020.


The Authority members reviewed the letter and measurement sheet from Mr. Piazza to residents of the Woodland Street / Hopmeadow Street area regarding potential sewer replacement.

Mr. Piazza stated that the Town Attorney did send a letter to the homeowner’s association at Upper Folly Farms telling them that they need to get back into compliance with the agreement for the conservancy fund as well as their reporting requirements. 


Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the January 9, 2020 minutes as written.  Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was approved.  Mr. Brignac abstained. 

Mr. Piazza stated that since the Chairman’s term has been reappointed, the Authority needs to vote for a Chairman and Vice-Chairman.  This item will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

9.      ADJOURN

Mr. Hickey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 p.m.  Mr. Dragulski seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Paul Gilmore, Chairman