WPCA Minutes 06/08/2017

Meeting date: 
Thursday, June 8, 2017



JUNE 8, 2017

“Subject to Vote of Approval”

1.             CALL TO ORDER

Vice-Chairman Jay Sheehan called the regular meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Simsbury Water Pollution Control Facility Conference Room, 36 Drake Hill Road, Simsbury. The following members were present:  Michael Park, Tom Hickey, Lucian Dragulski and Loren Shoemaker.  Also present were Anthony Piazza, Superintendent, Tom Roy, Director of Public Works, Alison Sturgeon, Clerk, as well as other interested parties.

2.         SAFETY BRIEF – Mr. Sheehan gave a safety brief noting the exits in case of an emergency. 


Mr. Sheehan read the legal notice.                                                                                  




The Simsbury Water Pollution Control Authority will hold a public hearing on Thursday, June 8, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room at the Simsbury Water Pollution Control Facility, 36 Drake Hill Road, Simsbury, CT.  The purpose of the hearing is to review and possibly vote on the proposed sewer assessments for 4, 5, 7, 8 & 9 Andrew Drive.  This will be the one and only hearing of the Authority on these assessments.  Any affected property owner may appear and be heard.

                                                                                WATER POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY

                                                                                Paul Gilmore, Chairman

Mr. Shoemaker made a motion to open the public hearing.  Dr. Park seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

Mr. Piazza stated that the original estimate for this project was $99,705.  That cost increased to $106,864 because there was a greater amount of ledge encountered than what was originally anticipated.  Each property will be assessed equally at $21,373.  He stated that homeowners have several payment options, including financing the $4,095 Facility Connection Charge (FCC) with the assessment over a ten year period at the Town’s bond rate plus two basis points; financing only the assessment over the ten years and paying the FCC in full at the time of connection; or paying the assessment in a one lump sum payment.

Ms. Desson, 4 Andrew Drive, questioned if the bond rate is subject to change over the ten year period.  Mr. Piazza stated that the rate does not change.  Mr. Roy stated that the Town gets great rates with simple interest; the interest is not compounded.  He stated that if a homeowner chooses to pay the assessment over ten years and then decides to sell or refinance their home, the lender often requires the loan to be paid off at that time.

Mr. Anderson, 5 Andrew Drive, questioned what homeowners receive for paying the Facility Connection Charge (FCC).  Mr. Sheehan stated that WPCAs in Connecticut are a delegated authority from the State.  The WPCA has the ability to collect revenue based on several basic tenets.  This could include the initial cost of facilities, where the FCC goes towards the cost of building the facility and the collection system.  The FCC is a capital cost which is divided by the number of users.  He stated that the betterment assessment for connection is the actual construction costs divided by the number of people participating in the project.  Mr. Anderson stated that there are 8 houses on his road, although three of them have been excluded because they have connected to other lines.  He feels that this project is inequitable, especially if these three others do not have to pay their fair share of the project costs.  Mr. Piazza explained that 6 Andrew Drive has already connected through the back of their property and 3 Andrew Drive was part of a different project.  Both of these homeowners have already paid an assessment at the time they connected to the sewer.  Mr. Sheehan stated that every person in Town that has a sewer line running past their house needs to pay an assessment even if they do not hook up to the sewer.  Mr. Anderson questioned where the assessment money went for those other three houses.  Mr. Roy stated that the key issue is that the WPCA is self-funded; all of the money stays within the WPCA.  Anyone that has connected to the sewer system would have been assessed; that money would go to future improvements of the system.

Mr. Anderson stated that if there is a certain amount of money that was paid by those homeowners, he would like that to be applied to this Andrew Drive project.  Ms. Civitella, 7 Andrew Drive, stated that she agrees with Mr. Anderson.

Mr. Shoemaker made a motion to close the public hearing.  Mr. Dragulski seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

The Authority members had a short discussion regarding the Andrew Drive project.  Mr. Shoemaker stated that the Authority is not hearing anything different regarding this project as in past projects, except for the fact that more rock was encountered that originally thought. 

Mr. Shoemaker made a motion to move forward as proposed for the Andrew Drive sewer assessment.  Dr. Park seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Mr. Soja, 35 Laurel Lane, stated that his home is currently for sale.  During the home inspection, the septic tank was found to be in a deteriorated condition, although the leaching field is fine.  He requested an exemption to connect to the sewer based on a financial hardship.  He stated that prior to selling his home, the roof needs to be replaced, electrical work needs to be done and the garage floor needs to be replaced as well.  These fixes are estimated to cost $23,850.  Because of these extra costs, he is unable to pay a contractor to connect his home to the sewer.  Mr. Soja stated that he currently has two mortgages and cannot afford to connect, but to only replace the septic.  Mr. Soja’s realtor also submitted the septic report to the Authority members.

Mr. Sheehan asked if the Health District has weighed in on this issue.  Mr. Piazza stated that the FVHD would need a waiver from the Town prior to granting the homeowner an application.  

The Authority members discussed the cost options of a septic system versus connecting to the sewer.  Mr. Sheehan read Chapter 130-6 of the Simsbury Town Code. 

Mr. Shoemaker made a motion to deny the waiver request for 35 Laurel Lane to replace the septic tank in lieu of connecting to the sewer.  Dr. Park seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Mr. Piazza stated that this project is located on the farm north of The Hartford site, on which they would like to build several apartment buildings, an assisted living facility and townhomes. 

Attorney Donohue stated that this project has been fully approved with the form based code to build a 120 unit assisted living facility, two retail establishments and 280 living units.  He stated that they are before the Authority tonight to make a presentation and to ask them to affirm that they have capacity on this site.

Rod Szwelicki, Civil Engineer at VHB, stated that the property is surrounded by two existing sewer mains.  Along the northern property line, there is a 16” sewer main with a 30’ easement; along the eastern property line, there is a 30” main with a 50’ easement.  He stated that this project has three collection points:  one collecting the townhomes, which is connected to an existing manhole; a second connecting half of the assisted living and several apartment buildings; and the third connecting the two commercial buildings, several apartment buildings and the other half of the assisted living facility.   Mr. Szwelicki stated that this development will have private streets with a private collection system.  The developer will own these properties which will be rented out.  Attorney Donahue stated that only the assisted living facility will be privately owned.

Mr. Sheehan questioned if there is currently other flow through the existing mains.  Mr. Piazza stated that the south interceptor has flows from the Town of Avon; the other is the main line that comes across Hopmeadow Street that takes flow from another development. 

Mr. Sheehan questioned how these flows will compare to past flows from The Hartford.  Mr. Piazza stated that there is plenty of capacity in the pipes as well as for future development of this site. 

Mr. Piazza stated that although it does not affect this part of the site, when The Hartford building was constructed, the developer re-routed the sewer line, which created a flat spot in the line.  He stated that potentially, very heavy flows could affect the flows.  He suggested that the developer look into possibly straightening this pipe back out. 


Mr. Roy stated that the plans for Bushy Hill Road have been sent to the State DOT for review.  He stated that he is hopeful that bids will go out for the Maple Court project in order for construction to be completed this year.  The design is almost completed for Massaco Street; construction for the 560 Hopmeadow Street extension will begin next week. 

Mr. Roy stated that they have been working with the Town Engineering staff regarding Murphy’s Turn.  There has been a great deal of roadway settlement; the sewers have not yet been accepted.  They will continue to look into this issue.


Mr. Piazza stated that all permit requirements were met for May.   He stated that the recirculation pump impeller for the odor scrubber has failed.  WPC staff has started repairs of the system and are currently waiting for parts.   One of the operation buildings two boilers has a cracked heat exchanger; this unit has been taken off line.  Staff is obtaining quotes to replace the unit with a higher efficiency unit.

Mr. Piazza stated that they have met with DPC Consulting to discuss the actions / direction for further analysis of the system.  Staff recommendation is for the allocation sub-committee to meet during the summer months to go through options for the process prior to the September WPCA meeting.  

Regarding the collection system, Mr. Piazza stated that staff received 2 complaints, 19 West Point Terrace, which was a problem in the owner’s lateral; and Wooster Road which was a water main break.  He stated that staff continues with cleaning of the system. 

Mr. Piazza stated that the truck driver position is currently open


The Authority reviewed two letters from Mr. Piazza to Sunlight Construction regarding Cambridge Crossing, as well as to the State DEEP, Wildlife Division, regarding the Farmington River bank stabilization.


Dr. Park made a motion to approve the May 11, 2017 meeting minutes as written.  Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was approved.  Mr. Shoemaker abstained.

Mr. Shoemaker stated that this will be his last meeting on the WPCA.  He is retiring and he and his family are moving.  He has formally submitted his resignation.  

Dr. Park made a motion to accept the resignation of Loren Shoemaker.  Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Dr. Park made a motion to recess for the summer months and resume monthly meetings in September, 2017.  Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Mr. Shoemaker made a motion that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman be empowered to act on behalf of the Authority on all routine issues brought before them over the summer recess.  Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

12.          ADJOURN

Mr. Shoemanker made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.  Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Jay Sheehan, Vice-Chairman