Board of Selectmen Budget Workshop - February 26, 2013

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

BOARD OF SELECTMEN - BUDGET WORKSHOP Small Program Room – Simsbury Public Library Special Meeting – Thursday, February 26, 2013 – 6:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
The Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 6:00PM on Tuesday, February 26, 2013. The meeting was held in the Small Program Room of the Simsbury Public Library located at 725 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, CT.  In attendance was Mary Glassman, First Selectmen as well as the following Board of Selectmen members; Lisa Heavner, Moira Wertheimer, Nancy Haase, Sean Askham and Shannon Knall. Others in attendance included; Tom Cooke; Director of Administrative Services, Mary Ann Harris; Director of Finance, Tom Roy; Director of Public Works; James Clifton, WPC Superintendent and Richard Sawitzke; Town Engineer.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Everyone stood for the pledge of allegiance.
3. Public Audience
Sue Bednarcyk, 119 E. Weatogue Street, told the Board of Selectmen that considering the tight budgetary constraints, it might be a good time to come up with a number of Budget Initiatives in order to generate additional revenue streams for the Town.
4. Discuss:  
CIP - Ms. Glassman had Mr. Sawitzke begin by presenting the capital program and then he would follow with CNR. He spoke about the challenges of planning six years out with a CIP. He reviewed details and answered question regarding the following FY ’14 proposed projects; Emergency Generator Improvements, Center Area Charrette Infrastructure Improvements, Senior Community Center Design Development, Automated Truck Wash, Town Offices Update, Town Teledata Infrastructure Modernization, Flat Roof Replacement Town Offices, Roof Repairs - Eno Memorial Hall, Farmington River Stream Bank Stabilization and lastly, the Board of Education project of a Squadron Line School Elementary School Boiler Replacement. The topic of funding upcoming improvements related to school security was discussed by Ms. Harris. Ms. Harris then spoke about Simsbury’s future debt service schedule and borrowing capacity.  This year’s projects, and future year projects, were discussed within the context of working with the 7% debt guideline.  Funding sources and authorization for the FY ’14 projects were discussed.


CNR - Mr. Sawitzke then moved onto the topic of CNR and provided a summary sheet of FY ’14. He and Mr. Roy spoke about, and answered questions on the following projects; Upgrade Town Software Office Suite, Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), Police Department Exchange Server, Truck for the Animal Control Officer, Highway One-Ton Utility Truck, Mainline Truck, Recyclable Asphalt Machine, and Community Farms Boiler and Related Electrical Systems, Scout Hall Boiler, Parks Maintenance 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck, Greens Mower, Pinchot Tree Paving, Rotary Rough Mower. It was discussed which of these would be funded out of the Equipment Fund. Mr. Sawitzke spoke about LOCIF and State Grant funding and the projects to which they apply. It was suggested to alter the format of the reporting in order to show which projects are being funded from the Equipment Fund. The topic of project priority criteria was reviewed briefly. Ms. Glassman asked Mr. Roy and Mr. Toner to take another look at the Parks Truck and Mr. Askham asked to take a look at the urgency of the paving at the Pinchot Tree Paving as well as the Baseball Field Maintenance. Ms. Glassman asked Mr. Roy what he would request if some of these moneys could be reallocated towards the Parks Department. Mr. Roy said Roadway Drainage is so important and he would put those funds towards that.
Water Pollution Control -At this point in the meeting, Jim Clifton, Superintendent WPC, addressed the Board of Selectmen and spoke about the WPC Operating Budget, saying it is 10% less this year than last. He spoke about the percentage ownerships of Avon and Granby and how that works with flow. Ms. Glassman asked Mr. Clifton about their large amount of reserves and had him explain why he feels comfortable with that number. Mr. Clifton said if they take a look at the 5-6 year capital projection, those funds will be used. He spoke about the southwest part of town that is in the sewer service area, but is not currently being served. He said once those septics start to fail, which is not too far off, people will be knocking on WPC’s door. Future costs and funding related to sewer expansion was discussed. Mr. Clifton said he does not see the reserves as excessive when considering these expected future costs. Dealing with Mr. Clifton’s possible retirement was discussed and Mr. Cooke said he and Mr. Clifton have been in communication about the issues, but there has been no specific timeline set yet.
A short break was taken at this point in the meeting.
Ms. Glassman asked Ms. Harris to discuss the costs resulting from the changes to the Pension assumptions. Ms. Harris described in detail how the changes effect the baseline of the budget providing multiple scenarios. This topic was discussed further with it being noted that this assumption change is based on very sound research. The Board of Finance budget guidelines were discussed.
Public Works - Mr. Roy began going through the Public Works line items, starting with Public Works Administration Costs, Buildings & Grounds, Highway Department and Landfill. He spoke about the functions of Buildings & Grounds Department saying the department is understaffed. He moved on to speaking about the Highway Department and commended the efforts of the staff this year in response to recent weather issues. Mr. Roy spoke about the FEMA paperwork related to eligible weather events. He spoke further about what is eligible for FEMA

reimbursement. Mr. Roy then moved on to Road Maintenance and then spoke about the Landfill Operation, which he said is the easiest, as it is contracted out. He spoke about additional services provided that fall under the Public Works Department. Mr. Roy reviewed the work done by the Public Works Administrative staff. Mr. Roy then reviewed the Top Challenges faced by Public Works Department. He spoke about the unpredictability factor that Public Works has to constantly deal with. He said he is simply trying to maintain what they have with this budget. Then Mr. Roy reviewed the line items of his budget and answered questions from the Board. Ms. Glassman said she would advocate that if any money gets added back, it should go to Public Works, as she knows he could use the extra funding. She asked Mr. Roy to put a plan together adding back the previously mentioned $62,000. She asked Mr. Roy about the GIS Mapping upgrading and alternative funding sources to put towards that project. The advantages and uses of the GIS Mapping system was described in further detail by Mr. Roy. Department coordination and budgeting was discussed as it relates to this topic. The utilization of this system by neighboring towns was reviewed as well as the commitment of consistently maintaining/updating the data.
Engineering - Mr. Sawitzke provided an overview of the services within the purview of the Engineering Department. He spoke about increased workloads as a result of grant administration and private development site work, and the one change he is presented is for an increase in his Administrative Assistant’s hours. He spoke about the current projects which are all in various stages.  He then discussed his department’s role as it relates to private development projects. Mr. Sawitzke spoke about reducing the amount allocated to his consulting service account, which will offset the increase in his Administrative Assistant’s hours. He spoke about the Engineering Department’s involvement with the Land Use Commissions.
Ms. Glassman reviewed all of the items for follow up that will be presented at the next Budget Workshop.
5. Possible Action/Discussion including possible action on previous Budget Workshop items
No action was taken on the Budget Workshop items. 
6. Adjourn Mr. Askham made a motion to adjourn the February 26, 2013 Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen at 8:56PM. The motion was seconded by Ms. Wertheimer and was unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted,

Mary A. Glassman
First Selectman