Board of Selectmen Regular Meeting December 8, 2014

Meeting date: 
Monday, December 8, 2014

TOWN OF SIMSBURY - BOARD OF SELECTMEN       "Subject to Approval"


The Regular Meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Simsbury Library Program Room. In attendance were: First Selectman Mary Glassman; Board members Sean Askham, Michael Paine, Lisa Heavner, Cheryl Cook and Nancy Haase. Others in attendance included Attorney Robert DeCrescenzo, Tom Cooke, Director of Administrative Services, Tom Roy, Director of Public Works, and other interested parties.


Everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Ms. Glassman thanked everyone for coming and said it was nice to see everyone here. She said we were at capacity and showed everyone where the exits were in case of an emergency. She asked everyone to make sure they signed the sign-up sheet if they wished to address the Board.


Ms. Glassman said the first item on the agenda is the reconsideration of the action taken on November 24, 2014 regarding the compensation of the First Selectman. The submission was requested by Selectman Nancy Haase as she asked to reconsider the action taken on November 24, 2014 regarding compensation of the First Selectman. She said pursuant to Roberts Rules of Order, Section 36, the motion to reconsider is as follows:

1. It must be made at the next meeting of the body, following the meeting where the action to be reconsidered was taken.
2. The motion must be made by a member of the prevailing side of the original motion.
3. The motion must be seconded by any member.
4. After the motion is made and seconded, the chair must state for the record, the action as being reconsidered.
5. If the motion passes, it will be placed back before the body in the same posture as if the original action had not been taken.
6. If the motion fails, the original action stands and a second or subsequent motion to reconsider will be out of order unless renewed by unanimous consent of the body.
7. After the vote on the motion to reconsider, if the motion passes, the next order of business is consideration and action of the matter being reconsidered.

Ms. Glassman introduced Attorney Robert DeCrescenzo, who represents the Town of Simsbury. He is here to answer any questions the Board may have.

Ms. Glassman asked if there was a motion to reconsider, by the prevailing side, the original motion.

a) Reconsider Action taken on November 24, 2014 regarding Compensation of the First Selectman

Ms. Glassman said as she has always done in her last 16 years, anytime there appears to be any kind of conflict of interest, she will not take part in the discussion.

Ms. Heavner said there are three items before the Board tonight. She said Ms. Glassman announced her resignation on December 1, 2014 and on December 3rd the Simsbury Democratic Town Committee unanimously recommended her to become Ms. Glassman's replacement. Ms. Heavner said at this past Friday’s press conference, her Republican colleagues graciously announced that they would be supporting her as the replacement. She then consulted with the Town Attorney and he advised her that the Code of Ethics requires that government employees avoid even the appearance of impropriety. She does not presume to know the outcome of the votes, but she is not comfortable voting on issues that have the potential to impact her financially or where her impartiality could be questioned. Therefore, she will also recuse herself from these discussions.

Ms. Haase moved the first action of the item and made a motion to reconsider the action taken on November 24, 2014 regarding the First Selectman's compensation. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. Ms. Glassman and Ms. Heavner recused themselves from this item and items b and c.Ms. Glassman turned the chair over to Ms. Haase. All were in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Haase stated that the original motion, which was a motion by Ms. Cook to implement the new First Selectman salary effective July 1, 2015, was accordingly before the Board for reconsideration.

Ms. Haase said the action back before them was to implement the new First Selectman's salary effective July 1, 2015.

Ms. Haase proposed a friendly amendment to the motion to extend the current salary and benefits of the First Selectman through the end of the First Selectman’s term on December 7, 2015. Ms. Cook and Mr. Paine approved the friendly amendment. The Board of Selectmen voted on the motion as amended. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Ms. Haase said she would be voting in favor of this motion. She thanked everyone for coming tonight and for sharing their feedback and suggestions for the last two weeks. Ms. Haase thanked Carl and Melissa Meyer for helping everyone to have a means to express themselves.

Ms. Haase said her decision two weeks ago was made with careful consideration of the facts based upon input from residents and with the Town in mind. It was not personal or partisan. She sought reconsideration as part of the Board's job, which is to listen to the people, which she has done. Residents have agreed with the rationale behind the decision, however, residents feel it is unfair to change a salary during an elected term.Many residents have asked her to reconsider and asked that the First Selectman not resign.

Ms. Haase said her vote tonight is also made with the best interest of the Town in mind. She is sorry that the original motion has caused such turmoil in Town, as it was not her intention. She has reached out to Ms. Glassman and has asked her to reconsider her decision to resign. She said the Town is facing many critical issues that are of great concern to all of us. She said she will support either Ms. Glassman or Ms. Heavner moving forward so the Selectmen and Town can work together to get through these issues. She thanked everyone for their concerns and participation in this process.

Ms. Cook said it has been a trying two weeks in Town and she has heard from many people on both sides of this issue. She is thankful that most of the comments have been constructive. She appreciates all the efforts of the people who have participated in a civil discussion.

Ms. Cook said moving forward she has to re-examine her decision because of everything that has happened since the original vote. The basic facts have not changed since the Board agreed that the salary has to be adjusted. However, the only question seemed to be when to make the adjustment. She concluded, for fiscal reasons, that it should be changed from two weeks ago. There have now been unattended results and misunderstandings that need to be addressed. There is also a fairness argument to be made as well.

Ms. Cook said all the changes have been made to implement the move towards professional management. Given what has happened and the impact of the comments made, she has to step back from that decision. Ms. Cook said her actions were not in any way a personal to the First Selectman. It is unfortunate that her decision to resign was made. She said to try to heal the Town, she will agree to extend the salary date until December 7, 2015. She said the salary issue will be part of the budget process for the next fiscal year. The people will have the opportunity to discuss their concerns at the time.

Ms. Cook thanked everyone for attending the meeting as said she hoped that discussion can continue on all important matters of the Town of Simsbury.

Mr. Paine said he made his vote on November 24th with the belief that it was in the best interest of the Town. He does not believe that the Town should pay for two people to do the same job. He did not make his vote with any political motive or ill-intent towards the First Selectman. He apologized to the citizens for not making his intentions clearer during that discussion and vote. He did not intend or anticipate that the vote would lead to a resignation.

Mr. Paine said he has spoken to many people since that vote and he appreciated all who have reached out to him. He appreciates the civil discussions. Decisions need to be made on the facts and what is best for this Town. His oath said he would faithfully discharge, according to law, his duties as a member of the Board of Selectman to the best of his abilities and he takes his oath very seriously.

Mr. Paine thanked everyone for their thoughts, concerns and questions, whether they agreed or not. These discussions are very important. He also thanked Carl and Melissa Meyer for getting involved with their petition.

Mr. Paine said he has decided to change his vote on this matter after long consideration. He didn't think the change in leadership in mid-term or this turmoil was in the best interest of the people. He is prepared to vote to agree to extend the First Selectman's compensation at the current level until December 2015. He also thanked the First Selectman for all of her efforts for her 16 years of service to the Town.

Mr. Askham thanked everyone for their comments and discussion on this matter. He said he did oppose the change in compensation mid-term at the original discussion. He felt in his heart that this would be the right vote. He thanked everyone for their reconsideration at this time.

All were in favor of the motion and therefore, it passed.

Ms. Haase asked if the First Selectman and Ms. Heavner can now return to the meeting. Attorney DeCrescenzo said it was his understanding that they wished to stay out until item d. He said it is up to each Board member whether they have a conflict of interest on what issue. Their statements stated they wish to stay out at this time.

Mr. Askham felt that a staff member should inform them of the vote and they could then decide if they would like to return or not. Mr. Cooke informed the Board that they received a letter of resignation that was filed with the Clerk of Courts earlier today.

b) Accept the resignation of Mary A. Glassman (D) as the First Selectman of the Board of Selectmen effective January 2, 2015

Mr. Askham made a motion, with deepest regrets and our deepest thanks, to acknowledge the letter of resignation, submitted on December 8, 2014, of Mary A. Glassman as the First Selectman of the Board of Selectmen effective January 2, 2015 and recognized the vacancy of the office as of January 3, 2015.

Attorney DeCrescenzo referenced Connecticut State Statute 7-103 about letter of resignations. He said, under the law, the Board is not really accepting the letter of resignation, but they are acknowledging receipt of the letter. Under the law, as soon as it is filed at the Town Clerk's office, it becomes effective the date stated in the letter, which is January 2, 2015. Ms. Glassman will legally hold title to the office until that date.

Mr. Cooke said Ms. Glassman and Ms. Heavner will remain out of the meeting until item d.

Mr. Paine seconded, with regret, the motion. All were in favor, with regret, and the motion passed.

c) Appoint Lisa L. Heavner (D) as the First Selectman of the Board of Selectmen effective January 5, 2015 with an expiration date of December 7, 2015

Ms. Haase made a motion to appoint Lisa L. Heavner as the First Selectman of the Board of Selectmen, with a friendly amendment to make it effective January 3, 2015 with an expiration date of December 7, 2015. Attorney DeCrescenzo said the letter of resignation is at the end of the day of January 2, 2015. Therefore, he feels the swearing in can be done, and the position can be effective on January 3, 2015. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. Mr. Askham thanked Ms. Glassman for her 16 years of service in Simsbury. He said working with her has been a wonderful experience for him and the Town has been better off with her being here for the past 16 years. She has had many accomplishments and everyone is grateful to her. The other Board members also thanked her for her wonderful service and accomplishments. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Ms. Glassman and Ms. Heavner rejoined the meeting to a loud applause. Ms. Glassman asked Attorney DeCrescenzo for the results of the voting.

Attorney DeCrescenzo said on agenda item a) reconsideration of action taken on November 24, 2014 regarding the Compensation of the First Selectman; the motion of reconsideration passed 4 to 0. He said the matter was reconsidered and the amendment was accepted by the maker of the motion and changed the effective date of the salary from July 1, 2015 to December 2, 2015, the end of the current term.

Attorney DeCrescenzo said the second item b) there was an acknowledgement and acceptance of the resignation of Mary A. Glassman as First Selectman effective January 2, 2015.

Attorney DeCrescenzo said on item c) there was a motion made and seconded to appoint Selectman Heavner as First Selectman effective January 3, 2015 with an expiration date of December 7, 2015.

d) Acceptance and Referral of Citizens Petition(s) to Town Counsel for Advice and Procedural Direction

Ms. Glassman said the next item before the Board is a petition for acceptance and referral to Town Counsel for advice and direction from Carl Meyer. Ms. Glassman thanked him for being here and thanked him for representing the will of the citizens. She said the application was now before the Board.

Ms. Haase said comments were made earlier that the Board appreciated their hard work on bringing the information to the Board and allowing them to consider comments.

Mr. Meyer said there are almost 1500 signatures on the petition to date. About 1300 are Simsbury residents with 100 former residents and a smaller number of people from neighboring Towns.

Mr. Askham made a motion to accept and refer the Citizen Petition(s) to Town Counsel for advice and procedural direction. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.


Ms. Glassman said this would be her last meeting and she asked for personal privilege to talk to the citizens in attendance. She said the last two weeks have been very difficult for the Town and the residents. For that, she is truly sorry. It is not always easy to be a public servant entrusted with the most sacred honor of protecting the public trust. She said these public servants work very hard to be prepared, ask tough questions, to listen to others, and to do what is in the best interest of the Town.Most of the time they get it right. A lot has been accomplished here, it's a very special place and it has been recognized as one of the best places to live and to work. Ms. Glassman said sometimes we get it wrong.

Ms. Glassman said two weeks ago when the decision was made to change the office of the First Selectman mid-term this was, in her opinion, very wrong. She said it is not about the money, it never was. It was always about the importance of the process that needs to be followed when making important decisions for the Town. It's about the need to establish best practices so decisions are not made on a whim and are always made in the best interest of the Town. It's about a dangerous precedence that could be set when policies aren't followed. It was about reminding all of us to use our voice, our mind, and our hearts because that's who the people of Simsbury are.

Ms. Glassman said she felt what happened two weeks ago was so significant and so wrong for the residents of Simsbury and therefore she did the only thing she could do. She blew her whistle, as loud as she could, in hopes that someone would hear her. She feels everyone heard her loud and clear and beyond her wildest imagination. She has felt many things since that vote, but only feels pride now.

Ms. Glassman said she is proud that for 16 years she has had the privilege and honor of representing the Town in so many different ways. She has enjoyed each and every day. She said she worked as best she could to speak for the residents at the State Capital, take on the electric company when the power went out and to even call in the National Guard when she thought it was necessary. She said now residents have stood up for her and she is forever grateful and she will never forget. She said she is proud of what everyone has accomplished tonight. She said they have sent a signal that in our Town and in every Town people need to pay attention to decisions that are made and to be involved to make sure good decisions are made and to speak out when something is wrong.

Ms. Glassman said to see that 1,500 people have signed a petition and are now more involved in the community than they were two weeks ago makes her proud . She hopes that the silver lining after this is that more people will engage and become more involved in the community. She said she was grateful to her husband Andy and her children Amanda, Nathan and Sam who have always supported and encouraged her to do what was right no matter how hard or difficult it is. She also thanked Lisa Heavner for taking on a job, she did not ask for, and for her willingness to step up for the residents of Simsbury. She said Ms. Heavner has the background, experience, and kindness to do what is best for the Town. She feels the Town will be in good hands. She thanked everyone for being here tonight.

Ms. Heavner said she tried very hard to get Ms. Glassman to change her mind. Unfortunately, her decision is final. Ms. Heavner asked that everyone join her to thank her friend, Mary Glassman.

Ms. Heavner said she did not seek or run for this position. However, she willingly and respectfully accepts this responsibility. She thanked the Board for their support in the vote tonight and hoped they continue with their support while running the Town's business. She said she worked with Ms. Glassman and feels she is ready to step up and step in to complete Ms. Glassman's term. She is up to speed on Town issues and does take this responsibility seriously. She feels they now need to turn to restoring the trust of the public. They need to carry out the will of the people. She wants to work together and listen to the people. She wants the government to remain fair, compassionate and effective for the people of Simsbury. She said she looked forward to working with everyone and thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

Don Massey was very sad to see that Ms. Glassman has resigned. He said the door was opened and the residents allowed a "prize race horse to get free". He has personally struggled with this and finds it very unnecessary. He said they are all residents of a Town that they love and he doesn't seek to engender ill will. He hopes this never happens again. He fells it is time for everyone to think whether or not the consolidation of all administrative duties should come under a different form of government. We love politics in the Town. The process might need to be changed for true efficiency.

Mr. Massey said he crafted a petition on that everyone could see tomorrow. This is to decide whether or not the Town should move for a Charter Revision Commission to reconsider the form of government. Let’s not keeping spending so much money on Administrative services.

Barbara Dolinsky said she is heartened that the Board of Selectmen have listened to the residents and have reconsidered their votes. She feels it is for the best. She thinks it has been a humbling and learning experience. She said it is like a child getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar and she knows the Board is "very sorry". Ms. Dolinsky feels the Board has turned a corner on this issue and is now in a healing mode.

Ms. Dolinsky said she was going to make a presentation about Aquarion, but she tabled that. She said she usually says just what she is thinking, but today she will filter her speech. Then she said "what the hell were you thinking?". She said there have been more projection here than at the movies. She said if they were upset about paying health care benefits to employees because of the affordable care act, they need to get over it as it is the law. They need to think about changing their attitudes. If someone works hard for the community and is successful, then she wants them to use that person as a role model.

Ms. Dolinsky said she has made many mistakes in her life and the best course moving forward is to apologize immediately and make changes. She wants the Board to take a fearless inventory of their motivations and take remedial steps if found to be warranted.

Joan Coe said she was here to urge the Board of move on. She feels the present form of government is broken and should be changed to a professional Town manager. The present Town Charter is murky at best. Ms. Coe read Section 502 of the Charter, Duties of First Selectman. She said it also states that the First Selectman may appoint another officer to the position of personnel director. She feels the verbiage is murky. She wants to hold a Charter Revision Commission so Simsbury can change to a Town Manager form of government.

Ms. Coe read the job description for Town Manager in Farmington. She feels it is time for this Board to move on and put the issue of Town Charter Revision on the next agenda. She read an article in the December 4th in the Valley Press about the Town needing better structure that she agrees with. She said every consultant has asked for a Town Manager also. She feels the residents need a choice of government.

Barbara Hirsch said she has lived here for 28 years. She was concerned about some of the Board member's campaigns. She doesn't want this to be the new norm in Simsbury. She met Ms. Glassman at a little craft fair many years ago and she was very encouraging to her. This is just who Ms. Glassman is.

Ms. Hirsch respectfully requested that Ms. Cook, Mr. Paine and Ms. Haase apologize to Ms. Glassman and the residents of Simsbury for the harm they have brought. She also respectfully requested that Ms. Cook, Mr. Paine and Ms. Haase resign as they do not represent Simsbury at its best. She said the harm that has been caused is unmeasurable.

Jerry Hirsch said the Town needs to move forward but can never forget what has happened. He said we need to make sure this never happens again. The Town needs to be sure that "no gang of three" are able to disrespect the office of the First Selectman, disrespect the Board and to so mis-judge this wonderful Town. That can never happen again.

Mitchell Klein said he has been in Simsbury for 18 years. He thanked Ms. Glassman for what she did for them when they were having an issue with their house. He is very upset to think that the other Board members and feels they owe the First Selectman and the Town an apology. He just can't imagine what they were thinking. They all knew what was going to happen when they reduced a staff person's salary. He hopes this Town can recover after losing someone like Ms. Glassman.

John Loomis commended Ms. Glassman for being a great First Selectman and person. He thanked her for giving an extra measure for everything she did. She always paid attention with a positive energy reaching out to the Town. She really made Simsbury sparkle on the map.

Jerry Lintner said he has been here for 40 years. He has interviewed a First Selectman for the past 20 years. He is an unaffiliated voter. He thanked Ms. Glassman for removing the partisanship in this Town. He also acknowledged Mr. Askham for having the courage to stand up and be one of those people.

Mr. Lintner can't believe this has happened - it is incomprehensible. He said we have removed the effectiveness and removed the possibility of an outstanding person to lead us. He feels this will happen again and the bad feeling has to stay.

Mr. Lintner asked what has to be done to bring an impeachment process to other Selectmen. He would like an answer either tonight or when someone can get back to him.

Mr. Lintner said if things are going well in Town no one gets involved. He said the residents have the responsibility to make sure this never happens again. Ms. Glassman said they will have to get back to him at the next meeting.

Ron Savino said he has been a resident for 30 years. He is a retired High School teacher. He said he is so angry about this. He said Ms. Glassman doesn't really know him, but he feels we are losing a statesman. He thinks this is just ridiculous. He goes to South Carolina, but always comes back to Simsbury and he will never leave.

Mr. Savino thought the Town would get Ms. Glassman back and he can't believe she is really leaving. It doesn't feel this is real. Ms. Glassman is a tremendous resource and he can't believe this is over.Who gets cut $40,000 after all she has accomplished.

David Richman said he friends from other towns have been calling him asking what is wrong with this town. They asked him why he would want to live here. He started to do some math and said it cost every household $1.75 for the First Selectman and now she has resigned.Ms. Glassman said it was not about the money but the principal and principal is always much more than money in most things in life.

Mr. Richman said he always appreciated Ms. Glassman visiting his businesses in Town. She always supported small businesses. He spends $72,000 in taxes each year and this would have paid her salary. He wants the other Board members to think about if they still want to represent the Town. He looks at most of them very differently now.

Mr. Richman said most of the people here don't support some of the officials. After 26 years he does agree with Ms. Coe. He does think that we should change the Town Charter and go to a Town Manager form of government.

Bill Garrity said he was on the Board of Selectmen for 10 years and he never saw anything close to what has happened here. He feels this was a republican power play. He hates the way this was done. He feels they wanted her to resign and that's what they got.

Mr. Garrity said he was disappointed in the Board and thought they were going to do better. He said the Republican Town Committee craves power and this is what they have now done when they get the majority for the first time. He feels the Town has lost a special person in Mary Glassman. He feels that it is unfortunate. He thanked Ms. Glassman for her 16 years of service to the Town. He doesn't blame her for not changing her decision. However, he does feel she should be back on and others should resign.

Shannon Knall said Ms. Glassman has been a great role model and an outstanding example of what good government for and about people looks like. She thanked her for her dedication to the Town. Ms. Knall said her heart is very heavy. She said as a former Selectman, she is confused and insulted by the actions taken.

Ms. Knall asked if this move was a political power play or a lack of misunderstanding of the issue at hand. She said this is not in the best interest for the residents of Simsbury. There is no place for this here. She said the reversal shouldn't have come after public outcry for the reversal of their decision.

Ms. Knall said we now need to move forward. She feels there needs to be a smooth transition of leadership. We need someone who is committed to the well-being of the residents of Simsbury. She feels Ms. Heavner is this person for First Selectman. She thanked the Board for their support for electing her.

Greg Banks said what happened here happens every day in a "banana republic". He said everything he had to say was already said except we will miss Ms. Glassman.

Fletcher Fischer said this is an amazing Town. He has some questions for those who created this issue. He said they said in the press conference that they spoke to many residents and he asked how many were not from the Republican Party. Ms. Glassman said this is just Public Audience and not up for discussion.

Mr. Fischer also asked if they Board felt that they have damaged their credibility with the residents of Simsbury. He also asked if they felt their actions brought shame at all in this matter. He said the Town became a nation story because of what happened. He also asked if the other Board members felt they should resign.

Mr. Fischer said he has known Ms. Glassman for many years and he will miss her.

George Trautman said he has rarely voted for a Democrat in his lifetime. He said he voted for Ms. Glassman for many years know, but he hardly knows her. He finds her to be a very special and unusual person. He hopes she has great success in the future and knows that she will.Mr. Trautman said he is sorry that this has taken place and hopes the Board puts themselves together as this is not Washington DC.

Pat S. said she was born and raised in Simsbury and she has never been so dumbfounded in her life. She said the Town is very proud of what they have and what Simsbury has grown to be. It is a lovely place to live. She said Ms. Glassman has frozen her salary when she felt necessary. She has taken good care of Simsbury. She can't understand why they would want to give her a $40,000 pay cut as this is not in the best interest of Simsbury.

She said anyone who voted for the decrease in pay needs to do some sole searching because integrity is not at the top of that list. If this was negotiated it would be a different story, but for all that Ms. Glassman has done in the past 16 years it is a "kick in the ass." She asked the other Board member to put themselves in Ms. Glassman's shoes and see how they feel. She asked if she could change Ms. Glassman's mind about resigning.

Linda Schofield said this is sad day for the Town. She feels we need to move forward and support Ms. Heavner as she is most qualified and dedicated to step in. She will serve the Town well.

Ms. Schofield thanked the Board for reconsidering their positions. She does have some concerns about cheapening the First Selectman position. She feels the salary should remain the same in the future unless there is a change in the form of government. She said the consultant report really did recommend taking away some personnel functions away from the First Selectman. She doesn't feel that there was a basis on which to make the assumption that a big portion of her workload was reduced.

Ms. Schofield said Simsbury was short-staffed to begin with according to the amount of staff in other towns. She wondered if 35% of the First Selectman job was to disappear, why didn’t they think to make her job part-time. She submitted that CEO's delegate administrative tasks as organization evolve and become more complex. She also thinks everyone needs to think about what a CEO really does and how involved they are in different project. She doesn't think the consultant report was totally accurate. She feels we need further analysis before proceeding with the decision to cut the pay in the coming years.

Ms. Schofield hopes the Town can move forward and beyond this painful experience. She said we have to choose to trust each other and work together. She feels we have to do this to be productive in the coming years.

Craig Trutillo said he has lived here for 17 years. He is the Deputy Chief Officer for the City of Hartford.

He said the Board is elected to represent the feelings of the citizens of Simsbury and they have now made the right decision. He wants this put behind us. He feels this is the best Town in the Country. He has

traveled a lot of places, but will always stay here. He feels the residents and Board need to support Ms. Heavner and move forward.

Mr. Trutillo said he supported Ms. Glassman and really wants her to rescind her resignation.

John Schaefer thanked Ms. Glassman for all she has done for the Town. He said he was shocked that the Board cut Ms. Glassman's pay for their own petty reasons. He said we are a country of laws and the Board broke Ms. Glassman's contract with the Town. They picked apart the consultant report and made certain choices. This shows poor management skills. The citizens are not only concerned about cutting Ms. Glassman's salary, but they are concerned about the poor decision making it represents.

Mr. Schaefer said the Selectmen have failed and maybe they shouldn't be Selectmen at all. He said they failed to represent the citizens.

Erwin Sabella said he lives in the most beautiful and safe town. He said he is not worried about Ms. Glassman and he thanked her for her service. However, he is worried about Simsbury and asked that the residents move forward.

Kris Barnett said she lived here since she was 13. She moved back here to raise her family. She said she makes her living here and volunteers her also. She said we can't change what happened, but we need to keep the moving forward in a positive direction and to support Ms. Heavner and all Board members and Commissions who volunteer their time to make this community a better place. She said this is the best turnout in any meeting and she implores everyone to continue to be involved and to respect each other for the future of the Town. She also thanked Ms. Glassman for her service.

Diana Yeisley thanked Ms. Glassman for her service, her guidance, your leadership, and her friendship. She has been a role model. She said Ms. Glassman set Ms. Heavner in a perfect place to step into her tremendous shoes. She feels Ms. Heavner will take the Town forward.

Ms. Yeisley feels so dismayed as this is why people hate politics. She doesn't believe we were paying duly in Town. She doesn’t care what other towns are paying as she lives in Simsbury and only cares about Simsbury. She doesn't feel the salary should be cut at all as the job has grown over the last several years. Ms. Glassman has also helped with State issues on top of the Town issues.

Ms. Yeisley said she is sad that the person who the people of Simsbury voted for is no longer going to hold the office. She said their voices are now going to be extinguished. She has a hard time stomaching that. She wants everyone to listen to their hearts and all of the people of Simsbury. The Board owes them a responsibility to carry the Town not only in a fiscally responsible way but in an emotional way because they live here. She is very proud to say that Ms. Glassman is her friend and that Ms. Heavner is willing to step up and she never wants this to happen again.

Joe Townsley said he came here 30 years ago because Simsbury had a great reputation. They offered great schools and great leadership. He said the Board of Education always rotated the chairman from Democrat to Republican each year. He is very disappointed over what has happened here.

Mr Townsley said he is a consultant and works with towns who have difficulty working together. This is not our Town. He feels this Town can move forward and hopes we do. He said we need to use this as a means to move forward and take care of the Town. What was done was just wrong.

Mr. Townsley said he has worked with six different First Selectman’s and he always loved working with Ms. Glassman as he thought she was fair and he wished her luck.

Harmon Poole said he has lived in Simsbury for 63 years. He said he remembered when the Republicans ran the Town and ran it very well. He remembered when they changed to two of the opposite party at all times.

Mr. Poole said we have now lost an outstanding First Selectman, who is very outstanding with State issues as well. He thought this meeting would be to recognize Ms. Glassman's remarkable work. He feels this did a lot to harm the Town and both Ms. Glassman and the Town need an apology in writing.

Martha Hickey said she is a small business owner and resident of Simsbury. She thanked Ms. Glassman for everything. She said many of her comments have been covered, but she never thought that this year her vote has no clout. She said this is inexcusable. She said this is a perfect social study lesson.

Ms. Hickey said he never thought she would be in this room and is just so sad that Ms. Glassman won't stay.

Jim Fenton said he is a former board of selectmen. He quoted Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones about faith being broken and tears needing to be shed. Then he spoke about going on with living. He sees this as a negative slap in the face. He spoke about a negative campaign and said it wasn't needed.

Mr. Fenton said Ms. Glassman couldn't have done a better job, couldn't have been a better person, she couldn't have a better family and he said it is Simsbury's loss.

Lori Fernand said just because people have power doesn't mean they always use it wisely. She feels the power should now be challenged in Simsbury. She said the action on behalf of the Board to attack the salary of someone who has been effectively here for so long is nothing short of petty. There is no real benefit to the Town and no significant savings. She said the most disturbing thing is how this reflects on the Town.

Ms. Fernand said the residents live in a beautiful community with natural resources, great schools, wonderful Library and wonderful amenities. She feels residents are chosen people. She said everyone here needs to work hard to be the best humans possible. She said we are our own worst enemies when power fuels the abuse of the democratic process that democracy is threatened.

Ms. Fernand said this Board took the opportunity tonight to right this wrong, however, those who voted for this change apologize to Ms. Glassman and the residents. It is only then that she feels the Town can move forward so to realize the best within all of us.

Mary Norstrom said she is unaffiliated. She said she is bothered that throughout this campaign period she didn’t' really hear any new ideas just the degrading of other candidates. She travels a great deal and feels this Town is a very lovely Town. She understands the worth of the Ethel Walker Woods purchase and other open space purchases in Town.

Ms. Norstrom spoke about school security. Her challenge for future campaigns is to ask that they give the residents their ideas for the Town. She is mad and hates the hurtful comments that were made. Simsbury is a very special Town and we need to think about what we care about.

Ms. Glassman thanked everyone for being here, for speaking and sharing their thoughts. It's been her pleasure.

There was a brief recess.

e) Approve Tax Refunds

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve tax refunds in the amount of $33,409.36 as reviewed and recommended by the Tax Collector. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

f) Accept a gift in the amount of $2,000 from Michael and Patricia Motley for the Simsbury Food Closet

Mr. Askham made a motion to accept a gift in the amount of $2,000 from Michael and Patricia Motley for the Simsbury Food Closet with our thanks. Ms. Haase seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

g) Adopt Resolution for Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) Application for Regional Performance Grants

Ms. Glassman said there has been a focus on mutual cooperation throughout her term and we have constantly looked for ways to save money for the residents. We apply for grants to try to find savings and this grant needs to be approved by this Board.

Mr. Askham read the following motion:

"OPM Regional Performance Incentive Program

WHEREAS, Section 4-124s as amended by Section 251 and 253 of Public Act 13-247 passed by the Connecticut General Assembly provides statewide incentive grants to regional planning organizations for projects that involve shared services; and

WHEREAS, the Capital Region Council of Governments is acting as a convener and facilitator of service sharing projects around the CRCOG, region; and

WHEREAS, on November 12, 2014 the Policy Board of CRCOG passed a resolution authorizing development an submittal of an application package to the State Office of Policy and Management for funding under the Regional Performance Incentive Grant Program, on behalf of the Council's member municipalities, and municipalities of other regions, which are participating in Council initiatives; and

WHEREAS, the Chief Elected Officials and municipal staff of the Capitol Region have developed a list of service sharing project proposals that will be included in this application package, to the benefit of individual municipalities and the region as a whole; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Simsbury has expressed an interest in taking part in the project proposal(s) entitled:

1. Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory
2. TOD Study for CTfastrak Corridor
3. Economic Development Grant for the Towns of Bolton, Coventry, Mansfield and Tolland
4. Regional Service Management (CRM) System

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Simsbury Board of Selectman does hereby endorse the above referenced Regional Performance Incentive Program project and authorizes the First Selectman (Chief Administrator, i.e. Town Manager, First Selectman, etc.) to sign all necessary agreements and take all necessary actions to allow for the Town's participation in this program."

Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

h) Approve Travelers Insurance Photo Shoot on Nod Road

Mr. Askham recused himself.

Ms. Glassman said this is a request to do a photo shoot on Nod Road submitted by Point Productions. She said there have been similar requests in the past, they do need to provide insurance, and it needs to be approved by the Board.

Ms. Cook made a motion to approve the Travelers Insurance photo shoot on Nod Road. Mr. Paine seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Mr. Askham rejoined the meeting.

i) Approve On-Bill Energy Upgrades at Various Town Buildings

Mr. Roy said the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund has started a new program this year for both electrical and natural gas improvements. He said they will allow for on-bill finance, which is actually truly zero percent, as the money is coming out of the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund. He said they have looked a several buildings in Town to see what improvements are needed.

Mr. Roy said the great thing about the program is that is it on-bill financing, so the Town pays the same as they did prior to the improvements. He went through the spreadsheet he handed out to the Board.

He said there will be a significant improvement to the operating costs within the next four years.

Attorney DeCrescenzo said there is a spreadsheet in the back of the presentation and the Town will have to enter into a contract for the amount with two different contractors. This has to be accepted as a regional bid under the purchasing ordinance and then preferred to the Board of Finance for review.

Attorney DeCrescenzo said it would be up to the Board of Finance to determine the mix between two grants, loan, and net Town costs.

Mr. Roy said the Finance Director has been involved with this process and has kept the Board of Finance updated on this project.

Mr. Askham read the following motion:


WHEREAS, the Connecticut Light & Power Company ("CL&P") is offering to provide the Town with energy efficiency services at the five Town owned facilities identified in Exhibit A, attached hereto, according to the terms of a proposal agreement with the Town ("the Agreement"); and

WHEREAS, under the terms of the Agreement, CL & P agrees to pay to the Town a total grant of $143,587 in grant incentives from the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund ("CEEF") to compensate the Town for the cost of its installation of the energy efficiency measures ("EEM") as listed in the exhibits to the Agreement; and

WHEREAS, the Town is not obligated to install the EEM's but payment of the incentives is contingent on their installation; and

WHEREAS, the Agreement also includes a proposed contract with a vendor to install the EEM's. The installation of the identified incentives is covered by a draft contracts between the Town and the EEM contactors Environmental Systems Corp. ("ESC") and JK Energy Solutions (JK); and

WHEREAS, the ESC contract cost is $203,198 and JK contract cost is $185,276. Of this amount, CL&P proposes to pay directly to ESC and JK the energy incentive grants for the five projects in the amount of $143,587 and is offering the Town a no-interest loan to pay for a portion of the remaining contract cost.

WHEREAS, the balance of due under the ESC contract will be paid to ESC directly by the Town; and

WHEREAS, the amount to be paid by the Town can be further offset by a separate CNG incentives, estimated to be $30,797 for three of the five projects.


1. Accepts the CL&P bid process for the selection of ESC and JK as the contractor for the five projects as a regional bid in satisfaction of the requirements of the Simsbury Purchasing Ordinance;

2. Refers the matter to the Board of Finance for consideration and possible approval of a supplemental appropriation to fund the net amount due under the ESC contract payable by the Town;

3. Authorizes the First Selectman to execute the documents necessary to carry out the purposes of this Resolution.

Approved by the Board of Selectmen this 8th day of December, 2014.

Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.


a) Regular Meeting of November 24, 2014

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of November 24, 2014. Mr. Paine seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.


1. Personnel – no report at this time.
2. Finance – no report at this time.
3. Welfare – no report at this time.
4. Public Safety – no report at this time.
5. Board of Education – no report at this time.


Mr. Askham made motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m. Ms. Haase seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathi Radocchio