Board of Selectmen Regular Meeting March 9, 2015

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 9, 2015



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices. Present were: First Selectman Lisa Heavner; Board members Michael Paine, Christopher Kelly, Nancy Haase, Cheryl Cook, and Sean Askham. Others in attendance included: Thomas Cooke, Director of Administrative Services, Hiram Peck, Director of Community Planning, Jeff Shea, Town Engineer, Tom Roy, Director of Public Works, Rick Bazzano, IT Manager, Carolyn Keily, Town Clerk, Town Attorney Robert DeCrescenzo, Joseph Mancini, Finance Director/Treasurer, Sean Kimball, Deputy Director of Administrative Services, and other interested parties.


Everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.


Robert Kalechman, 971 Hopmeadow Street, spoke about the Public Hearing on the Senior Center. Some decision needs to be made on the Senior Center.

Mr. Kalechman spoke about the police budget. He said the Town is just replacing two policeman, not adding two. He feels this Town needs more police and more money in their budget.

Mr. Kalechman said he filed a complaint regarding the running for State Representative. He doesn’t have any results.

Joan Coe, 26 Whitcomb Drive, spoke about the budget process. She feels a Charter needs to be held for Town Manager form of government.

Ms. Coe feels the Senior Center should remain at Eno Memorial Hall with some kind of shuttle for people to be brought to other places for activities.

Ms. Coe is concerned about the concerts and tail-gating. She doesn’t feel people should be drinking at the concerts. She doesn’t feel the gathering permits should be approved.

Lisa Gray, the Chamber of Commerce, 120 Old Canal Way, said they are still investigating the possibility of moving their office to a Town hub. They had a meeting on Friday to discuss that further. They are hopeful that they will have a tourism or visitor’s center as part of this office.

Ms. Gray said "Good Morning Simsbury" will be held on March 25th at the Berkshire Hathaway House. The next "After Hours" will be March 18th at 5:30.

Ms. Gray said they are still hoping to launch their new website by March 23rd. They will not increase their dues for the next year.

Ms. Gray said they contracted with a company called CI Destinations who will plan a trip somewhere wonderful in 2016.

Also, they will be forming a Health and Wellness Task Force. Their first meeting will be March 12th at 4 p.m. This will help promote fitness, health and wellness in the community and workplace. They will be looking for members for this task force.

John Schaefer, 16 Lostbrook Road, made a few comments about the Senior Center site selection. He wanted to remind the Board about some issues that he feels should eliminate the Bushy Hill Road site from consideration.

Mr. Schaefer said the Bushy Hill site is located in an Aquifer protection zone. Also, the Town’s voters made it clear that open space should remain open space. The Senior Center would remove a significant amount of open space at both the PAC and Bushy Hill Road sites. Mr. Schaefer said the charrette agreed that the Town should encourage future development in the Town Center Zone, including the Senior Center.

Mr. Schaefer feels the Eno Hall site is the best choice. Therefore, the Bushy Hill Road site should be removed from consideration.

Althea Grainey, 10 Tollgate Lane, said SCTV does have some concerns about the Senior Center staying in Eno Memorial Hall. They would have to be relocated if the Senior Center remains there. This would be extremely expensive. They would appreciate it if it could be just a single move only. There are other concerns for their staff and volunteers and they hope that they are included in a community center as well.

Chris Barnett, Vice-Chair of Economic Development Commission, thanked the volunteers for time on the Task Force. She said that there was a unanimous vote of support on the new website proposal and virtual Town hall proposal.

Don Zeigler, 1 West Street, spoke about the Senior Center. He was part of the Sub-Committee that we developed in 2011. After much investigation and deliberation, they gave their conclusions, which included not having them at the Performing Arts Center or Eno Hall.

He doesn’t understand why these two places are still being looked at for the Senior Center as neither one are suitable. It is time to move on.


• Economic Development Task Force

Mr. Peck, staff coordinator for the Task Force, said they are looking at the next steps in Phase II of the task force.

Mr. Dorneburg said the Task Force has been working for about a year and they have broken up into three different groups. He went through a slide show presentation.

Mr. Dorneburg went through the marketing group which agreed on a core idea. They were looking at the quality of life for people to be attracted here and then wanting to stay here. They also looked at attracting new businesses. A good community attracts people and businesses and that is what we have.

The website and be re-planned the way they are told for $10,000 with our own branding. He hoped the Board would approve this funding.

Mr. Dorneburg spoke about discussion guide that the program group came up with. They also looked at business incentive programs that would be consisted with the Town plan. There will be more recommendations to come in the future.

After further discussion, the Board thanked the Task Force for all their hard work and commitment.


Ms. Heavner said Simsbury was identified as Connecticut’s best choice for young families by NerdWallet, a web-based service designed to help people make informed financial decisions. They say Simsbury offers young families an outstanding combination of quality and affordability.

Ms. Heavner reported that she has been appointed to the MORE Commission, which provides a platform for Town officials to work with state legislators on initiatives to improve regional efficiencies. She thanked Ms. Glassman, who continues to serve on the MORE Commission, for the important role she continues to play on their initiative.

Ms. Heavner said the Town is participating in the "VOIP" demonstration project which is intended to provide the Town with access to "VOIP" telephone systems based on regional bidding power and the high speeds available through the Nutmeg Network.

Ms. Heavner said Simsbury’s grand list grew by 0.757% in 2014 – an increase of over $17 million as compared to the 2013 grand list. She said most of the growth was due to personal property such as the improvements made to the Eversource sub-station.


a) Approve Tax Refunds

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve tax refunds in the amount of $4,421.24 as reviewed and recommended by the Tax Collector. Ms. Haase seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

b) Possible Action on Senior Community Center

• Board of Finance Request for Survey
• Location of Senior / Community Center
• Financial Commitment

Ms. Heavner said no matter what decision is made, this Board will make their best effort to make the correct decision for everyone in Town.

There was a lot of discussion about the different sites for the Senior Center. There were many questions and concerns about each site.

Mr. Kelly made a motion to accept the Building Committee’s recommendation to select the State lot site behind the Bank of America for the Senior Community Center. Ms. Haase seconded the motion.

After much discussion, Mr. Kelly withdrew his motion. Ms. Haase seconded.

Mr. Askham made a motion to consider the Performing Arts Center as the primary solution to the Senior Center in partnership with the Performing Arts Center Board. Additionally, to look at shared services with the Eno Memorial Facility. Also, to direct Town staff not to abandon the ADA issues at the Eno Memorial site. Mr. Paine seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Mr. Haase made a motion to approve a survey, as requested by the Board of Finance, to encompass the Senior Center, Open Space, and also the issues covered under the Town survey of 2008. Mr. Askham seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

c) Approve Town Seal Use Policy

Ms. Keily said the Town has received requests for usage of the Town Seal over the last several years and there really isn’t any policy for usage of the Seal. She feels with a Usage Policy, all requests would be centralized and reviewed by the Town Clerk’s office Pursuant to Connecticut General Statute 7-101. The proposed policy was reviewed by Town Counsel. There was some discussion on this issues.

No action was taken on this agenda item.

d) Approve the Services Contract Addendum with Virtual Town Hall (VTH) subject to review and approval by Town Counsel

Mr. Askham noted that the $10,000 is already appropriated.

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the Services Contract Addendum with Virtual Town Hall (VTH) subject to review and approval by Town Counsel. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

e) Approve Public Gathering Permits for 2015 Events

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the Public Gathering Applications for the following 2015 events:

Avett Brothers Concert, Sunday, June 14, 2015
Slightly Stupid Concert, Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Wily Nelson Concert, Saturday, August 22, 2015
Simsbury Women’s Club Arts & Crafts Festival, September 18-20, 2015

Ms. Haase seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

f) Approve Resolution authorizing the First Selectman to execute agreements and documents with regard to the purchase of a new Dial-a-Ride vehicle

Mr. Kelly made a motion to adopt the following resolution:

" Resolution authorizing the First Selectman, Lisa Heavner, to sign and execute agreements and contracts, along with all necessary agreements/contract documents, certifications and forms, on behalf of the Town of Simsbury with the Department of Transportation of the State of Connecticut." Mr. Askham seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

g) Possible Action/Discussion of Fiscal Year 2016 Board of Selectmen Budget

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the Board of Selectmen 2015-2016 Operating Budget in the amount of $19,004,876 with the following changes from the First Selectman’s Proposed Budget:
$( 21,889) Reduced from ASSESSORS OFFICE – PART-TIME

Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the Water Pollution Control 2015-2016 Operating Budget in the amount of $2,985,637. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the Residential Rental Properties 2015-2016 Operating Budget in the amount of $41,310. Ms. Haase seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the Simsbury Farms Special Revenue Fund 2015-2016 Operating Budget in the amount of $1,891,200. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the Capital and Non-Recurring Fund 2015-2016 Budget in the amount of $499,800. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Mr. Askham made a motion to add the following new projects to the Capital Improvement Plan for FY 2015-2016 in accordance with Charter Section 803 (b):

Ethel Walker Wood Open Space Improvements $ 145,000
Weatogue Route 10 Planning and Code Preparation $ 57,000
Public Works Complex Infrastructure Improvements $ 280,000
Town Hall Site and Safety improvements $ 45,000
Portable Generator / Generator Infrastructure $ 80,000
Project Planning Fund $ 28,000
Various Drainage Improvements $ 175,000
Portable Generator $ 80,000
Portable Six (6) Inch Dri-Prime Pump $ 72,000

Mr. Paine seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the Capital Improvement Program to include the following projects in FY 2015-2016:

Ethel Walker Wood Open Space Improvements $ 145,000
Weatogue Route 10 Planning and Code Preparation $ 57,000
Public Works Complex Infrastructure Improvements $ 280,000
Town Hall Site and Safety Improvements $ 45,000
Portable Generator / Generator Infrastructure $ 80,000
Project Planning Fund $ 28,000
Various Drainage Improvements $ 175,000
Portable Generator $ 80,000
Portable Six (6) Inch Dri-Prime Pump $ 72,000
SF Rink / Pool improvements $ 1,100,000
Park Improvements $ 508,000
Salt Shed Replacement $ 375,000
Municipal Building Renovations $ 50,000
Dam Evaluations and Repairs $ 30,000
Sewer Main Extensions $ 371,000
Inline Grinder and Screen Replacement $ 260,000
Hopmeadow / Center Area Sewer Repairs $ 135,000
West Mtn. Road Area Sewer Interception – Design $ 50,000
District Network Infrastructure $ 200,000
Climate Control $ 2,150,000
Central School Roof Replacement $ 770,000
Simsbury Senior Center $ 8,200,000

Ms. Haase seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Mr. Askham made a motion to refer Capital Plan to Planning Commission per Connecticut General Statutes 8-24. Mr. Paine seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Ms. Haase made a motion to cancel the budget meeting for tomorrow. Mr. Askham seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.


a) Aquarion Environmental Champion Awards Program

Ms. Heavner asked that Mr. Cooke put the Aquarion Water Environmental Champion Awards program information on the Town website.


Mr. Paine made a motion to amend the agenda to include the appointment of Rick Wagner to Tourism and Andrew O’Connor to Conservation. Mr. Askham seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Ms. Cook made a motion to appoint Rick Wagner to the Tourism Committee in succession of Sarah Ann Schultz and to appoint Andrew O’Connor to the Conservation Commission in succession of Rich Miller. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

a) Amend the appointment of Thomas Frank (D) to the Board of Education from an expiration date of December 4, 2017 to December 7, 2015 per Town Charter Section 205: Vacancies – elective officials

Mr. Askham made a motion to amend the appointment of Thomas Frank as a regular member of the Board of Education to expire on November 3, 2015 instead of December 4, 2017 per Section 205 of the Town Charter. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

b) Accept the resignation of Derek Peterson (R) as a regular member of the Economic Development Task Force effective February 17, 2015

Mr. Askham made a motion to accept the resignation of Derek Peterson as a regular member of the Economic Development Task Force effective February 17, 2015 with our thanks. Ms. Haase seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.


a) Special Meeting of February 17, 2015

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the Special Meeting of February 17, 2015 as amended. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

• Amendment to Page 6: Adjourn – Ms. Askham made a motion to adjourn the meeting (change "Ms. Askham to Mr. Askham")

b) Regular Meeting of February 23, 2015

No action was taken and therefore the minutes were adopted.

c) Special Meeting of February 26, 2015

No action was taken and therefore the minutes were adopted.


1. Personnel - Possible Action on Compensation for the position of First Selectman
2. Finance – no report at this time.
3. Welfare – no report at this time.
4. Public Safety – no report at this time.
5. Board of Education – no report at this time


Ms. Haase made a motion to adjourn at 11:00 p.m. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathi Radocchio