Board of Selectmen Regular Meeting November 24, 2014

Meeting date: 
Monday, November 24, 2014



The Regular Meeting of the Town of Simsbury was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices. Present were: First Selectman Mary Glassman; Board members Cheryl Cook, Lisa Heavner, Sean Askham, Nancy Haase and Michael Paine. Others in attendance included: Thomas Cooke, Director of Administrative Services, Senator Kevin Witkos, State Representative John Hampton, Sarah Nielson, Gerry Toner, and other interested parties.


Everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Ms. Glassman asked for a moment of silence for Melissa Millan who tragically died last week. Ms. Glassman then read the following press release from the Chief of Police:

"There are currently no investigative updates to provide to the community or media at this time regarding the homicide of Melissa Millan. The Department continues to use a multitude of resources to examine the circumstances of her death and to determine the person(s) responsible for her death.

As expected, there are questions and concerns regarding this crime as well as the general safety in Simsbury. The Town of Simsbury has historically been a very safe place to live, work, visit, recreate and travel through. Crimes of this magnitude are extremely infrequent in this community, but when a tragedy happens, there is safety related worry, concern and fear. The Department suggests that the public continue with general, day-to-day safety precautions. We will continue to provide increased police presence and patrol for an undetermined amount of time. We will consider and respond to each and every community and individual safety concern and provide timely information to the public when applicable.

Members of the Simsbury Police Department are working diligently to find the person(s) responsible for this crime. If you have any information regarding this investigation, please contact Simsbury Police Detectives at (860) 658-3145."

Ms. Glassman thanked the Board of Selectmen for their support and the men and women of the Police Department for their hard work and dedication in keeping the community safe. She also thanked the State Police and surrounding Police Departments who have been a tremendous support and help to Simsbury at this time.


Lisa Gray, new Executive Director of the Simsbury Chamber of Commerce, said she is working hard to rebuild a connection with the Chamber and the Town. She said they will have a member of the Chamber attend each Board of Selectmen meeting to exchange information.

Ms. Gray said the Chamber invites Board of Selectmen members or anyone wishing to attend their meetings to attend them. Their Board of Directors meet the first Wednesday of each month at 8 a.m. and their government affairs meetings are on the second Tuesdays at 8 a.m.

She said they are hoping to relocate their office next summer and they are discussing a "hub" office that would also possibly include Main Street Partnership, a visitor center, etc. She said their after-hours events

are open to everyone now. She said the fee is $10 and the next one is at Bill Selig Jewelers on December 11th at 7:00 p.m. They also have "Good Morning Simsbury" every month, with the next one being held on December 17th at 8:00 a.m. She said they also have their Business Leaders Breakfast on February 6th.

Ms. Gray said she would love feedback on how to grow and build relationships with the Town.

State Representative John Hampton thanked the Board for having him and Senator Witkos at the meeting. He said they are very excited about their next term and the excitement that lies ahead.

Representative Hampton said they were here in support of the Veteran's Memorial. He said this is a very worthwhile project and they will do all that they can to help the Town obtain the STEAP grant.

Senator Witkos thanked all the Veterans who were at the meeting and also those the Town hopes to honor for their service. He hopes the Board will vote to approve the resolution for the 2015 STEAP Grant application for the Veteran's Memorial. He said he and Representative Hampton will fight as hard as they can to get this grant approved.

Ms. Glassman thanked Representative Hampton and Senator Witkos for attending the meeting and for their help with this project. They said once the process is started they will get a letter together and help in any way they can.

Joan Coe, 26 Whitcomb Drive, spoke about the issues a resident was having with the solar panels she was purchasing. She didn't feel that this issue should have been brought up in public audience at the last Board meeting, as it was a civil matter. She also felt that Ms. Glassman should have recused herself when this issue was being discussed as the owner is her neighbor.

Ms. Coe said there were two news releases in the Hartford Courant - one on the Silver Designation for a Bike Friendly Community and the other one was on information on the sale of the Hudson Property. She said the Town allocated $150,000 for the purchase of the Hudson property saying the house would be demolished as it was in a flood plain. She said then the Town was going to add a permanent structure to the site. She said the residents were not made aware of the total cost of this project, but it seems to be over budget.

Ms. Coe asked about a long term plan for open space property. She feels the Town needs a professional Town manager form of government so all of these issues are properly handled.

Ms. Coe spoke about the Silver Designation for a Bike Friendly Community. She feels the roads in Town are dangerous and give a poor sense of security for biking. She said there will be more injuries in Town for people who are now riding their bikes.

Ms. Coe spoke about the Towns assessment of car taxes. She said they need to take into consideration the age of the cars, mileage, dents, etc. when assessing them. She encourages others to apply for a reduction for their car taxes as she did get a reduction on her tax.

Robert Kalechman, 971 Hopmeadow Street, gave his condolences to the George Hall family. He said if the residents read the monument in front of Eno Hall, they will see that there is a Hall on there. This is George's brother, who gave his life in WWII. He also spoke about the Veteran's monument and said that it is unacceptable that the Town just gave the land. He wants the Town to do more for Veterans.

Mr. Kalechman spoke about the murder in Town. He said he heard about lights being needed at an emergency the night of the murder. He said he has asked many times about cutting the Police Department budget. He feels the reduction in their budget is one of the reasons there has been a murder in Town now. He wants their contract completed. He has also asked many times about having better lighting and more sidewalks in Town, but he never gets answers. These things need to be looked at especially now.

Dave Ryan, President of the Simsbury PAC, Inc., said the PAC Board would like the Board to approve the Iron Horse Half Marathon on June 7th. This event will greatly benefit the Town of Simsbury.


* Silver Bicycle Friendly Award

Ms. Glassman said she was pleased to report that Simsbury has been named the first Silver Bicycle Friendly Community in the State of Connecticut. This award recognized the Town's commitment to improving conditions for biking through promotions, education, infrastructure and pro-biking policies. She said we scored high on public education outreach and on having a very active bicycle advocacy group. She said lots of people have worked hard to help the Town achieve this designation, and she thanked them for all their hard work and dedication. She said this is a great distinction for the Town of Simsbury.

* Simsbury Veterans Memorial Update

Ms. Glassman said the Town did donate the land and provided in-kind services for the Veteran's Memorial. They have been working with the Veterans on fundraising and they identified that the STEAP grant was available for this project.

Len Lanza, 2 Firebrick Lane, said his first appearance before the Board was July 25, 2012. He said they do consider this project most worthy for this STEAP grant. He thanked State Representative Hampton and Senator Witkos for their support.

Mr. Lanza said the STEAP grant has very specific priorities this year - they are looking for projects which can begin in the immediate future, have secured necessary additional funds, improve quality of life for residents, and generates economic development. He said more information can be obtained on the website: Lanza said people can purchase a 4 x 8 brick for $120 or a 8 x 8 brick for a $200 donations. Currently they have $88,000 in hard cash. They hope they will also receive the STEAP grant and thanked everyone for their support.

Ms. Glassman thanked everyone and said hopefully this grant will get us over the finish line on this worthy project.

* Simsbury Main Street Partnership Update

Sarah Nielson said Main Street is trying to finalize becoming a fiscal sponsor on the Veterans Memorial project. She said they have been successful on educating the public on this project as well. They are also trying to educate the public on other Veteran issues.

Ms. Nielson said Main Street has been very busy. They just finished 16 weeks of the Simsbury Farmers Market and they had a lot of feedback on this. They are constantly re-evaluating this project. She reminded everyone that shopping locally is very important.

Ms. Nielson said that Main Street has partnered with American Express to become a neighborhood champion. They are educating people on why it is so important to shop in their small Town of Simsbury. She said one reason is to strengthen the economic base of Simsbury. Shopping locally also creates jobs and keeps Simsbury unique.

Ms. Nielson said that on Black Friday and Small Business Saturday a variety of business owners said if you purchase of gift card of $50 or more you will get $10 off. Also, Main Street is partnering with the Junior Women's Club for Luminary Night, doing the Salvation Army Toy Drive, and they are promoting Simsbury Celebrates as well. All of these things promote local business.


Ms. Glassman said the Town closed on the purchase of 1 Old Bridge Road on Friday, November 22, 2014.

She said the next step in the process is to put together a working group of people to work with Town staff on identifying which of the many potential uses of the property makes the most sense for the Town. She thanked the Board of Selectmen, the Board of Finance, the Planning Commission and the many other Boards, Commissions, organizations and individuals for their support and guidance on this purchase. She particularly thanked Betty Hudson and her family for their support for using the property to enhance the lives of Simsbury residents and tourist alike. She said she is looking forward to reviewing options for the use of this scenic property.

Ms. Glassman said Simsbury Celebrates is Saturday, November 29th with events starting as early as 4:00 p.m. She said everyone should come to Hopmeadow Street for this festive holiday kick-off event. There will be a community Messiah sing, a Toymaker's Workshop, the Gingerbread exhibit, and so much more. There will be a Fire truck Parade starting at 7:25 p.m. and the Fireworks display starting around 8:15 p.m. Ms. Glassman said the Simsbury Celebrates Planning Committee has done a great job and she thanked them, Taryn Rae of the Culture, Parks and Recreation staff, the Fire Department and the many others who make this great event possible. She said more detailed information can be seen on

Ms. Glassman said in 2012 the Board agreed to release an "affordable housing" restrictive covenant for six Powder Forest homes. She said, as part of the deal, Landworks Development agreed to pay $7,000 for each property released. The Town has just received payment of $28,000 to release four of the five remaining homes.

Ms. Glassman said the funds will be deposited in the Town's Social Services account in accordance with the Board's action to be used for housing expenses. She thanked Chris Nelson and Ron Janeczko for their part in finding a successful resolution for all parties involved and for assisting residents with housing issues.


a) Approve Tax Refunds

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve tax refunds in the amount of $553.54 as reviewed and recommended by the Tax Collector. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

b) Approve Resolution for 2015 STEAP Grant Application for Simsbury Veterans Memorial

Ms. Glassman said the Town did donate the land and has worked hard with the Veterans to get this project done. The Town has also pledged to help with in-kind contributions as well. She said this is the perfect project for the State to fund. It will be a wonderful honor in the center of Town for all Veterans.

Ms. Heavner made a motion:


WHEREAS, The State is soliciting grant applications for 2015 STEAP grants.
WHEREAS, The grant provides funding at a maximum of $500,000 with no requirements for a local match.
WHEREAS, The Veterans Memorial Project requires $150,000 in additional funding in order to construct the project.
WHEREAS, Additional funds for the Veterans Memorial Project are being raised through private donations by the Simsbury Veterans Memorial Committee 2014.


Board of Selectmen approved the submission of the 2015 STEAP Grant Application for construction of the Veterans Memorial Project.

Mr. Askham seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

c) Authorize Town Attorney to draft ordinance for One Hundred Percent (100%) Disabled Veterans Exemption

Ms. Glassman said they did receive notification from the State that there was a State statute that allows municipalities, upon approval of its Legislative bodies, to increase property tax exemptions for totally disabled Veterans with limited income.Ms. Glassman said the Town has four Veterans that can qualify for this exemption.

Ms. Glassman said the first step is to have an ordinance drafted so to further help these Veterans.

Ms. Haase made a motion to authorize Town Counsel to draft an ordinance, pursuant to Public Act 13-244, establishing an option to provide an additional property tax exemption for one hundred percent disabled veterans. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Ms. Glassman noted that this ordinance needs to be put in place before spring so the Veterans can apply for the exemption before the grand list.

d) Approval to Schedule 2015 Iron Horse Half Marathon

Ms. Glassman thanked everyone for their hard work and help on this Marathon event. She said there were comments and feedback from the last marathon. There were some concerns about road closures and traffic issues.

Mr. Toner said there were some traffic concerns that were addressed in the Board's packages. He said the Police Department did approve the changes as well.

There was some discussion on the two options and changes on this event, including the time of the event

and closing of the road. The road would be totally closed for only 40 minutes. There would also be better signage on the road.

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the Iron Horse Half Marathon event for June 7, 2015 and allow the event to proceed through the Public Gathering Permit process with the suggested improvements and subject to the earlier start time. Ms. Haase seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

e) Refer Request to accept Powder Forest Drive as a Public Road to Town Staff for review and recommendation

Ms. Glassman said she received a letter from the homeowners at Powder Forest Drive. They raised several concerns about security and safety about a private road that is owned by the development. Town staff did a preliminary review and they raised several questions and made suggestions. They did want to further review this issue and to bring it back to the Board of Selectmen.

Ms. Haase asked that the Board also receive the budget impact if this project is approved.Ms. Cook asked about an update on traffic issues as well.

Mr. Paine made a motion to refer the request to consider the acceptance of Powder Forest Drive as a public street to Town staff for their review. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

f) Approve Resolution for CRCOG Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

Ms. Glassman said this is a formality to accept these towns in part or in whole into the MPO. The Legislature mandated that the Regional Council of Governments disband and reform into a smaller number.

Ms. Cook made a motion:



WHERAS, the towns of Berlin, Columbia, Coventry, Mansfield, New Britain, Plainville, Southington, Stafford and Willington, have voted to join the Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO); and
WHEREAS, the MPO for the Capitol Region will govern the allocation of federal transportation funding within the Region; and
WHEREAS, the Federal 23 CFR 450.310, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Designation and Redesignation Process requires that units of general purpose local government vote in favor of MPO Redesignation in order for such redesignation to take effect; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Selectmen hereby votes to accept the towns of Berlin, Columbia, Coventry, Mansfield, New Britain, Plainville, Southington, Stafford and Willington, in part or in whole, into the CRCOG MPO.

Mr. Askham seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.


a) Accept the resignation of Richard Miller (R) as a regular member of the Conservation Commission/Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Agency effective November 29, 2014

Mr. Askham made a motion to accept the resignation of Richard Miller as a regular member of the Conservation Commission/Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Agency effective November 29, 2014 with our thanks for his 25 years of service. Ms. Haase seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

b) Appoint JoAnn Comotti Hogan (R) as an alternate member of the Zoning Board of Appeals with an expiration date of December 7, 2015

Mr. Askham made a motion to appoint JoAnn Comotti Hogan as an alternate member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, with an effective start date of the next term and with an expiration date of December 7, 2015. Ms. Haase seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

c) Appoint Patrick Spaulding (R) as a regular member of the Conservation Commission/Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Agency with an expiration date of January 1, 2018

Ms. Haase made a motion to appoint Patrick Spaulding as a regular member of the Conservation Commission/Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Agency with an effective start date of the next term and with an expiration date of January 1, 2018. Mr. Paine seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

d) Appoint Donna Beinstein (D) as an alternate member of the Conservation Commission/Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Agency with an expiration date of January 1, 2019

Ms. Haase made a motion to appoint Donna Beinstein as an alternate member of the Conservation Commission/Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Agency with an effective start date of the next term and with an expiration date of January 1, 2019. Mr. Askham seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

e) Re-appoint David M. Moore (D) to the Board of Ethics with an expiration date of January 1, 2019

Ms. Heavner made a motion to re-appoint David M. Moore to the Board of Ethics, with an effective start date of the next term and with an expiration date of January 1, 2019. Ms. Haase seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

f) Appoint Jan Beatty (D) as a regular member of the Aging and Disability Commission with an expiration date of January 1, 2019

Ms. Heavner made a motion to appoint Jan Beatty as a regular member of the Aging and Disability Commission with an effective start date of the next term and with an expiration date of January 1, 2019. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

g) Re-appoint Marvin Koff (D) as a regular member of the Aging & Disability Commission with an expiration date of January 1, 2019

Mr. Askham made a motion to re-appoint Marvin Koff as a regular member of the Aging and Disability Commission, with an effective start date of the next term and with an expiration date of January 1, 2019.

Ms. Haase seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

h) Re-appoint Mary Ellen Long (D) as a regular member of the Aging & Disability Commission with an expiration date of January 1, 2019

Mr. Askham made a motion to re-appoint Mary Ellen Long as a regular member of the Aging & Disability Commission, with an effective start date of the next term and with an expiration date of January 1, 2019. Ms. Haase seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

i) Re-appoint Michael Long (D) to the Police Commission with an expiration date of January 1, 2019

Mr. Askham made a motion to re-appoint Michael Long to the Police Commission, with an effective start date of the next term and with an expiration date of January 1, 2019. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.


a) Joint Board of Finance, Board of Selectmen and Board of Education Meeting on December 15, 2014

Ms. Glassman noted that there will be a joint meeting of the Board of Finance, Board of Selectmen and Board of Education on December 15, 2014. This is to discuss the budget. The time and location will be posted as a public meeting.

b) Finance Director's Report of Special Revenue Funds

Ms. Glassman said the Board asked for a list of special revenue funds. They were given a copy of this and she asked that they look at their copies before the joint meeting.


a) Regular Meeting of November 10, 2014

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of November 10, 2014 as amended. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

• Amendment to Page 4, at top: "also looking into"
• Amendment to Page 6: DECD, not "ECD"
• Amendment to Page7: "Business Development Committee" not "Building Development Committee"
• Amendment to Page 8, Under Board of Ed: "Pisa"


1. Personnel - Proposed Adjustment to Compensation for Position of First Selectman – Ms. Heavner delivered the report for the Personnel Sub-Committee. She stated that the Sub-Committee, at its meeting earlier that evening, continued towards completion of the recommendations made by consultant Lee Erdmann in conjunction with restructuring the human resources functions in the First Selectman’s office,

which is a continuation of the marketing study the Town conducts to set compensation for other positions. She noted that the Sub-Committee approved a chart with recommended changes in the First Selectman’s compensation based on market comparisons. She added that any changes would not change the Town’s form of government. Ms. Heavner stated that since 2010, the Board has worked to make sure that the Town has adequate professional support, similar to towns such as Darien and Greenwich. This allows the Town to keep the Selectman form of government with responsibility in the elected official and with the addition of professional advice and expertise in an increasingly complicated world.

Ms. Heavner stated that the Sub-Committee did not make a decision on date of implementation of the changes because it wanted the full Board to have the opportunity to discuss the issue. She stated that the First Selectman’s salary is set during budget process in accordance with Charter. Under the Charter, the Board could start the salary reduction to $75,000 in July, but noted a long-standing policy to make changes for elected officials with the term (for the Registrars and First Selectman) to avoid conflict or a misperception that change is political. The Town followed this policy with the elimination of medical benefits for the Registrars effective with a new term.

Ms. Heavner expressed a concern that somebody running for office would be concerned that the salary might be cut in the middle of the term, removing the incentive to run. A mid-term change would create the perception that the change is about the person not the position. Ms. Heavner recommended following Mr. Erdmann’s recommendations. She also noted that the proposal makes a change in the retirement option for the First Selectman, moving to defined contribution plan instead of pension plan, and including a two year vesting period for Town contributions into the defined contribution plan. She also noted that the State constitution prohibits mid-term increases in salary, but is silent on decreases. The only prohibition is the long-standing policy of making changes for the beginning of the next term.

Ms. Heavner urged that the Board should not abandon policy at the moment of decision and stated that she will recommend implementing changes at the beginning of the next term.

Mr. Paine stated that he was uncomfortable talking about these issues before Ms. Glassman and noted that the issues were not personal. He asked if the policy Ms. Heavner referred to was in writing and Ms. Heavner responded that it was not, but could be found in the minutes of the Sub-Committee, and further that the policy was for Sub-Committee and had not been before the full Board.

Ms. Glassman stated that she was comfortable participating provided the decision is about implementing changes for the next term. If the motion is to do something earlier, she stated that she would recuse herself. Ms. Glassman reviewed prior salary increases for the First Selectman, noting that there was a 13.62% in 2007, implemented mid-term. She stated that the Board should not follow this implementation timing in the future. Mr. Askham noted that the increase was a result of a bipartisan motion, and agreed that the increase should not have happened then. He went on to recommend discussing the proposed salary changes and the implementation date for those changes separately.

Mr. Askham stated that he did not want to make changes to cheapen the position. While the proposed $75,000 salary makes sense based on consultant’s recommendation, he did not want to make it hard to attract talent.Ms. Heavner stated that she shared that concern and pointed out that the Sub-Committee had looked at Darien for comparison purposes, noting that the Darien salary for First Selectman was $80,000 when reviewed but recently went up to $115,000. She noted that Darien has a structure similar to Simsbury’s, including a position comparable to the Director of Administrative Services.

Ms. Glassman commended the Board for using a professional consultant to give the Board comfort that the number is correct. She noted that the recommendation did not include cost of living adjustments,

which are included for Town staff, and suggested that the Board could include this based on unaffiliated staff increases. The salary has been the same since 2008, but that number has fallen behind because no cost of living adjustments have been made, which is equivalent to a decrease. She suggested that with implementation in December, a cost of living catch-all might be built in. Ms. Glassman stated that when job changes were implemented, the bulk of the human resources work that takes time was moved to the chief administrator recognizing that not everybody who comes into the First Selectman position has a human resources background. She added that there was logic to the number.

Mr. Askham stated that he believed all of the Board members were in agreement that this is the right number for the job as it has evolved. Lots of study and thought over the years has led to a simple conclusion that Board members agree with.

Ms. Glassman said that prior to her first term, the First Selectman’s office staff consisted of the First Selectman and secretary only. Many protections have been added. Part of what makes Simsbury great is its ability to attract professional staff which is a credit to the Board of Selectmen. People feel they can come here and that they will not be subject to political whim. In some towns there is changing of staff. The Board of Selectmen has done a good job of keeping policy at the policy level and asking staff for professional input and advice in making decisions. This allows Town to elect people who don’t have specific qualifications knowing that all the work will get done.

Ms. Cook stated that a potential cost of living increase was a good point. Ms. Heavner added that this could be done annually by the Sub-Committee, or automatically. Mr. Askham noted all other unaffiliated salaries are addressed by the Sub-Committee and that this could be addressed as well. Ms. Heavner stated that whatever is done for the First Selectman should start with the next term, and Ms. Cook agreed that it could be included in deliberations for the next time.

Ms. Cook stated that part of review has been about how the First Selectman position has changed with the addition of staff, which has made the Town more efficient and better functioning. The position has changed somewhat, even if functions have not been formally delegated, and there are supports now that weren’t previously in place. The Town is paying more as a result, which is worth it, but the Board has to choose where we spend dollars. She said that the Board owes it to taxpayers to explain how it is spending the tax dollars, which has nothing to do with any one person on the Board. This is why she thought it was important to have this discussion with the full Board.

Ms. Haase stated that her process was to evaluate this on position and position alone. The staff that the Town has is outstanding and the professionalism and skill sets that they bring, from Public Works to management of the performing arts center and adding risk management has been a big value added to the Town. We have had the benefit of added positions over time.

Ms. Glassman noted that the delegation of responsibilities was still in transition. Ms. Heavner pointed out that the changes have not actually taking responsibility away – the First Selectman position retains decision making responsibility, and the First Selectman can delegate in that role.Ms. Glassman added that at one point there was nobody to delegate responsibility to, and credited the Board of Selectmen for adding professional roles.Ms. Heavner stated that for the next Charter Revision, she would recommend including the Director of Administrative Services position in the charter with a recommended name change, such as Chief Administrator, noting that it was important that this become a dedicated position in Town.

Mr. Paine expressed concern that this not be seen as a partisan change. His concern was going to the taxpayers and saying "we are not going to do this for a year." Ms. Glassman responded that to do this the Board would need a motion setting an effective date.

Ms. Heavner noted that increases for Mr. Cooke and Mr. Kimball were financed by reduction of a position in the Finance Department and that it was net neutral and resulted from shifting responsibilities in the FS office. She also discussed the addition of the Benefits Administrator position.

Mr. Cooke stated that Town Counsel had pointed to two sections in the Charter which provide that the salary of the First Selectman is set by the budget process and can’t be changed outside of the cycle. The earliest date for a change is July 1.Ms. Heavner added that the policy of setting compensation for the next term is also consistent with that.

Ms. Heavner made a motion that the changes as recommended on the chart be accepted and implemented at the beginning of the next term. Mr. Askham seconded the motion. Ms. Heavner stated that this would allow for budgeting for next year.

Mr. Askham stated that after hard consideration, the term is the right time to change. He understood that making the change on July 1 would save $16,500. Doing it at the term is the only way to make it about that position. Ms. Heavner added that this would give a person coming in some security that the compensation for the position will not be reduced during the term. Mr. Paine asked for clarification whether this was the elected term or the fiscal year. Mr. Askham responded that the commencement date would be the term beginning on December 7, 2014.

Ms. Haase stated that she wanted it to be clear that there is no ill intent. She stated that when she is asked why she is spending money twice when responsibilities have been shifted with approved job descriptions and salaries were increased, that there is a double payment. The Board’s fiduciary responsibility is to the Town regardless of the amount. Ms. Haase stated that she can’t justify spending money to do something twice when it is being done once.

Ms. Heavner and Mr. Askham voted in favor of the motion. Ms. Haase, Ms. Cook and Mr. Paine voted against the motion and Ms. Glassman abstained. The motion was defeated.

Ms. Glassman made a motion to have a decision on implementation made that evening and that the Board should consider July 1. There was no second to the motion.

Ms. Cook stated that in the budget process, when the Board has to say no to a budget request, she would have this in the back of her mind if the change isn’t made. This has nothing to do with who is in the First Selectman’s chair. She was uncomfortable saying that the Board was spending money twice when the Town is taking care of its business with other means.

Ms. Cook made a motion to implement the new First Selectman salary effective July 1, 2015.

Ms. Glassman recused herself and turned the chair over to Ms. Haase.

Mr. Paine seconded the motion made by Ms. Cook.

Mr. Askham stated that, policy or not, the right thing to do was to set the salary to start with the term. He understood that this is a unique set of circumstances because the job has changed. Ms. Heavner pointed

out that this was a very small percent of the budget, and Mr. Askham responded that the Board regularly considers amounts like this. Ms. Cook stated that if the Board can tell Main Street that they can’t have something, it will have to look at this. She stated that the Board has to be fair to the taxpayers, that it is within its rights as a legislative body under the charter and should consider it.

Ms. Heavner said that this sends a terrible message to potential candidates – they will need to have enough money to absorb a reduction. Ms. Haase said that the decision would not be made willy-nilly and noted that this proposal is the result of a great deal of thought. There are significant things the Board can do with that money.

Mr. Askham pointed out that the Charter says the First Selectman salary is set as part of the budget process. He noted that the proposal was not being invoked for ill reason and suggested that scheduling salary adjustments on the term should be set in the Charter. Further discussion ensued concerning prior changes in salary increases and Ms. Haase stressed the importance of keeping decisions non-partisan. Ms. Heavner reinforced the importance of adhering to prior policy, adding that the change would have an impact on somebody tonight. Ms. Haase stated that the Board’s decisions impact people all the time.

Ms. Haase, Ms. Cook and Mr. Paine voted in favor of the motion. Ms. Heavner and Mr. Askham voted against the motion, and the motion passed.

Mr. Cooke said Ms. Glassman would not be returning to the meeting.

2. Finance - no report at this time.
3. Welfare - no report at this time.
4. Public Safety - no report at this time.
5. Board of Education - no report at this time.

Ms. Heavner said there is a new Library program called "What's the Hoopla" where you can download, on mobile devices, three selections a month.

Mr. Askham said he requested final numbers for revenues and expenses from the Culture, Parks and Recreation Sub-Committee. He is still awaiting those.

Ms. Haase said the Simsbury Meadows presentation was a great look back to that area in town, the initial studies and what the vision would be. They will be moving forward and adjusting the plan according to feedback. They will also be checking the timing and cost to see what the impact will be on the budget.


Mr. Askham made a motion to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Ms. Cook seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathi Radocchio