Board of Selectmen Special Meeting 02/11/2013

Meeting date: 
Monday, February 11, 2013



The Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 6:34 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices.  Present were:  First Selectman Mary Glassman; Board members Nancy Haase, Moira Wertheimer, Lisa Heavner, Shannon Knall, and Sean Askham.  Others in attendance included: Tom Cooke, Chuck Howard, Hiram Peck, Tom Roy and other interested parties.


Everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.


Sue Bednarcyk, 119 E. Weatogue asked why the Police and Public Works unions were not settled yet.  She said the Teachers union was settled and feels we don’t put the same emphases on public safety.  We really need to think about this as Public Works does a good job with the roads.  She said the Town should take the $50,000 for Main Street and give it to the Police and Public Works and let Main Street do some fund-raising.  We really need to think about this further.

Ms. Bednarcyk said the Big Y project was approved in July and people still don’t know about this yet.  The people are concerned and are not sure this is needed.

Ms. Bednarcyk said at the last meeting she spoke about Dial-A-Ride and felt that people were laughing at her.  She isn’t sure why.

Joan Coe, 26 Whitcomb Drive said, before Superintendent Ullman retired, she asked for the teacher assessments for the annual report.  All of the teachers are asked to answer a computerized program with five issues.  Some of the suggestions and concerns of the teachers were:  inconsistent attendance policy, poor air quality, lack of communications between teachers and administration, low morale, lack of consistency in mid year exams, inconsistent discipline, medical issues, parent issues with teachers, etc.

Ms. Coe said according to the 2012 Comprehensive Annual Report, most of the large companies in Simsbury have downsized, except for the Town of Simsbury and Board of Education.  This will affect the grand list.  She said Simsbury has the highest taxes in the valley.

Ms. Coe complained again about the paddle courts.  She had pictures of them full of snow and not ready for play.  She also complained again about the increased fees to use the courts.

Ms. Coe said everyone should vote no on the Pharos sale as it is not in the best interest of the Town.

Nick Buccarella, Bushy Hill said he almost hit two pedestrians walking in the road with dark clothing, as the sidewalks were not cleared from the snow storm.  He would like something put on the website telling everyone to take caution when walking.


Hartford Symphony Orchestra President and CEO, Carrie Hammond, presentation of 2013 Summer Season Dates

Ms. Hammond had a video to share with the Board and guests.  She said this is a wonderful place to share experiences with the public.  They really want to increase attendance at their events.  They are working on marketing and publicity and gave everyone a new brochure and mailing they have.

Ms. Hammond said they are holding a summer kick-off on Wednesday, April 3rd at 6:00 p.m. at the Riverview in Simsbury.  There will be cocktails, food stations and fun for all.  Invitations will be mailed soon.

Ms. Hammond said the summer kick-off is starting on June 28th.  The last concert will be held on July 26th with a Rolling Stone tribute.  They are looking forward to a terrific season.  For more information go to or by calling 860-246-8742 ext 326.  The box office is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Ms. Hammond also noted that next year will be their 70th year.


Ms. Glassman thanked everyone including public works, police, fire, ambulance personnel and many others for their hard work and dedication during the blizzard of 2013.  The Public Works crew began plowing the snow on Friday morning and managed to clear all of it by 5:30 p.m. Saturday evening.  They are continuing to widen the roadways and once again everyone made it through another bad storm.

Ms. Glassman said the Department Heads have submitted their budgets to the First Selectmen’s office and they are being reviewed.  Ms. Glassman said it is a goal to deliver a fiscally responsible budget that continues to provide excellent services to all residents. 

Ms. Glassman said while Governor Malloy’s proposed budget holds municipalities harmless with respect to municipal aid, it recommends changes that will complicate the budgeting process.  The Governor is also proposing a motor vehicle tax “exemption” which would exempt $20,000 of the value of each vehicle from taxation.  If passed, the exemption would result in a reduction of revenues to the Town of more than $6 million. 

Ms. Glassman noted that the Board of Selectmen will be holding their budget workshops beginning February 25th.  The public is encouraged to attend as they will provide a close look at the tough decisions the Board will be facing to complete the budget.  


a) Approve 2013 summer dates for the Hartford Symphony Orchestra

Ms. Haase made a motion to approve the dates requested by the Hartford Symphony Orchestra for the 2013 Talcott Mountain Music Festival.  Mr. Askham seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

b) Set a Public Hearing for February 25, 2013 for possible sale of Pharos Farm

Ms. Heavner made a motion to set a Public Hearing date of February 25, 2013, at 7 p.m., to consider the revised proposed sale of Pharos Farm to George Hall.  Ms. Wertheimer seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

c) Set a Public Hearing for February 25, 2013 for land use fee revisions

Mr. Askham made a motion to schedule a Public Hearing on February 25, 2013 on land use fee revisions as submitted.  Ms. Haase seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

d) Approve tax refunds

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve tax refunds in the amount of $146,195.13 from ½8/13 and 2/11/13 as requested and approved by the Tax Collector.  Ms. Heavner seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

e)   Deputy First Selectman election and assignment of liaisons

Ms. Knall made a motion to approve the election of Lisa Heavner as Deputy First Selectman.  Mr. Askham seconded the motion.  Ms. Glassman, Ms. Knall and Mr. Askham were in favor with Ms. Wertheimer and Ms. Heavner abstaining.  Therefore, the motion passed.

Ms. Glassman said Ms. Knall will take over most of Mr. Hampton’s liaison appointments.  However, Ms. Heavner will become a member of the Public Safety Commission and will become a liaison for the Police Commission.  Also, Ms. Knall will be liaison to the Human Relations Commission.  Mr. Askham will now chair the Public Safety Commission.

f) Town and Board of Education building safety recommendations

Mr. Askham made a motion to recommend approval to the Board of Finance for a supplemental appropriation under Simsbury Charter Section 809©) for the purchase and installation of classroom door locks and hardware in an amount not to exceed $177,000.  Ms. Haase seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve short-term security recommendations of Town buildings as presented by Tom Roy, Director of Public Works in the amount of $77,600.00.  Ms. Heavner seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve $25,000 for a comprehensive security audit for Town buildings.  Ms. Knall seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

g) Approve the creation of a special revenue fund for the purpose of receiving and disbursing funds for the operation of the Paw Meadow Dog Park

Ms. Heavner made a motion to approve the creation of a special revenue fund for the purpose of receiving and disbursing funds for the operation of the Paw Meadow Dog Park.  Ms. Wertheimer seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

h) Approve the request of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to hold their annual Walk MS Fundraiser on Sunday, April 21, 2013

Ms. Haase made a motion to grant permission to the Connecticut Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to hold the 2013 Walk in the Town of Simsbury, Westminster School, on Sunday, April 21, 2013 from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Ms. Knall seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

I) Approve the request of the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation for their Walk and Family Fun Day on September 29, 2013

Mr. Askham made a motion to hold the date of September 29, 2013 for the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation Walk and Family Fun Day pending the Performing Arts approval.   Ms. Wertheimer seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

j) Accept a financial donation on behalf of the Social Services Department in the amount of $7,545.60 from the Simsbury Stop & Shop for the Feed-A-Friend Program

Ms. Heavner made a motion to accept a financial donation in the amount of $7,545.60 from Stop & Shop for the Feed-A-Friend Program.  Mr. Askham seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.


There was no other business at this time.


a) Accept the resignation of Shannon Knall as a regular member of the Economic Development Commission effective January 17, 2013

Ms. Haase made a motion to accept the resignation of Shannon Knall as a regular member of the Economic Development Commission effective January 17, 2013 with thanks.  Ms. Wertheimer seconded the motion.  Ms. Haase, Ms. Wertheimer, Ms. Heavner, Ms. Glassman and Mr. Askham were in favor, with Ms. Knall abstaining.  Therefore, the motion passed.

b) Accept the resignation of Mark Naccarato as a regular member of the Design Review Board effective January 2, 2013

Mr. Askham made a motion to accept the resignation of Mark Naccarato as a regular member of the Design Review Board effective January 2, 2013 with thanks.  Ms. Wertheimer seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

c) Re-appoint Geoffrey H. Dale as a Hearing Officer for the Town of Simsbury for a term expiring on December 2, 2013

Ms. Heavner made a motion to re-appoint Geoffrey H. Dale as a Hearing Officer for the Town of Simsbury for a term expiring on December 2, 2013 with thanks.  Ms. Haase seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

d) Appoint Robert Moran and Donald Kipetz as Hearing Officers for the Town of Simsbury for terms expiring on December 2, 2013
Ms. Haase made a motion to appoint Robert Moran and Donald Kipetz and Hearing Officers for the Town of Simsbury for terms expiring on December 2, 2013 with thanks.  Mr. Askham seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.


a) Regular Meeting of January 14, 2013

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2013 with corrections.  Ms. Wertheimer seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.


1.  Personnel - Ms. Heavner said there was a Pension Committee meeting on January 25th.  She said the employees are doing their part to reduce costs. 

The Pension Committee hired an independent investment advisor to reduce the risk to the Town.  She said the Board of Finance makes the final decision on Pension issues.  There will be another meeting on Thursday morning.

Ms. Glassman said the Pensions are in good shape and adequately funded.

This issue will be put back on the agenda when a recommendation is made.

Mr. Cooke thanked the Board and everyone who worked on this project.  It is very important that everyone has the same baseline when looking at pension plans.  He said the sub-committee will draft a letter to the Board.

2.  Finance - no report at this time.
3.  Welfare - no report at this time.
4.  Public Safety - no report at this time.
5.  Board of Education - no report at this time.

Ms. Haase said there was a Public Building meeting on February 4th and they reviewed the Senior Center study again.  They will not make recommendations, but will bring the report forward to the Board of Selectmen.  
She said the Zoning Commission is working on draft regulations for the Town on housing zones.  They will give recommendations to the Board.
Shannon Knall said she attended a gun safety discussion, which was very informative.  There were discussions on safety, mental health, federal funding, and school safety measures.  There are no solutions yet, but more discussions will be held on this issue. 


Mr. Askham made a motion to adjourn the Special Meeting at 7:50 p.m.  Ms. Haase seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,


Kathi Radocchio