Board of Selectmen Special Meeting 03/19/2013 Budget Workshop

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

BOARD OF SELECTMEN - BUDGET WORKSHOP Small Program Room – Simsbury Public Library Special Meeting – Thursday, March 19, 2013 – 6:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
The Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 6:00PM on Thursday, March 19, 2013. The meeting was held in the Small Program Room of the Simsbury Public Library located at 725 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, CT.  In attendance was Mary Glassman, First Selectmen as well as the following Board of Selectmen members; Lisa Heavner, Moira Wertheimer, Nancy Haase, Sean Askham and Shannon Knall. Others in attendance included; Tom Cooke; Director of Administrative Services, Mary Ann Harris; Director of Finance, Chief Ingvertsen; Chief of Police, Capt. Nicholas Boulter; Simsbury Police Department, Burke LaClair; Board of Education Business Manager, Tom Roy; Director of Public Works and Richard Sawitzke; Town Engineer.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Everyone stood for the pledge of allegiance.
3. Public Audience
There was no public audience.
4. Review of Board of Selectmen Budget and CIP and CNR accounts for possible action and referral to the Board of Finance
Ms. Glassman said the Board of Selectmen must present the budget to the Board of Finance by March 27, 2013, so tonight they will review where they currently stand and possibly take action. She began the meeting by having Ms. Harris explain the budget handouts. Ms. Harris explained the contents of her distributed materials, including a summary from the previous workshop on Thursday, March 13, 2013. The changes to the CNR account from the previous meeting were discussed and reviewed in detail.  Ms. Harris then spoke about the budget changes from the last meeting and said it now reflects a total increase of 1.71%, including the pension increase. Ms. Glassman reviewed the reductions and additions on a line by line basis. Ms. Glassman expressed her concern that the tax payers will see a 1.71% increase, when it is not really an accurate reflection when considering the impact of the pension changes (.65% budget increase, net of the pension factor). This was discussed in terms of communicating to the public the minimal increase actually made. 
I, Nancy Haase, make a motion to approve the 2013-2014 Board of Selectmen Operating Budget in the Amount of $18, 347,575 to include changes as itemized as follows:
A reduction of $1,400 Dollars in the Board of Selectmen Community Services Public Agency Support Account,
An Addition of $2,500 Dollars to the Town Clerk Copy and Printing Account,
An Addition of $30,000 Dollars to the Director of Planning & Development Contractual Services Account,
An Addition of $15,000 to the Police Full-Time Payroll Account,
An Addition of $4,500 Dollars to Public Works Administration Contractual Services,
An Addition of $600 Dollars to Public Works Administration Postage.
An Addition of $3,500 Dollars to Public Works Miscellaneous Buildings Facilities Maintenance,
An Addition of $15,000 Dollars to Highway-Facilities and Maintenance Contractual Services,
An Addition of $40,000 Dollars to Highway-Facilities and Maintenance Road and Drainage Supplies,
A Reduction of $43,005 Dollars in Highway-Facilities and Maintenance Road Improvements,
A Reduction of $35,000 Dollars in Parks and Opens Space Maintenance –Facilities Maintenance,
An Addition of $5,000 Dollars to Library Administration Full-Time Payroll Account,
A Reduction of $700 Dollars in Library Administration Contractual Services,
A Reduction of $2,900 Dollars in Library Administration Equipment Maintenance,
A Reduction of $600 Dollars in Library Administration Dues and Subscriptions,
A Reduction of $700 Dollars in Library Adult and Young Adult Full-Time Payroll Account,
A Reduction of $100 Dollars in Library Adult and Young Adult Part-Time Payroll Account,
A Reduction of $3,500 Dollars in Library Buildings and Grounds electric Account,
An Addition of $97,975 Dollars to Employee Benefits Police Pension Plan,
An Addition of $92,910 Dollars to Employee Benefits Town Pension Plan,
And a Reduction of $315 Dollars in Operating Transfers for the Capital Non-Recurring account for 2014.

The motion was seconded by Ms. Knall and was unanimously approved.


I, Sean Askham, make a motion to approve the Capital Non-recurring fund budget in the amount of $596,601, to include an appropriation for the Highway-Paving Management in the amount of $180,360 dollars for the LoCip reimbursement grant and to include changes as itemized as follows:
An Addition of $45,000 Dollars to Capital Non-recurring fund budget for Road Improvements,
An adjustment for the Simsbury Farms Clubhouse from the LoCIP reimbursement account to the Capital Non-recurring fund budget in the amount of $23,000 Dollars,
And the elimination of $20,000 Dollars for the Baseball Field Conditioner.

The motion was seconded by Ms. Haase and was unanimously approved.


I, Sean Askham ,make a motion to approve the 2013-2014 Sewer Use Operating Budget in the Amount of $2,895,445.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Wertheimer and was unanimously approved.

I, Nancy Haase, make a motion to approve the 2013-2014 Residential Rental Properties Operating Budget in the Amount of $55,655.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Heavner and was unanimously approved.


I, Shannon Knall, make a motion to approve the 2013-2014 Simsbury Farms Fund Operating Budget in the Amount of $1,914,200. The motion was seconded by Ms. Heavner and was unanimously approved.

Ms. Glassman thanked everyone for their work on preparing and presenting this budget. At this point, Ms. Glassman said it is time to review the CIP plan. She asked Mr. Sawitzke, Town Engineer, to review the projects individually by FY. He then began by speaking in some detail on each of the projects slated for 2014. He spent some extra time reviewing the Center Area Charrette and its associated potential projects. Mr. Sawitzke reviewed the three (3) sites being considered for the future location of the Senior Center and said the costs for each potential site are are in the same ballpark. Related pending grants were discussed as well. The process related to a project like this, in terms of design funds and upfront studies, was discussed. Mr. Sawitzke then continued to review the 2014 projects on a line by line basis. The source of the funds for the Eno Memorial Roof Replacement and Town Hall Roof Replacement was discussed by Mr. Sawitzke and Ms. Harris. Mr. Sawitzke reminded the Board members of the importance of these maintenance projects. Mr. Sawitzke then continued to review the projects on a line by line basis. The bonding issuance process was discussed and Ms. Glassman said the only two (2) projects, at this point, that they would need bonding authorization for is the Farmington River Stream Bank Stabilization and the Center Area Charrette, whereas the others are approved by the Board of Selectmen/Board of Finance. The 7% guideline was discussed and Ms. Harris reminded everyone what an excellent time it is to borrow right now. She also noted they could only go out to bond on projects that were ready to go, which most are not Ms. Glassman noted. Ms. Haase asked about what needs to be done in order to not loose the $500,000 grant associated with the Center Area Charrette. Mr. Sawitzke spoke about the authorization options that would still allow them to be eligible for the grant, saying they could approve a smaller portion of it and still be eligible to forward. Ms. Glassman then asked Mr. LaClair to provide a timeframe on the School Security Audit and the resulting work. How this might fit in to the CIP was discussed with Ms. Glassman saying they will most likely have to reconvene in August when there is an actual dollar figure to work with. She asked Mr. Sawitzke if he thinks August would be an acceptable time to revisit the parking deck issue and he said yes, that would work. The cash flow was discussed further in terms of having flexibility in August when the School Security numbers come in. Ms. Glassman reminded everyone that while the outlying years are important, tonight’s focus has to be on the projects slated for 2014. The referendum guidelines were discussed. The value/importance of the Center Area Charrette was discussed, as well as the potential economic development implications of not funding the project. Ms. Glassman said at this point, if the Center Area Charrette amount is reduced to $540,000, The Farmington River Stream Bank Stabilization project is the only one that will require referendum.


I, Sean Askham, make a motion to move the Farmington River Stream Bank Stabilization for $1,047,300 to referendum.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Wertheimer and was unanimously approved.

At this point in the meeting, Mr. LaClair spoke about the Squadron Line School Boiler Replacement and confirmed while there is no reimbursement associated with this project, there is the opportunity for an efficiency submission through the NE Utilities. 

I, Shannon Knall, make a motion to adopt the Capital Improvement Plan to include:
Emergency Generator Improvements to include Board of Education (value of $168,000),
Senior/Community Center design (value of $204,000)
DPW Truck Wash (value of $257,000)
Town Office Updates to include HVAC, Main Meeting Room, Carpeting (value of $107,120)
Town Teledata Infrastructure (value of $125,000)
Town Hall Flat Roof Repairs (value of $231,130)
Eno Memorial Hall Roof Repairs (value of $117,670)
Squadron Line School Boiler Replacement (value of $850,000)
And forward to the Board of Finance.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Heavner and was unanimously approved.

The potential costs related to the School Security Audit and the resulting work were discussed. Mr. LaClair said he does not have a good sense as to what those costs will be. Ms. Haase suggesting revisiting the amount of the Charrette funding in August after the numbers come in regarding School Security. This was discussed and it was determined that it is a best practice to authorizing only what is needed and then revisit the matter, if appropriate, rather than authorize a larger amount and not use it. The work that could be accomplished for the $540,000 was described by Mr. Sawitzke.


I, Sean Askham, make a motion to adopt the Capital Improvement Plan to include:
Center Area Charrette (value of $540,000) and forward to the Board of Finance.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Haase and was unanimously approved.

Ms. Glassman recommended forwarding the rest of the plan to the Board of Finance for discussion pursposes, but that the long term plan would need to be revisited in August. Mr. Sawitzke reviewed the projects slated for the outlying years on an individual basis. Mr. Sawitzke went into some additional detail regarding the West Mountain Road Area Interceptor Sewer Design project. He then spoke about the strategy of identifying projects in the outlying years and making a placeholder for them even though he may not having the specific details on the project yet. Ms. Glassman thanked Mr. Sawitzke for his work on this plan. The sewer capacity was then discussed in terms of handling future developments in Simsbury. At this point, Mr. LaClair reviewed the Board of Education projects that fall in the outlying years of the CIP. He spoke in detail about the Henry James Renovation Project. He said there needs to be more refinement in terms of the details and the new Principal will play a role in that. He reviewed the remainder of the outlying year projects on the list.

5. Adjourn Mr. Askham made a motion to adjourn the March 19, 2013 Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen at 8:00PM. The motion was seconded by Ms. Knall and was unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted,

Mary A. Glassman, First Selectman