Board of Selectmen Special Meeting 04/26/2013 - Approved

Meeting date: 
Friday, April 26, 2013




The Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:50 a.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices.  Present were: First Selectman Mary Glassman; Board members Nancy Haase, Lisa Heavner, Shannon Knall and Sean Askham.  Selectman Moira Wertheimer was absent.  Others in attendance included:  Tom Cooke, Mary Ann Harris, Robert Hensley, Tom Vincent, Ferg Jansen, Dave Ryan and other interested parties.


Everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.


No one spoke in public audience


a) Resolution approving inclusion of (1) design of improvements to the Senior/Community Center and (2) replacement of 1968 boilers at Squadron Line School in the Town’s Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Year 2014 (attached)

Ms. Haase made a motion to waive reading the resolution; seconded by Ms. Heavner.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

Ms. Haase made a motion to approve the resolution as written; seconded by Ms. Knall.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

b) Set Date for Automatic Referendum, pursuant to Section 406 of the Town Charter, for Tuesday, May 14, 2013 from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Henry James Memorial School

Mr. Askham made a motion to set the date as listed; seconded by Ms. Heavner.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

c) Approve Resolution Question for Appropriation of $1,047,300 from the Sewer Use Fund for Stabilization of the Farmington River Stream Bank for Automatic Referendum

Ms. Glassman stated that because the Board of Selectmen had contemplated the possibility of using bonds to finance the river stream bank stabilization project and the proposed amount of $1,047,300 was greater than 1% of the budget, the Town had been advised by bond counsel that the matter, if bonding was sought, would have to be approved at referendum.  On Wednesday, April 24, 2013 the Board of Finance made a final decision that the matter would not be bonded and that funding would be appropriated from the Sewer Use Fund.  Ms. Glassman added that Town Counsel had provided a written opinion stating that, because the amount in question was below the 2% threshold for submission to referendum as defined in Charter Section 406, the appropriate would have to be approved by the Board of Selectmen and did not need to be approved at referendum.  Ms. Glassman directed the Board’s attention to the modified resolution entitled “Resolution Appropriating from the Sewer Use Fund $1,047,300 for Stabilization of the Farmington River Stream Bank” which was the language before the Board for decision.

Ms. Haase made a motion to approve the appropriation as listed (attached) ; seconded by Mr. Askham.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

d) Approve Resolutions on Approved Capital Projects:

1. Emergency Generator Improvements (attached).  Ms. Heavner made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Ms. Knall.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

2. Improvements to Town Offices (attached).  Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Ms. Heavner.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

3. Improvements to Town Teledata Infrastructure (attached).  Ms. Knall made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Ms. Haase.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

4. Eno Memorial Hall Roof Repairs (attached).   Ms. Heavner made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Ms. Knall.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

5. Design of Improvements to the Senior/Community Center and Authorization of Bonds and Notes (attached).  Ms. Haase made a motion to waive reading the resolution, seconded by Mr. Askham.  All were in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Haase made a motion to approve the resolution as listed, seconded by Mr. Askham.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

6. Installation of the Department of Public Works Truck Wash and Authorization of Bonds and Notes (attached).  Mr. Askham made a motion to waive reading the resolution, seconded by Ms. Haase.  All were in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Heavner made a motion to approve as listed, seconded by Ms. Knall.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

7. Roof Replacement at the Town Offices and Authorization of Bonds and Notes (attached).  Ms. Heavner made a motion to waive reading the resolution, seconded by Ms. Knall.  All were in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Haase made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Ms. Knall.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

8. Replacement of Boilers at Squadron Line School and Authorization of Bonds and Notes (attached).  Ms. Haase made a motion to waive reading the resolution, seconded by Ms. Knall.  All were in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Heavner made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Mr. Askham.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

9. Infrastructure Improvement in the Town Center Area as Defined in the Charrette Study and Authorization of Bonds and Notes (attached).  Mr. Askham made a motion to waive reading the resolution, seconded by Ms. Knall.  All were in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Haase made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Mr. Askham.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

e) Approve the recommendation of the Performing Arts Center board to host a concert on July 15, 2013 (Flaming Lips) and August 7, 2013 (Peter Frampton) promoted by Premier Concerts at the Performing Arts Center

Bob Hensley addressed the Board regarding the upcoming concert season.  The PAC Board is excited about the increase of activity this year and is looking forward to a successful season.  A discussion concerning the terms of the contracts for the two concerts ensued.  In response to questions from the Board, Mr. Hensley stated that the financial risk to the Town from the two events was minimal and he acknowledged Ms. Glassman’s request to keep an accurate listing of complimentary tickets.  He informed her that volunteers would be get tickets and that sponsors would get tickets as part of their written arrangement with the PAC Board. 

Security was another issue addressed.  Premier Concerts which is promoting the events plans to use USA Security to provide professional security and all efforts are being made to have the venue as well secured as possible.

Mr. Cooke advised the Board that contracts for the prior two concerts have already been drafted and that contracts for the two proposed events would follow the same model.  He added that Board approval of these concerts would be contingent on approval from town counsel and the other factors identified in the submission form.

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the two concerts as listed, seconded by Ms. Heavner.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

f) Approval of Revised Budget Mailer (attached)

Ms. Haase made a motion to approve the Revised Budget Mailer as presented, seconded by Mr. Askham.  All were in favor and the motion passed.


Ms. Haase made a motion to adjourn at 8:20 a.m.  Mr. Askham seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary A. Glassman, First Selectman