Board of Selectmen Special Meeting Minutes February 12, 2014 - Approved

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 12, 2014



The Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices.  Present were: First Selectman Mary Glassman; Board members Sean Askham, Cheryl Cook, Nancy Haase, Lisa Heavner and Michael Paine.  Others in attendance included Tom Roy, Gerry Toner, Tom Cooke and other interested parties.


Everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.


To receive comments concerning the proposed renaming of the Simsbury Farms Main Building as The Thomas S. West Recreation Center pursuant to the Town of Simsbury Board of Selectmen Naming Rights Policy

Ms. Glassman said notice was published about the Public Hearing.  This recommendation came from Culture, Parks and Recreation.

Wayne Westbrook, 14 Westridge Drive, said he was very proud to stand and support this proposal.  He showed a picture and plans of the Simsbury Farms Recreation Complex master plan and building program that was born in November of 1999.  He said Mr. West interviewed the firm, hired them and supervised them on a daily basis.  He said Mr. West wrote most of the report including the executive summary.

Mr. Westbrook said Mr. West was the Chairman of Parks and Recreation and he was a huge asset to them.  He supervised the progress on a daily basis and solved every problem.   Therefore, he feels that the Board should do the right thing and honor him by this name change.

Representative John Hampton, 33 Canal Street, Weatogue said he was the liaison to the Simsbury Complex Committee for 9 years.  He said he would like to celebrate the cornerstone of Simsbury, which is volunteering.  He said Simsbury is known for its nature resources and cultural and historical resources.  However, the most special resources are the resources of the volunteers of Simsbury.

Representative Hampton said volunteers have made Simsbury what it is today - a fabulous place to live.  He wished to speak in tribute and memory of this one very special volunteer, Mr. Tom West, who was a giant among volunteers.  He is in support of changing this name in tribute to Mr. West as he had done so much to this Town.

Ron Urban, 480 Firetown Road, gave some history of the Complex.  He said there wasn’t enough money appropriated back in 1972 for making this Complex what it is today.  Twenty years after building, everything had to be fixed.  Now this Complex is more worthy of what it once was.  He said Tom West wanted to do things the right way to make an appropriate Complex.  He is in support of the name change.

Joan Coe, 26 Whitcomb Drive, is concerned that the process has become political.  She said the Hometown Hero award is already in place for those who have done so much for the Town.  She feels renaming a road or property is for someone who exemplified exceptional service to the Town that will continue to be long standing.

Ms. Coe said Mr. West was already selected as a Hometown Hero and already has a bench named after him.  She feels he has already received enough acknowledgment for what he did for the Town.  There should be a moratorium on naming rights and she is against this name change.

Robert Kalechman, 971 Hopmeadow Street, said he wasn’t a native of Simsbury.  He spoke again about Sargent Felix DelGrecco who made the supreme sacrifice for his country.  He said he lobbied for a road to be named in his honor, but didn’t get anything.  Now there is a Felix DelGrecco Road opposite from the High School.

Mr. Kalechman also feels this is political and shouldn’t be done.  The taxpayers always end up paying for things they don’t want and this needs to stop.  We should honor men that gave their lives for their country.

David Bush, 4 Catherine Lane, Chairman of Culture, Parks and Recreation Commission, said the vote was unanimous and has nothing to do with politics.  This is just for exemplary service to the Town and it is appropriate to recognize long-time volunteers.

With no further public comment, Mr. Askham made a motion to adjourn the Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m.  Ms. Haase seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.


Joan Coe, 26 Whitcomb Drive said she feels that Mr. Kalechman was publicly insulted by the Board at the last Board meeting.  There was confusion about the Community for Care Committee having a grant or not.  She feels Mr. Kalechman deserves an apology about this issue.

Ms. Coe spoke about the medical marijuana facility and said the Farmington Valley Times is calling Simsbury “pot city”.  She said a Town Management form of government wouldn’t allow this facility in our Town.

Ms. Coe spoke about the new Town Engineer who came from Canton and feels his salary should have been negotiated.  She feels Richard Sawitzke could have still worked on a part-time basis and saved money.

Ms. Coe said that Dave Richman still hasn’t paid taxes and he has fines imposed on his property.  She wants to know what is happening with this situation.

Ms. Coe said the teachers and students are finally speaking out on the education failures in Town.  She feels the students should be problem solvers and people who think out of the box, not just pencil pushers.

Sue Benarcyk, 119 E. Weatogue Street spoke again about the land use issue across the street from her house.   She said this situation needs to be fixed now.  She heard that a large home is being proposed and there will be major issues if this first issue isn’t fixed first.  She asked that the Board resolve this issue.  She will drop off a list of issues at this property to the First Selectman’s office.

Robert Kalechman, 971 Hopmeadow Street, spoke about the Charter, Section 1003, “Conflict of Interest”.  He would like everyone to read this section and understand it.  He then went to Section 402 about the Selectmen meeting schedule.  He said Section 503 talks about the Deputy First Selectman and their duties.  He said the First Selectman should select the Deputy First Selectman.

Father Mike Whyte of St. Catherine’s said there are wonderful people here that do a lot for this Town.  He feels people should be acknowledged by the Town.  He said there were 20-25 people who came up to him after mass and spoke about the renaming of the main building at Simsbury Farms and they all wanted it done.  Mr. West does stand out as an exceptional resident.

Ms. Glassman thanked everyone for their comments.


            •           Suicide Prevention Training

Ms. Glassman said on Wednesday, March 12th at 7:00 p.m. said there will be a training session in the Youth Room at Eno Hall.  This is for questions and referral information.  This will help everyone be aware of issues to look for and how to help those in need.  She said this training is funded through a grant.  She said the Community for Care Committee has not yet been established.  Information will be given to the public.

            •           Winter Salt and Overtime Report

Ms. Glassman said the storms have not been cooperating with the budget.  However, Simsbury is not running out of salt like the State is.

Mr. Roy passed out salt samples and explained them.  He said the supplier was changed as the old supplier couldn’t meet the Town’s needs.  They do have enough salt for the storm tomorrow and one more storm.  Mr. Roy said they have exhausted the budget and might need another $75,000.  He said the overtime budget only has $30,000 left in it and this won’t make it through the year either.  He will bring the numbers to the Board to discuss during the budget process.

            •           Medical Marijuana Update and Zoning Commission Actions

Ms. Glassman said there were four sites selected in the State.  The Board has no role or authority on this site.   Our Zoning Commission did not adopt a moratorium, but adopted a regulation.  There were public hearings with only one public comment made.  After several meetings, the Zoning Commission did adopt the site plan.  The Police Chief did feel the security was adequate here.  This is a production facility.

The State dispensary would be under State regulations and there is no application for this facility at this point.


a) Grand List Update

Ms. Glassman said there is good news in that the grand list is expected to grow.  The projected increase amounts to more than $13.4 million in increased real estate, property and motor vehicle values.  She said net taxable personal property has increased after several years of decline. We are still looking for ways to stimulate economic growth.

Ms. Glassman said she was pleased to announce that she is recommending the appointment of Joseph Mancini as the Town’s Director of Finance/Treasurer.  He is currently serving in West Haven and has held that position there for three years.  Mr. Mancini was the first choice of an interview panel.  Mr. Mancini’s appointment is subject to approval by both the Board of Finance and the Board of Selectmen.  He will be presented to the Board at the next meeting.

Ms. Glassman said Gateway Planning will be back in Town on February 18th at 6:00 p.m. in the large program room of the Simsbury Library to present the latest revision of the new draft Code for The Hartford property.  She encouraged everyone to attend this meeting as this important project moves forward.

Ms. Glassman said Gateway Planning will then prepare the final draft and will begin the regulation adoption process.


a) Approve renaming the Simsbury Farms Main Building to The Thomas S. West Recreation Center

Ms. Heavner made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Culture, Parks and Recreation Commission to re-name the Main Building at the Simsbury Farms Recreation Complex to The Thomas S. West Recreation Center.  Ms. Glassman seconded the motion.  After discussion, Ms. Glassman, Ms. Heavner, and Ms. Haase approved the motion with Mr. Askham, Ms. Cook, and Mr. Paine not approving.  Therefore, the motion did not pass.

b) Approve Tax Refunds

Mr. Paine recused himself.

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve tax refunds in the amount of $56,446.87 as requested and approved by the Tax Collector.  Ms. Cook seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

Mr. Paine rejoined the meeting.

c) Approve Bike Friendly Resolution and Bicycle Month in May

It was a consensus of the Board to endorse the moving forward of the Bike Friendly Community plan.

d) Approve Town of Simsbury Fair Housing Resolution and Policies:

            • Fair Housing Resolution
            • Fair Housing Policy Statement
            • Title VI Equal Opportunity Statement
            • Affirmative Action Policy Statement
            • ADA Notice and Grievance Procedure

Mr. Askham made a motion to adopt and authorize the First Selectman to execute and re-issue the Fair Housing Resolution; Fair Housing Policy Statement; Title VI Equal Opportunity Statement; Affirmative Action Policy Statement; and ADA Notice and Grievance Procedures prohibiting discriminatory practices which also provide procedures for enforcement.  Mr. Paine seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

e) Approve Small Cities Application Actions

  • Set Public Hearing date of March 10, 2014 for discussion of 2014 Small Cities Program Application
  • Authorize the First Selectman to execute and submit an “Intent to Apply” for a 2014 Small Cities Grant

Ms. Heavner made a motion to set a Public Hearing date of March 10, 2014 for discussion of 2014 Small Cities Program Application for 6:30 p.m. at the Main Meeting Room of Town Hall.  Ms. Haase seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

Ms. Haase made a motion to authorize the First Selectman to execute and submit the attached “Intent to Apply” for a 2014 Small Cities Grant to benefit the Simsbury Housing Authority.  Ms. Heavner seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

f) Approve Rotary Club of Simsbury-Granby River Run Charitable Race for Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the Rotary Club of Simsbury-Granby River Run Charitable Race for Sunday, April 27, 2014 after obtaining a public gathering permit.  Ms. Haase seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

g) Authorization of Application for Library Grant

Ms. Heavner made a motion to approve the CT Humanities grant application for Innovation at Work.  Ms. Haase seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.


a) Appoint Economic Development Task Force Members

Mr. Askham made a motion to appoint the following members of the Economic Development Task Force: Debra Bernard, Holly Beum, Wayne Cobleigh, Kevin Crimmins, Jeff, Domenburg, Louis Donofrio, Bill Ethier, Nancy Haase - Board of Selectmen-Chair; Lisa Heavner- Board of Selectmen; Ron Jodice, Christopher Meile, Diane Nash, Charmaine Seavy, and Eric Strayer.  Ms. Cook seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.


a) Aquarion Rate Increase Opposition Letter Update

Mr. Cooke said a letter was submitted by the direction of the Board of Selectmen, with support of Granby, East Granby, our State Senator, State Representative and First District, raising the fact that their rate hike decision is too high. The letter asked the Commission to reconsider the request of the Attorney General.  They did send a letter back stating the increase was justified.  This will be discussed further in executive session.


a) Regular Meeting of January 27, 2014

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of January 27, 2014.  Ms. Cook seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.


1.  Personnel - no report at this time.
2.  Finance - no report at this time.
3.  Welfare - no report at this time.
4.  Public Safety - Ms. Heavner thanked Kevin Kowalski, Patrick Tourville, and the Chamber of Commerce for hosting an informational meeting for the business community yesterday on what should be expected during a fire inspection and what you can do for emergency management.  She said this was very informative and well done. 
5.  Board of Education - Ms. Heavner said the Superintendent submitted his budget to the Board of Finance with a 1.48% increase.  He did outline cuts to staff and equipment that would need to occur to reduce that to a 1% increase.  His presentation can be viewed on

Ms. Heavner thanked the students and staff who made Les Miz such a huge success.  Over 50 senior citizens attended for free as part of the Town and Schools Outreach Program.

Ms. Heavner reminded everyone that the senior citizen basketball night will be held on February 24th at 5:30 p.m. and seniors can sign up at the Senior Center.

Ms. Heavner thanked the Library Committee and David Blume for their work on Innovation programming.  Their first workshop will be held February 13th, weather permitting, at 7:00 p.m. in program room 2.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  She said the Innovation Committee is hosting a public meeting on Wednesday, February 19th from 3-4 p.m. in the main meeting room of Town Hall to seek suggestions about possible projects to be done over the next two months.

Ms. Heavner said The Best of Hartford Magazine 2014 is taking ballots for the best Library and she asked everyone to vote for Simsbury.  Ballots can be found on the Simsbury Library website: or in Jan., Feb., and March issues of The Hartford Magazine.

Ms. Heavner said she, Ms. Glassman and Representative Hampton attended a UConn Water Conference about the MDC proposal.  It was a very informative meeting.  Now there will be a statewide look at water policies.

Mr. Askham reminded everyone that Friday is Valentine’s Day and there is a waiver in place for everyone to get married.

Mr. Askham also noted that there is a lost Beagle/Bassett dog in Tariffville and he hopes someone can bring it home to the owners.

Ms. Cook thanked Representative Hampton for the Family Hearing Day at the Capital.  She said the meeting was overwhelmingly attended with great comments and discussions.


a) Review of potential responses to February 6, 2014 letter from PURA with Town Counsel

Mr. Askham made a motion to go into executive session at 8:55 p.m. for the purpose of conferring with Town Counsel on possible responses to PURA’s letter dated February 6, 2014 concerning the implantation of higher water rates by Aquarion.    Ms. Glassman recused herself from the matter.  Mr. Paine seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.  All of the Selectmen except Ms. Glassman voted to go into Executive Session.  The Selectmen were joined by Town Counsel Robert DeCrescenzo and Director of Administrative Services Thomas Cooke.  Mr. Askham made a motion to come out of Executive Session at 9:20 p.m.  Ms. Heavner seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Mr. Askham made a motion that the Director of Administrative Services and Town Counsel prepare a letter on behalf of the Board of Selectmen to the Town of Simsbury’s state legislative delegation proposing that legislation be enacted to address the unequal burden placed on Aquarion’s Northern Division by PURA’s rate equalization policy.  Ms. Heavner seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.    Ms. Glassman was recused from the matter and did not participate.

Mr. Askham made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Mr. Paine seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.  The meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary A. Glassman, First Selectman