Zoning Commission Minutes 09/16/2013 ADOPTED

Meeting date: 
Monday, September 16, 2013

SEPTEMBER 16, 2013

Commissioner Will Fiske called the regular meeting for the Simsbury Zoning Commission to order at 7:00PM on Monday, September 16, 2013 in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices located at 933 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, CT.  The following members were present: Gerard Post, Derek Peterson, and Vaughan Marecki. Others in attendance included: Hiram Peck, Director of Planning, and other interested parties.

Commissioner Fiske appointed Commissioner Post as Chairman, and Commissioners Peterson and Marecki as Members.

Minutes from July 15, 2013 Regular Meeting were unanimously approved.

Commissioner Fiske moved for approval of Application #13-40 of Darcie Roy of National Sign Corp., Agent for Sovereign/Santander Banks, Owners, for a sign permit for Santander Bank on the property located at 741 Hopmeadow Street (Map G10, Block 203, Lot 001A). Zone SC-1. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peterson and was unanimously approved.

Commissioner Fiske moved for approval of Application #13-41 of Courtney Febbroriello of Metro Bis Restaurant, Agent for Simsbury 1820 House, Owner, for a sign permit for Metro Bis Restaurant on the property located at 731 Hopmeadow Street (Map G10, Block 203, Lot 001C-D).  Zone SC-1. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peterson and was unanimously approved.

1. Hiram Peck stated that Application #13-38 will be continued at the next meeting on October 7, 2013.
2. Application #13-42 of Louisa Sandsmark, agent for Rocca V. and Elenor G. Angerani Trustee, Owners, for a Special Exception pursuant to Article Seven, Section I.4.b, of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations to allow for the operation of an antique and estate auction business on the property located at 17 Herman Drive (Map 102, Block 439, Lot 008). Zone I-1
Commissioner Post opened the floor up to the public


Mr. Rich Correia of RM Bradley, Commercial Real Estate Broker, spoke about the site layout of stores at 17 Herman Drive.  He states that the parking is flexible. Ms. Louisa Sandmark’s business will be less disruptive than the Jazzersize business that was previously at that location.

Ms. Sandsmark said that she expects to need parking for 50 -75 people, with the expectation of people traveling together, when auctions take place, primarily on evenings or Sundays. Her business hours are by appointment. She has looked for property for the past couple of years.

Mr. Pradeep Bajaj of # 17B Herman Drive runs a printing and direct mail business. He disagrees with the comment about the parking being flexible. At times the three spaces he is promised in front of his business are not enough. He is concerned about the ability of trucks to maneuver. Mr. Bajaj said that the delivery times of trucks vary, but sometimes the trucks are there on the weekends.

Mr. William Gufert of #11 and #15 Herman Drive said that he spoke to owners of # 9, 10, and 12 Herman Drive and they all agreed, and request, that no special exception be allowed for the operation of an antique / auction business. The reasons are that large trailer, box and logging trucks take up the full width of the road when backing up. Also, he had problems with people parking on his lawn.

Mr. Bruce Staubley of #11 Herman Drive, owner of Simsbury Precision, says he sees a problem with the parking because tractor trailer trucks have to be able to maneuver in the road and down the driveway. He has some deliveries in the evenings and on weekends.

Mr. Dave Degling of #15 Herman Drive, owner Inner Glass Windows Systems, says evenings are bad because he had to wait until 6:30PM for a tractor trailer to back into the driveway in order to get a shipment out.  If there is parking on the roadside, the trucks will not be able to make the swing into the driveway.

Mr. Ron Locandro of #15 Herman Drive can see the issues with parking all the time. His biggest concern is the volume of people attending the auctions. People will park in areas they shouldn’t park.


Tim Mitchell of #10 Herman Drive says that he agrees with others and is concerned with the parking and what if the parking exceeds the estimated amount. He doesn’t want people to park on his property. He doesn’t think this is the right business for this particular area. 

Commissioner Peterson moved to close the public hearing for Application #13-42 of Louisa Sandsmark, Agent for Rocca V. and Elenor G. Angerani Trustee, Owners, for a Special Exception pursuant to Article Seven, Section I.4.b, of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations to allow for the operation of an antique and estate auction business on the property located at 17 Herman Drive (Map I02, Block 439, Lot 008). Zone I-1. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fiske and was unanimously approved.

Commissioner Post made a motion to re-open Application #13-42 in order to receive information on an assessment of the property during the October 7, 2013 meeting. Commissioner Peterson seconded the motion and was unanimously approved.


1. Application #13-37 of Thomas J. Daly PE of Milone & MacBroom, Inc., Agent for Simsbury Turnpike Realty, LLC, Owner, for a Site Plan Amendment on the property located at 15-39 Albany Turnpike, West Simsbury (Map A20, Block 901, Lot 001). Zone B-3.

Mr. Mark Arigoni, of Malone & MacBroom, an engineering and Landscape Architecture and Environmental Science firm and agent for Simsbury Turnpike Realty, LLC, is asking for a site plan amendment to improve circulation by creating a proposed rear connection to the car wash business owned by Mr. Tunji Somma. The Committee is most concerned about how the site will function with the road that is proposed

Commissioner Post moved for approval of Application #13-37 of Thomas J. Daly PE of Milone & MacBroom, Inc., Agent for Simsbury Turnpike Realty, LLC, Owner, for a Site Plan Amendment on the property located at 15-39 Albany Turnpike, West Simsbury (Map A20, Block 901, Lot 001). Zone B-3. The approval is based on the following to be provided to the Commission: A stacking plan of vehicles from the applicant’s engineer; Bioretension and biodepression basins specifying location of grass; and added signage for on-site circulation of vehicles.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Marecki and was unanimously approved.

2. Mr. Peck explained that a bakery/coffee shop wants to move into Tariffville, but B-1 zoning doesn’t allow bakeries.  Mr. Peck is offering to prepare information for the Committee to decide rezoning at the next meeting. Also discussed is the limited parking in that area.

3. Mr. Peck explained the potential for zone change in the northern industrial area for I-1 to I-2. Offered to conduct a study to see if there is a need to change the zoning and present it at the next meeting.


Mr. Peck provided a brief update regarding the following topics.

1. Village District Project

2. Marketing Project

3. The Hartford Land Use Study

Mr. Peck added that he has been working with McDonald’s engineer on reducing the signage. The end result is a net reduction of signage by 35 sq. feet.


Commissioner Fiske made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 P.M.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Marecki and was unanimously approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Irene Muench, Commissions Clerk