01/24/2022 Zoning Commission Minutes - SPECIAL MEETING

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 24, 2022

Subject to Approval




The public hearing was web-based on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/2574297243

Meeting ID: 257 429 7243


  1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.


  1. Appointment of Alternates: None


Present: David Ryan, Kevin Gray, Diane Madigan, Bruce Elliott, Anne Erickson, Donna Beinstein, Laura Barkowski


Absent: Melissa Osborne, Amber Abbuhl




Chairman Ryan removed “scientifically-based” from 9.2 section A. The Commission discussed the intent section of the regulations. Mr. Gray noted abandoned signs should be defined. Chairman Ryan removed “unlawful and” from section 9.3. The Commission discussed the digital signs vs. animated signs. Chairman Ryan inquired about interactive signs. Ms. Barkowski would look into the definition of interactive signs. Mr. Elliott noted Item M could be confusing as festoon lighting is allowed for certain general lighting applications, but would be prohibited for signage. The Commission decided the item should be defined further. Item N regarding banners on public roads was discussed. The Commission discussed the Billboards and Off-Premises signs. Mr. Gray discussed regulation E in section 9.4. Mr. Gray and Ms. Madigan raised concerns about the 3sq.ft. specification. The Commission elected to consult with the Town Attorney on the sizing. Chairman Ryan mentioned regulation J should be amended to provide further clarification on what security and warning signs are defined as. Mr. Gray stated that the sentence for regulation J should be replaced with “not to exceed (2) square feet”. Ms. Madigan recommended the Commission change the inconsistent sign sizing regulations for various types to a standard size. Mr. Gray noted Regulation K number 2 should be changed to read “No more than three (3) flags per lot in all districts”. Chairman Ryan noted regulation M should be clarified. The Commission elected to remove regulation O. The Commission discussed regulation P. Chairman Ryan stated regulation T should be discussed as it was redundant. Mr. Gray noted that for section F, i. and ii. needed to be indented. The Commission discussed the message duration section for digital displays. Mr. Gray stated the Commission should review the section at a later date and mark it in red. Mr. Gray noted that under section number 2 Types of Illumination, a. i. the translucent cover should be removed. Ms. Beinstein noted the section should be indented as well. Mr. Elliott stated “by translucent covers” should be removed. The Commission discussed regulation 3 a. regarding the distance internally illuminated signs would be allowed from Albany Turnpike. Mr. Gray advised the Commission to be consistent with Avon regulations on the other side of Albany Turnpike. The Commission discussed the electrical standards and regulations 5 on glare control. Chairman Ryan advised the Commission to schedule another workshop to continue reviewing the drafted sign regulations.



  1. Accessory Dwelling Unit Resolution to Public Act 21-29


Chairman Ryan reviewed the resolution with the Commission. Mr. Elliott noted that “possibly” should be changed to possibility. Chairman Ryan introduced the draft memo to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Elliott recommended Town Staff added a line in the memo acknowledging the approval process for accessory dwelling units pre-dates the chart provided. Ms. Madigan stated the line should describe that the chart provided was drawn from available electronic historical town data. Chairman Ryan noted that the Commission should include the memo created by Ms. Barkowski that documented the existing zoning regulations and the Connecticut State Statue impacts in the submission to the BOS. Chairman Ryan continued to state the paragraph beginning with “The Zoning Regulations” be revised to include language reflecting how the data that documents the approval of accessory dwelling units for the table was taken from documents available through the Town’s online records. Mr. Elliott advised the paragraph included that the information is available to the public through the Zoning Commission web page. Mr. Gray stated Town Staff should conduct more research on the zoning regulations prior to 2002 to see if accessory dwelling units were referenced in some form. Chairman Ryan noted Ms. Barkowski should reference the memo she drafted comparing the CT State Statue and the current zoning regulations. The Commission discussed the depth of information to provide the Board of Selectmen with in regards to demonstrating their intent for future accessory dwelling unit regulations. Ms. Erickson stated the Commission should include a sentence in the memo referencing the population in Simsbury that would be adamant about increasing the sizing limits on ADUs in the Town. The Commission continued to deliberate on the language that should be used in the memo to the BOS. Ms. Beinstein noted the language should relay a more positive reflection on the Commission’s viewpoint on ADU regulations. Chairman Ryan advised the Commission should redraft the memo. Mr. Gray noted the Commission should also include the memo that listed all of the towns in the state that were opting out of PA 21-29 to provide the BOS with another angle on the topic. Chairman Ryan tabled the resolution and memo until the next regularly scheduled meeting in March.




Mr. Gray made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Erickson seconded.


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)


Chairman Ryan adjourned the meeting at 9:20pm



Respectfully Submitted,


Joseph Hollis, Acting Clerk