03/07/2022 Zoning Commission Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 7, 2022

Subject to Approval



MONDAY, MARCH 07, 2022

The public hearing was web-based on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/2574297243

Meeting ID: 257 429 7243


I.          CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.


  1. Appointment of Alternates: Tucker Salls


Present: David Ryan, Kevin Gray, Diane Madigan, Bruce Elliott, Anne Erickson, Laura Barkowski, Jackie Battos, Melissa Osborne, Tucker Salls


Absent: Donna Beinstein, Amber Abbuhl


II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the February 07, 2022 regular meeting minutes and the February 28, 2022 special meeting minutes


The Commission reviewed the February 07th meeting minutes. Mr. Gray stated the motion on line 18 should be removed. Mr. Gray noted line 152 should be revised to Ms. Madigan made a motion to approve application 21-29. Chairman Ryan stated on line 71 “discussion” should be changed to “discuss”. Mr. Gray made a motion to approve the minutes from February 7th as amended. Ms. Madigan seconded. 


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)


The Commission tabled the approval of the minutes from the February 28, 2022 special meeting until the next meeting.



  1. Applications

1.   None



  1. Applications 
  1. Application# 21-30 – of Dorset Crossing LLC, Applicant; David S. Ziaks P.E., Agent; Site Plan Approval for the construction of two multi-unit residential housing buildings on the property located at 115 & 130 Casterbridge Crossing (Assessor’s Map H04, Block 403 Lot 13A-G) Zone PAD.


Chairman Ryan read the application to the Commission. Mr. Ziaks introduced the application to the Commission for the plan titled “Crown Simsbury Apartments”. Mr. Elliott asked if the applicant could provide a copy of the originally approved master plan so the Commission could compare the changes made to the proposed plan. Mr. Ziaks displayed the master plan that was approved in 2012 and noted the plan included two apartment buildings on lots D and G with a total of 72 units which was consistent with the proposal. Mr. Ziaks continued by highlighting the parking plan for the development which included few above ground spaces with the majority of the parking being sustained by the underground garages below both buildings. Mr. Ziaks described the response to the engineering comments regarding the cul-de-sac parking. Mr. Ziaks stated the cul-de-sac maintenance would be the responsibility of the property owners including the maintenance of sidewalks around the cul-de-sac and the landscaped island in the center of the cul-de-sac. Ms. Battos inquired about the response to Town comments regarding turning radii for the cul-de-sac and the parking lots. Mr. Ziaks stated the comments were addressed and Town staff was satisfied with the information provided. Mr. Ziaks continued to describe the highlights of the landscape plan such as the use of native plantings throughout the site to address Design Review Board comments. Mr. Ziaks noted the drainage plan was corrected to reflect the comments made by Town Staff. Mr. Ziaks noted that the applicant upgraded the fire life safety systems in the buildings to NFPA 13 to address the Fire Marshal’s concerns. Mr. Ziaks stated that some Town comments were still being addressed by his staff. Mr. Knisely described the exterior design facade as well as the interior layout of the buildings. Mr. Salls inquired about the accommodations made for cyclists regarding bike racks and bike lanes throughout the property. Mr. Lasalle noted that the property would feature adequate bike storage. Ms. Erickson asked the bedroom count for the units. Mr. Brandt stated the units would be two-bedroom and could function as a three-bedroom unit with the use of the multipurpose den area. Mr. Elliott asked about the percentage of parking that would be accommodated by the underground garages. Mr. Ziaks reviewed the parking layout in the proposed plan. Mr. Gray inquired about the elevation of the detached garages. Mr. Knisely stated they did not have them at the time of the presentation. Ms. Madigan asked about the school district the proposed development would fall in. Mr. Lasalle noted the project would be intended for a different market, but he did not have the school district information at the time of the presentation. Chairman Ryan inquired about the memo email from Town staff regarding drainage concerns for the project. Mr. Ziaks reviewed the outstanding issues with the Commission. Chairman Ryan noted that Town staff would not provide a certificate of occupancy without the concerns being addressed. Mr. Gray made a motion to approve application 21-30 subject to the satisfactory resolution to the issues of the Town Engineer in his memo dated March 1st, 2022, that any modifications to the plan be submitted in writing to Town staff prior to implementation, and that the applicant attends a preconstruction meeting on site with Town staff. Ms. Madigan seconded.


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)



  1. Receipt of New Applications
  1. Application #22-06 of Judy E. Rogers, Applicant; application for a site plan amendment pursuant to Sections 3.5 of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations on accessory dwelling units for the purpose of converting an existing room in the house to an attached 256sqft accessory dwelling unit within the property located at 1 Rebecca Lane (Assessor’s Map I02 Block 402 Lot 001). Zone R-15.  


Chairman Ryan introduced the application to the Commission. Mr. Rogers described the need for the accessory dwelling unit. Ms. Barkowski stated the application meets all zoning regulations for accessory dwelling units including the shared utilities between the ADU and the main house. Mr. Gray made a motion to approve application 22-06 with the condition that an administrative zoning permit would be required. Ms. Erickson seconded.


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)



  1. Appointments to Design Review Board
    1. Appointment of Khamla Vorasane (12/06/2021 – 12/06/2025)


Chairman Ryan discussed the qualifications for the Design Review Board and the bio for Khamla Vorasane. Ms. Madigan made a motion to appoint Khamla Vorasane to the Design Review Board for a term of 12/06/21 – 12/06/25. Ms. Erickson seconded.


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)


The Commission discussed returning to in person meetings.




Mr. Gray made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Erickson seconded.


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)


Chairman Ryan adjourned the meeting at 8:04pm.



Respectfully Submitted,


Joseph Hollis, Acting Clerk