03/15/2021 Zoning Commission Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 15, 2021

Subject to Approval

MONDAY, March 15, 2021
The public hearing was web-based on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/2574297243
Meeting ID: 257 429 7243

I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Regular Members:
David Ryan, Anne Erickson, Kevin Gray, Bruce Elliott, Donna Beinstein and Michael Doyle,
Alternate Members: Melissa Osborne, Shannon Leary Knall, and Diane Madigan

Absent: none

1. Appointment of Alternates - none

II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the MONDAY, March 1, 2021 regular meeting.

Motion to approve the Minutes of the March 1, 2021 meeting as drafted was made by Mr. Gray Seconded by Mr. Doyle. Motion passed 6-0-0 with the following changes

Change to Melissa Osborne being present delete Melissa Osborne being absent

Change designation Mr. Doyle to Commissioner Doyle

Missing a space between March and 1 in header

Ln 163 add a space between Madigan and seconded

Ln 35 change from fireplace to pit

Ln 35 change feed to propane supply

Ln 114 delete first would

Ln 143 change motion to letter

Ln. 20 change Ms. to Mr.


a. Application #20-09 of Mark & Ieke Scully/ Solectran LLC for a Site Plan Approval
to install solar carports at the property located at 690 Hopmeadow Street (G11 132 053),
Zone SCZ

Mr. Scully presented the revised plans for the proposed solar carports. Mr. Scully described the 2 solar canopies that are proposed along with roof mounted ones on the roof of the Annex portion of the structure.

Mr. Scully described the reduction of the footprint of one of the proposed canopies. He described how there is limited visual impact from the installation.

The footings are concrete which will be buried with some exposed by up to 18 inches. Lighting and gutters are being provided for the proposed structures. One light pole will be removed in order to construct the canopies. This will be replaced with lighting underneath the proposed structures. A gutter will direct rainwater into catch basins. Solar panels are bifacial, both sides of the panels are active and wires will be tucked away. Mr. Scully noted the structures will be painted gray and looked at alternatives to use of the gray painted i-beams however for aesthetics.

Commissioner Beinstein asked about the height for the proposed canopies. Mr. Scully noted that height on the lower side will be between 10 to 11 feet.

Commissioner Gray inquired about the life expectancy for the panels. Mr. Scully answered that 25 years should be the panel life. Chairman Ryan asked whether the efficiency drops off.

Commissioner Elliott inquired about stone faced footings and whether they will be part of the application. Mr. Scully noted that these will not be part of the revised installation. Commissioner Elliott asked about lighting. Mr. Scully noted that one free-standing light will be lost due to the installation however the panels will be down lit. Commissioner Elliott next asked whether the changes resulted in an increase to the total area. Mr. Scully noted that the overall area has decreased due to portions that are added to the Annex roof.

Commissioner Elliott noted the panels appear blue and asked for clarification. Mr. Scully asked Mr. Weiss to clarify that the color will appear to be black.

Mr. Glidden noted that the Design Review Board reviewed the request earlier in the evening and issued a favorable recommendation.

Chairman Ryan asked if adequate lighting will be provided. Mr. Glidden noted that with the removal of the free standing lighting pole. The proposed lights will be shielded and directed downward

Commissioner Doyle made a motion to approve Application #20-09 of Mark & Ieke Scully/ Solectran LLC for a Site Plan Approval to install solar carports at the property located at 690 Hopmeadow Street (G11 132 053),Zone SCZ
Site Plan approval is subject to the following conditions:

1. An administrative zoning permit is required for proposed construction
2. Any changes to landscaping and grading are to be made in writing to Planning Department staff prior to implementation in the field.

Seconded by Commissioner Elliott. Motion Passed 6-0-0

1. Preliminary Discussion
a. Discussion with Lands of Star Dust, LLC for potential self-storage facility located at 20
Tariffville Road.

Terri Ann Hahn of LADA PC presented a preliminary plan that called for the construction of a self-storage facility along the eastern portion of the property located at 20 Tariffville Road. Ms. Hahn asked if the Commission had any questions.

Commissioner Elliott inquired about the height of the screening plantings. Ms. Hahn described that a 3 to 4 foot tall berm will be planted with vegetation that grows to the height of 5 to 6 feet in order to provide screening of the proposed buildings. Commissioner Elliott asked about the materials and colors for the buildings. Ms. Hahn noted that the materials come with a kit from the manufacture and they are looking at earth tones as the colors for the proposed buildings.

Chairman Ryan asked if the restaurant will be removed. Ms. Hahn stated that it will not be removed at this time from the property however due to current layout there is excess room that will be used for the office portion of the self-storage business.

Commissioner Gray asked about the access drive to Tariffville Road. Ms. Hahn noted that it will be used as emergency access. Commissioner Gray asked if a fence will be installed along the perimeter. Ms. Hahn noted that there will be fencing around the perimeter

Commissioner Beinstein asked about the size of the proposed buildings. Ms. Hahn described the varying sizes for the buildings.

Commissioner Elliott inquired lot coverage. Ms. Hahn noted the site is 12 acres and existing coverage is about 20% with an increase to about 32%.

Commissioner Beinstein asked if there was a drawing illustrating surrounding residential uses.

Commissioner Elliot asked about floodplain zone limits. Mr. Glidden noted the regulations cite the flood insurance rate map and map does not need to be updated due to the reference. He noted the FEMA approved a letter of map amendment and the application is located outside the flood hazard. Commissioner Elliott asked about use and whether it is permitted in. Mr. Glidden noted it is a specially permitted use.

Chairman Ryan noted the use is interesting and needs to meet the regulations. He noted that a special exception will be required.


Regulation update workshop

Mr. Glidden presented changes to the industrial zoning districts regulations to the Commission.

Commissioner Gray asked about theaters and similar uses, and how they can added. He asked about truck repair. Mr. Glidden noted in 2018 the regulations were updated and discussed outdoor storage of junk vehicles.
Commissioner Gray asked about adding theater use as a separate use. Mr. Glidden would research what other communities are doing to handle the uses.

Commissioner Gray about self-storage. Mr. Glidden asked if the use should be noted in the regulations. The use will be added to the regulations.

Mr. Glidden will get brewery and distillery regulations.

Chairman Ryan thanked members for their work at the special meeting concerning legislation. He noted that some comments from the public concerning language and he wanted to apologize for that. Chairman Ryan wanted to point out that everyone was helpful.


MOTION: Commissioner Doyle made motion to adjourn the meeting and Commissioner Gray seconded it. The motion passed (6-0-0).

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michael Glidden
Acting Clerk